Chapter 23: what is wrong with the new principal?

As everyone remembered, the old principal is murdered in his office on Christmas day and the day of the school Christmas party. So now, a new principal is assigned to take over the school. He is young and said to finish his studies abroad with flying colors. He came back to the country recently because of the said 'call of duty'. Satorou Subaraku is a twenty-eight year old guy and now is pointed as the new school principal. He came from the middle class family, and the last child of the Subarakus. He studied and grew up in States since he saw six so he is not fluent with the language here. However, he understand a few for his mother is teaching him when they are at home. His father is from this country while her mother is a foreigner and they went migrated from his mother's hometown due to some circumstances. One of the school owners know his a family friend so at first it is requested that his older brother will take the position. However, his brother's wife is currently in labor for their second baby and he can't afford to leave her side for the moment until their baby was born so Satorou who is single is pointed and the same time is available for he just resign from his work in one of the companies there due to personal reason and that makes him come back to the place he used to play when he was young, although he don't remember much about it and also it changed so much from what he last saw. This is a new stepping stone for him and also to the school.

"Kazuuumiii" "It is new year already Fuyumi and you haven't change" "Tsk… as if you changed", she said while pouting trying to look away. "So how is your new year Fuyumi?" "Hmmm, it was fine…I guess" "Did something happened" "Hmmm… nothing", she said while shaking her head. "How about you Kazumi, you went home to your hometown right?" "Hmm yes, it seems a while since I last hang out with my family and when I saw the whole place" "That is good to hear, Kurumi must be happy to see you" 'She is just like a kid as always but there are also times she act so matured, I really can't understand what is going on in a girl's mind" "And that makes us mysterious and you boy's job is to understand us on that thing" "I guess I will never get married" "You are bitter Kazumi, what if there is a girl somewhere out there who will say she love you" "Girl's always say things like that to me" "I mean, a girl is not just some others. A girl who will really be there for you whenever you need someone" "I don't understand but maybe I will start by asking if she's out of her mind" "You can't say that! I know someone will be like that someday" "Are you in love?!" Fuyumi's face suddenly turned red. "Huh?! Are you crazy?!" "No I mean, you are always talking things about being in love and it seems that you are very inspired so I thought if you like someone" "She likes you, stupid", said Hitoshi who just entered the room and passed by them. "Heeeeh!!", Fuyumi and Kazumi said at the same time. "Hitoshi, what are you talking about. Don't tease Fuyumi like that" "I am not teasing her, I'm telling—" "I like you", suddenly Fuyumi said that shocked everyone in the room. "I like you Hitoshi" "Heeeeh!!!", said everyone in the room. "Kazumi, Hitoshi is the one I like" "I want to cheer you up Fuyumi but… I think your taste in guys are awful. Hitoshi is a complete idiot" "What did you said Kazumi!!" "No, I think he is handsome and cool in his own way. He may not be like anyone else but I like him the way he is" "Huh?! But the one you like is—" "I like you Hitoshi" Hitoshi leave speechless took a not so deep breath while scratching his head like he leaves no choice. "Can we took outside Fuyumi?" So Fuyumi and Hitoshi went to the corridor near the stairs where there were only few students passing by. "What are you talking about? I thought you like—" "Can you keep it a secret? For a while pleeeaase, just pretend that you don't know anything" "Why don't you just tell him'' "I will… I will tell him soon but just this time can you pretend that I like you" "Hurgh, I can't believe I was drag into this", he said while looking away. "Okay, I will but in one condition" "What, What condition?"

"I can't believe what I just heard" "Is it true?" "If you will think of it, Hitoshi is a great catch, isn't it?" The room silent and all eyes are on them when Fuyumi and Hitoshi entered in the room then suddenly, the bell rung that indicates it is time for the students to go on their assembly to the gym in order to welcome the new school principal.

"OMG is he the new school principal?" "He is young…and handsome…and…perfect" "I guess I found my motivation to wake up every morning to go to school" "Oh, I heard he studied and grew up Abroad and he just come back here to be the principal of our school because one of the school owners beg him to do so" "Oh oh one more thing, he also graduated from one of the most prestigious school Abroad" "Wow! He is perfect" "I thought that an angel has ascended" Then the eyes of those gossip girls who is whispering to each other in their lines formed a heart eyes as they stare the new principal introducing himself and having a speech to everyone. "What are you girls talking about? You girls really go crazy when you saw handsome guys. I cannot believe at you", said their male classmate. "So…why do you care" "What is your difference, you guys are becoming wild when you see pretty or cute girls with big boobs and butts" "You guys are the real pervert", said the girls that made the guy backed out.

It is been a week since the new school principal seated on his throne and the school seems so peaceful and nothing bad happened, it is surprisingly that the students behave that they don't usually do, especially the girls in school. "Mr. Satorou, I heard that you are just twenty-eight and you already achieved a lot of things in that young age", said the vice principal. "Oh I just achieved those things because my family helped me and motivated me, i still have a lot of things I need to learn" "You are young, smart and handsome. You are so perfect and because of that there is a brighter future waiting ahead of you, so why did you chose this school that is not so popular rather than working to more known schools or big companies" Mr. Zemada", said the school director to stop the vice principal. Satorou take a sip in his hot coffee without having a reaction then put it on the table in front of them. "No it is okay, I think he is right", Satorou answered as he turned his glance from the school director to the vice principal. "Why would I chose to waste my time being a principal in this kind of school if I can make more moneys to some bigger schools where I can share my talent and intelligence, maybe a big man asked me to do the job and he is a family friend so I can't say no" "Mr. Subaraku, please don't mind him. He don't know what he is saying", said again the school director. "I think your vice principal is anxious. He has been working here in years yet he still remain as the vice principal of the school. He thought that with the old principal's lost, he will finally get the position but I came in to the picture that destroys his plan and one more thing is that his superior is much younger than him that can do more better job. His pride must be hurt to give respect to a guy that already has the same age as his son and he's still stuck on the same position for years. He already went saying to people that he will be the new principal of this school that gave his family a false hope but his plan break into pieces when he heard my name taking the position instead. Being the principal doesn't mean you already have all the power to control the whole school so I thought that why would a man wishes to be in that position if you are not going to gain anything but carrying all the responsibilities, those guys who dreamed of that must be a stupid people" The vice principal suddenly stood from his chair wearing an angry face looking at him. "How dare you!—", The school director stopped him that makes him walked out of the room instead. Satorou remain calm in his seat as he took another sip on his coffee. "Mr. Subaraku, I am sorry for what just happened. I don't know what Mr. Zemada thinks to do such things. I can assure you that he is a nice person that you can put your trust" "You shouldn't be apologizing in his place, he knows what he did. He should let himself realize that. And it is no big deal for me on what just happened, this kind of things happened all the time"

Satorou Subaraku is currently staying in the house near the forest. Actually, no one knows that there is a house on that place covered with trees. A two-story house is owned by his father's family that came from their ancestors and passed by the generation that remains standing until the present and that is also the reason why they don't want to sell the house even they don't stay there anymore. His father is scared that his ancestors might ghosted him for not following a family tradition and they also thought that if they might think to have a vacation here, at least they have a shelter to stay. An old couple of caretakers was the only people staying in here so the house is remained clean because of them that is worthy to be stayed. Every day, Satorou went to school riding a luxury car that can't help the people to lay their eyes on.

Kazumi is running on his way to school for he will be ate in waking up so late. His alarm clock is broken that is why he didn't notice that time. He still fixing the buttons on his school uniform while running when a black Lamborghini stopped in front of him and the window slowly goes down. Kazumi thought that the car is familiar like he saw it somewhere yet he can't remember when or where until the face of the new school principal riding that car showed in front of him. He was first shocked to see who is the car is carrying. He took a bow in respect and greeted him a good morning. "Are you Yano Kazumi right?" "Uhmmm yes sir, I am Yano Kazumi" "Get in the car, let me give you a lift since we are going on the same direction", said the principal as the driver get out and opened a door for him. he is too shy that the principal offer him a lift but it might be rude if he will not take the offer since the principal knows him and stopped for him. "Kazumi Yano, i heard that you are the top one in your year ever since" "Uhmmm, yes sir", he answered in a shy tone without looking at him. "And you also had a foreigner friend but sadly she died recently" Kazmi thought that this guy knows a lot of things about him and what is he trying to say. "You might know how to speak foreign languages" "Uhmm, a little" "Good, I really don't know a lot about the local language so I've been thinking if you want to teach me so I can't be out of place since I will be staying here starting from now and I think that you will be a great teacher" "Huh?! But…why me? you can get a personal tutor that is much better than me and more knowledgeable" "But what can I do, I want you", said the principal as he tilt his head and smiled at him that for Kazumi it looks like creepy.

"Woah, did I just saw you went off from the school principal's car Kazumi?" "Are you two close?" Kazumi, do you know the principal" Early in the morning and this is what greeted him, thanks to the principal though he is not late in school. His mind is full of lot of things right now adding what just happened. "It just happened that I was on my way to school when his car passed by and he might recognized me by my uniform so he gave me a ride so I won't be late", he answered in a polite tone of voice. Later at lunch, the principal announced his name to the whole school in speaker calling him to come in his office. Even he is not yet finished in his lunch, after hearing his name he went immediately to the principal's office. "Sorry, sorry Mr. Kazumi for calling you so sudden in the middle of your lunch break", he said as he offered him a seat in front of his table. "What I just said this morning, don't take it seriously. You might got nervous but I am just messing with you to avoid being awkward. But honestly, what I said is true, I am not fluent in speaking the local language but I don't have a problem in communicating to other people though. I thought that I should tell you that cause you might not get a sleep tonight thinking about that. The truth is I want to get to know the smartest man of the second years because he is so popular and now that I see you, I know why. You are an interesting person Kazumi" "Huh?!" "I want to get to know you more. By the way, do you want to give you a lift again this afternoon on your way home?" "Uh, no thank you Mr. Subaraku, I still have things to do before going home" "Is that so then, see you around Mr. Yano. Nice meeting you"

"You are a liar Kazumi, you said you don't know the principal" "So why did he call you?" "Is he still handsome when you see him up close?" "Kazumi, what did you talked about" "He just called me because I am the top in our year level so he might be calling the other top students to get to know them also" "Huh?! Is that it?!" "Yeah that is all, we don't know each other and we are not so close as you think" "I also want to be called" "If I were you I will not wish that" "Why?!" "He is weird" "What kind of weird?" "Ah…I can't explain, I just find him weird or he is just making fun of me?" "He might be so friendly"

"Fuyumi Nagisa right?" "Y..yesss sssirr" "You are quite popular to the boys, now i know why. I heard that you are the top in your year before Yano Kazumi transferred in your school. What do you feel about that?" "Huh?! I don't feel anything. Kazumi is a really smart guy so he deserved to be on the top, even me is nothing compared to him. I mean no hard feelings, we both did our best to be in our positions right now so it doesn't hurt my pride or anything" "Okay, if that is what you said"

"You are also called to his office?" "Yeah and you are right, he is weird like he is possessed" "Maybe that is what he really is" "Hmmm, I think he will be a great principal despite of him being possessed. The school changed when he seated on that throne" "He might so influencial" "Who would think to disobey if your principal is like that, he is the ideal type" "Woah, you talked so much like you didn't just confessed in front of everyone that you like Hitoshi" "Th…that has nothing to do with the topic, you moron" Kazumi just giggled seeing Fuyumi's face in red and embarrassed.

"Ruwasaki Hitoshi" "Y…yes. I am Ruwasaki Hitoshi" "You just transferred here recently right after Yano Kazumi transferred. And I heard that you two came from the same school. So why did you transfer here again" "P…personal reason sir", he said standing straight like a military while is face is blushing. "Oh…personal reason, I see. How is your cousin and your old homeroom teacher, Miss Honda?" Hitoshi didn't see that coming that makes him startled a bit. "She…she's doing fine sir" "You must be so close to Kazumi that you are also neighbors" "W…we used to be friends" "Used to be? You are not friends now?" "S…something happened and that is why", he lowered his voice finishing that sentence. "Okay, that is all I need to know for now, you may go to your class" As Hitoshi went out of the office, he take out a breath of relief that he is been holding on since he entered to the office. On his way to the room, his thought is been bothered by the things like how did the principal know those things, is he stalker or had a psychic power or something? And why did he want to know those kinds of things, like it would not bother him or he doesn't need to care about those kinds of things.

"You are also called to the principal? I thought he is just calling smart people" "Maybe he call people with good looks like he is handsome so he wants to get close to people who is as handsome as him" "Tsk…which part of you is handsome" "Every part" "Well, I should not question that. Fuyumi like you anyway" "Y…yeah so see. I am handsome also", he said with pretension. "Yeah whateves man. But did you notice something wrong with the principal?", he whispered close to him. "He is not a human, he is an alien", Hitoshi whispered back. "Huh?! Alien!" "Yeah, he knows a lot of things that other people doesn't know like he is a stalker and he knows everything" "He is weird right" "Well… you can say he is" "Why did he calling us one by one anyway?" "Maybe he want to know about the student in his school in order to rule the place" "Who do you think is in their right mind to do that in order to rule the place" "He is one of a kind, he is just concerned of the students of his school so he want to know about us individually in order to help us and make the school grow", said of one of their female classmate who happened that she just passed by and heard their topic. "He already overruled the minds of the female students" "He is not a human"

"I thought he's calling every students in his office in order for the school to grow and to know more about them", said their female classmate. "I told you, he just call the students in his level" "Esshh, I also want to see him close" "Well then you should have a face like ours for that to happen" "Tsk…don't be so full of yourself Hitoshi just because Fuyumi confessed to you it doesn't mean that you are that great of a person" "You got that right girls, that is a perfect statement", said Kazumi who just came in.