Chapter 25: happy birthdie

"Kazumi what will you do?" 'About what?" "Kitoki" "Why should I do something at her" "She always look at you every time you passed by her" "I was used to people looking at me" "Wow, are you a celebrity?" I don't regret anything I told her and it looks like she is still with those girls" "I thought you don't care with other's business" "Yeah, I doesn't care… I am just telling what I saw" "Even she looked like her?" "Huh?!" "She looked like Saki, that is what you said" "No she don't, Saki is much better and prettier than her or anyone else in this school" Hitoshi looked at Fuyumi who is also listening to their conversation.

"Uhm… Kazumi. I'm sorry on what happened to us last Saturday", said Kitoki who is now embarrassed and shy standing in front of the table in the canteen where Kazumi and the others are eating. Her voice was loud enough to be heard by the people around that start them whispering to each other. "Is there something that happened?" "In your apartment in the middle of the night last Saturday--", that answer makes the crowd more suspicious. "I already forget about that so if you just…please…don't talk about it anymore" "I am sorry", Kitoki said as she take her turn to walk away. "But we can still be friends if you want to" Kitoki stopped for a while when she heard that then turn to him again. "I loved to", she said with full smile in teary eyes as she jump of joy going to her table.

"I thought you don't like her, what makes you change your mind?" "I thought that I will give her a chance and I want to forget the past already. It is not her fault that she looks like her and I want to face a new beginning starting from her like where I start when I transferred here"

It was past eight in the night when Kazumi went home from a group study again with Fuyumi and the others. He first went to the nearby convenience store to buy a ramen for dinner then went home after. The light in the corridor of the apartment is not yet fixed so this time when you are alone walking in that way, you look like in a horror movie getting chased by a ghost. At first, he is not sure what he is seeing but when he walk closer, he knows that it is true. A girl sitting in front of his door with long hair stand and slowly turned to him. He was about to panic when the girl called his name. "You scared me. It was just you" "I'm sorry Kazumi. It is just… uhm…I want to confirm, are we really friends now?" "Uhm, yeah?!" "I think so", he whispered to himself. In Kitoki's too much happiness, she jumped out to hug him. That was also the time Fuyumi suddenly appeared in the scene holding a plastic bag. "Kazumi, you forgot your—", from looking what is inside of the cellophane she stopped and froze when she looked up and saw Kazumi hugging Kitoki. She didn't said a word and even Kazumi is not aware that she is there. Kitoki saw her and smirked at her while tightening the hug. Fuyumi turned around and leave after seeing that scene. After a second, Kazumi let Kitoki go. "You went all your way here and wait for me just to ask that?" "Uhm, I also want to invite you this Saturday. It is my birthday and we are going to have a beach party" "Beach party in this weather?" "It is an indoor beach party, my family owns one" "Uhm, okay" "You can invite Hitoshi if he wants too also" "I'll call Fuyumi—" "No!" "Huh?" "I…I mean…Fuyumi yeah, I heard about her but I don't think she want to go" "Why?!" "Ask her yourself", she said as she tilt her head a little then smile hiding her eyes. A question mark formed in the face of Kazumi. "I will give you the invitation later tomorrow and also to Hitoshi at school okay, don't be late", she said as she wave goodbye to him.

The next morning, Kitoki went to Kazumi's room to give the invitation letter. Without saying anything to the other students in the room, she entered and went directly where Kazumi is. "Kazuuuumiiii" "Oh Kitoki what are you doing here" "I told you last night at your place that about my birthday this Saturday, so I am here to give you the invitation letter", she said in a trying to be cute voice as she brought out the letter. Kazumi slowly get the letter from her then said thank you. "What did the two of you did in your place last night?", Hitoshi whispered to his ears. "Nothing", Kazumi whispered back" "Uhm, Hitoshi if also want. You can attend my party this Saturday with Kazumi", she said as she gave another one to Hitoshi. "Of course I want. I'll go" "Oh thank you. I'll wait for you" Fuyumi entered the room right after Kitoki left. "Good morning Kazumi" "Good morning Fuyumi" "What is that?", she asked staring at the thing the two boys are holding. "Is that a love letter?" "It is an invitation letter. Kitoki invited us in her birthday party this Saturday in their indoor beach. If you want to, you can come with us" After mentioning Kitoki's name, Fuyumi remembered what she saw last night. "Ki…Kitoki….Ahm….I don't think I can go… I have something to do on that day", she said as she about to return to her seat when she remembered something. "Ah Kazumi, you forgot the apples that Yo gave us", she said as she put the plastic bag of apples on Kazumi's table. "Oh thank you" "Who is Yo?", asked Hitoshi. "He's in our group study from different school" "I went to your place last night to give it to you but you seem busy with something so—" "I wasn't busy last night, why didn't you call" "Ah it is my fault, sorry", she said as she returned to her seat. "Dude, why do girls keep on mentioning last night" "I don't know, I wasn't busy last night so why did she say that"

"Ugh, why I am waiting for you again?", asked Kazumi who is been waiting in front of Hitoshi's apartment early in the morning when Hitoshi came just came out. "Because the two of us are invited?" Even the day just started, Kazumi seems so tired already.

"Are you sure this is the exact address?" "I think so, it is the same on what is written on the letter", said Hitoshi as he raised the letter to compare the address written to the entrance and to the letter. "Ah!" "What" "Kitoki gave me her number", he said as he look for his phone in his bag. "I will give her a call to make sure", while dialing her number. The phone on the other line is ringing when Kitoki appeared in front of them to guide them inside. Her girlfriends are already in the place wearing their bikinis flashing their full smile to the two boys who just entered. Hitoshi is looking around the place with an amazement on his eyes when they entered while Kazumi is just in his usual face.

Their first activity is playing beach volleyball. Hitoshi actively played with the girls while Kazumi went for a walk. "Kazuuumiii!!!" Kazumi stopped from walking to see who is calling him. "Oh Kitoki" "What are you doing here, we are playing beach volleyball. Why don't you join us?" "No thanks, I just want to take a look on the whole place" So the two of them walked together taking tour. "It is my first time on an indoor beach so I am bit curious" "You can come here anytime if you want" "It looks like everything is real, the trees, the water, there is even a mountain like we are really on a real one" "There is also a cave here" "Oh really" "Do you want to go and see?" "Sure"

"I always went here since I was a kid, I was lost once then I cried until the butlers found me" "It is very dark and bit scary so a kid like you that time will really be in tears if you are left alone in this kind of place" "But even that happened I still go here until I got used to it and now I am not scared anymore, especially today that I am with someone" Kazumi hold Kitoki's hand while his other hand is holding the phone used for flashlight.

The girls and Hitoshi is finally done in playing the beach volleyball and they went to take a rest for a bit. "Where is Kazumi?" "I saw him went over there with Kitoki a while ago", said the other girl pointing at the direction where she last saw the two.

"Kazumi" "Hmmm" "What changed your mind to be my friend?" "I am sorry if I am rude to you when we first met. It was just uh…. You remind me of someone" "Who? Did I look like her?" "You look like her in the first glance, your hair, your face and everything" "Do you like her?" "She's gone, she is already dead" "I…I am sorry" "It is okay. She is the first person I met when I transferred in our school and the first person that became my friend here" "I thought it is Fuyumi" "Fuyumi became my friend when she died. Fuyumi came to talk to me first until we used to talk to each other and to be with each other" "Who do you think is much prettier, me or Fuyumi?" "You" "Really!", she said in excitement. "Why do you think that I am prettier than her?" "Because you look like her" "The girl you said who died?" "Hmmm" " If I don't look like her, would you still see me beautiful?" "I don't know" "Do you like her?" "It is almost time for lunch, the others might be waiting for us, we should go back" "Ah…ah okay" Then Kazumi let go of Kitoki's hand and turned the flashlight off in his phone when they went out of the cave. On their entire time inside, Kazumi is holding her hand but he never looked at her.

"Where did you go? I am already hungry" "We went to take a walk" "So tell me, did you score already?", Hitoshi whispered. "What do you mean?" "Oh c'mon don't tell me you don't know" "Stop thinking dirty things, we didn't do anything. I didn't even like her" Little did they know that Kitoki is in their back listening to them.

Kitoki brought out the cake then lighted up the candle as they began to sing her a happy birthday then blew the candles.

After lunch, the girls went for swimming while Kazumi under the huge tree reading a book and Hitoshi is not yet finish with his food. After a little while, Kazumi fall asleep.

Kazumi woke up when he heard the scream of the girls. His eyes bulged when he saw the girls in the water getting carried by a huge wave and the water is forming like in Bermuda Triangle. He don't know how to help if he will jump in to the water to save the girls or he will call for help. After a little while the helped has arrive but it was too late, the water is already calm then the girls is already saved. They are all unconscious lying on the sand in line. After a few minutes, the ambulance has arrived and bring all of them in the hospital. "Wait, did you see Kitoki inside?", Kazumi asked to Hitoshi who is standing in his side while they are watching the car vanish in their eyes. The two of them look at each other at the same time then immediately went inside again to look for the girl.

"Kitoki!!!" "Kitoki!!" "I don't think Kitoki went to the water with the girls that time so I think she's save as I remember", Hitoshi said. "Even though, even it is either she went in or not, we have to find her" "When that incident happen, she is already not here?" "What do you mean?" "I think she is the one who did that" "Hitoshi, why would Kitoki do such thing in her own birthday. I would rather think that you did it than her" "What?! Do you still think that I am the killer? That I am the one responsible on those other kids' death?" "If you are not then who. You look so suspicious since the first I met you. You said that we went on the same school last year but I don't remember you then you are very close with my sister like you already know each other a long time ago" "I am not that kind of person to be known by everyone to begin with so I don't wonder that you didn't know me" "How do you even know so much about me, you are creeping me out like you are a stalker" "I know everything. Will you stop suspecting me, it hurts my feeling like we are not friends. We should look first to Kitoki and ask her"

"What is that place?" "It is a cave. I went there with Kitoki this morning" "Can we go?" "Hitoshi, stop acting like a child and look for Kitoki" "Maybe Kitoki is in there" "Why would you think that Kitoki went in there and what would she do there?" "You'll never know", Hitoshi said as he entered in the cave. Kazumi sigh on Hitoshi's stubbornness as he followed him inside. "Kitoki is used to be scared in the dark when she is little especially when she is alone so I don't think that she will be here. We must go look for other places" Kazumi turned around to about go to the exit. "Wait, what is that?" The two of them lighted where the small noise is coming from. "Kitoki!", they both said as they help her. She is lying on the ground moaning in pain. Kazumi carried her in his back and go back. She fall asleep in pain so they let her be. "What do you think happened to her and why is she in that place?" 'We both don't know the answer so stop asking me. we'll ask her if she woke up and if she's okay"

"You finally woke up. Are you okay?", then he gave her a glass of water. Kitoki drink the water catching her breath "What happened?" "We found you in the cave and you are moaning in pain until you fall asleep. What happened?" "I…I don't know. I don't remember. I just found myself inside that place and I was so scared that my stomach is in pain. I don't have a light on me so I can't find my way out" "It is okay, you can take it easy. You can tell me if you already remembered anything" "What about the girls" "Something happened so they are in the hospital right now" "What?! Why?!" "They got drown while they are having a swimming. There is something happened in the water, I think there is a malfunction" "Oh My Gosh, this is the first time something like that happened" "But I'm glad you are safe"

For now, Kazumi and Hitoshi went home that afternoon while Kitoki is been take cared by their family doctor and the other girls are still in the hospital and still unconscious, their life right now is fifty-fifty.

Sunday night, Kazumi just lie on his bed when he received a call from Kitoki. "Hello Kitoki. How are you?"( "I'm fine. The doctor said that I can attend my class tomorrow, it was just a normal stomachache") "That is good to hear" ("Kazumi, that wasn't the only thing I want you to know why I called") "What is it Kitoki, tell me" ("I already remember what happened. Why you found me in the cave that day") "Really, tell me what happened"

("I was about to go to the water and join the group when I received a text message. It is said that I need to go to the cave because I need to see something in there. So when I went there, I dropped of my phone to the water, then my stomach hurts so I can't move")

"Do you remember who send you the text message?" ("No, but I think that person is close to me, I mean, I trust that person to the point that I follow that person without a doubt") "We need to get your phone back to know who that person is. There might be the possibility that it is the same person who caused the malfunction in the water" ("Don't worry, I will ask for our maids and butlers to find my phone. I will give you an update") "Okay, thank you. You should get a rest right now, you must be tired of what happened. It is your birthday then this happened" ("I am okay. No one want this after all. We will make that person pay in braking our happiness and putting our lives in danger") "Good night Kitoki" ("Good night Kazumi. See you at school tomorrow")