Three days from now is valentines and everyone is getting excited from it like it is really a big event especially to those who have lovers in their lives and a day of hell and suffering to those who doesn't have. It is a one day in a year where you can express your love to the person you like by giving them chocolates, a friend, a family or a lover. As soon as the month of February entered, everyone is already getting ready by buying ingredients, making lists and planning how will it be.
"Are you and Fuyumi are still on a fight?" "I will talk to her after class" "Good, that's the man"
So it happened, Fuyumi and Kazumi are the only students left in their class. Kazumi is standing near the window watching the sun setting while Fuyumi is standing at the door. Without looking at her, Kazumi start talking by apologizing to her. Fuyumi asked what he is sorry for. Kazumi said that he is sorry for not considering her and what might she feel. "S…stupid", said Fuyumi while she is blushing in red. Kazumi answered again saying that he is just afraid that someone might die again and it happened. Fuyumi asked him if Kitoki doesn't look like Saki, will he still care for her? With that question, a memory flashed in his mind, Kitoki asked the same at him also and this time he will give the same answer. Fuyumi asked again if she is the one who look like Saki and not Kitoki, will he also gave her that much attention? Kazumi answered that whoever she looked like, he will still care for her because she's a friend. "Friend", whispered Fuyumi to herself. This time, Kazumi face her and said, "Let's go home", as he offered his right hand to her.
"So you two make-up already, I wonder how it happened" "We just talked and I apologize" "What did you talk about?" "Just this and that" "Hmm, what is this and that", said Hitoshi while acting like a kid. "What are you doing in my apartment in the first place" "I don't have something to cook so I came to eat dinner with you ", he said as he show up his spoon and fork. Even Hitoshi keeps on bugging him what happened, he still don't want to spill anything. "It's okay if you don't want to tell something to me, I will ask Fuyumi myself tomorrow" "Waaahh", that makes Kazumi stand from his chair. "According to your reaction, something happened", said Hitoshi flashing his crazy smile. "She just asked me some things then we go home together after" "So what is this some things", said Hitoshi in an excited tone of voice. "She asked me if I just care about Kitoki because she looked like Saki" "So what did you say" "Kitoki asked me the same question before and I give her the same answer I gave Kitoki" "What is it" I cared for her because she's a friend" "Is that it? Is that what she asked you?" "She also asked me if she is the one who look like Saki and not Kitoki, would I also care for her" "What did you say?" "I gave the same answer. I will still care for her even who she looks like because she is a friend" "A friend? So you told her that she is just a friend" "Yes, why?" "Ah man, you are slow" "Why what?" "Huh nothing. So what happened next" "We walked home together" "You didn't talked again while walking?" "No, the whole trip is silent. We just talked when we go on our separate ways" "Huh I can't believe this", said Hitoshi while pulling his hair with his both hands. "Is there something wrong?" "Nothing"
The next day is Saturday so they don't have a class of course. Kazumi woke seeing Kurumi smiling brightly at him at the side of his bed. Kazumi almost jump out of bed in shock. Kurumi greeted him a good morning wearing her biggest smile. She went to the kitchen to get ready for breakfast. Kazumi asked her what she is doing here. Kurumi said that she doesn't have school for today and on Monday is valentines so she went to give him and the others a chocolate today because she had a class on Monday so she will not make it here. Kazumi get out of his bed and went to the dining table. After breakfast, Kurumi went to Hitoshi's to give his chocolate while Kazumi is left in his room playing games. He doesn't have a plan for the day so he is stuck in his video games for the whole day. While he is in the middle of fighting the villain, a thought came from his mind. Kurumi is taking too long in Hitoshi's place, maybe they are doing something or Hitoshi is doing something to her. In that thought, Kazumi rushed into the apartment next door. The door is half opened so he let himself in. he saw the two laughing and telling stories while eating a snack. "Oh brother, I thought you are not coming. What changed your mind?" "I…uh…I wonder when will you gave me my chocolates. You should give your own brother a chocolate first before anyone else and…you are taking too long in his place so I came to pick you up" "Hitoshi invited us to eat lunch in a restaurant today and for your chocolate, I left it in your study table. I will call Nagisa this afternoon to give her chocolates also" "Huh?! We are going to eat lunch with that guy!" "Why, don't you want to?" "I already see him every day and ate with him at school so why do I still need to share a table with him in lunch in a weekend" "You are killjoy as always, it might be fun and his treat. Hitoshi treat people once in a blue moon so we shouldn't waste this chance" "Oh it looks like you are telling that I am a miser, Kurumi" "No, I am saying that you use your money wisely, Hitoshi" "Go change your clothes, we will wait for you", said Kurumi while pushing Kazumi into his apartment to get change.
"Can you tell me why do I ended up here again?" "Because as I said a while ago, Hitoshi invited us out to eat lunch" "Can we do this faster, I wanna go home. I am in the middle of a fight with a monster" "Huh, you and your games" The waitress arrived and take their orders. Kurumi excused herself for a second for a need to go to the bathroom. "What are you plotting inside" "Huh?!" "You will not invite us out here if you are not planning on something" "I am just being kind here, after all it is valentines" "Valentines is on Monday and stop with your 'being king' stuff" "If you don't believe me then it is okay. It doesn't hurt to invite you out once in a while and it doesn't hurt to be thankful sometimes. I don't see Kurumi much often so I want to treat her also and as a thank you for the chocolates' Their order finally arrived and after a second, Kurumi returned. "Wow, it looks delicious", said Kurumi being amazed on the dishes that are in front of her. "Grab in", said Hitoshi. So the three of them started eating. "Hmmm, it is delicious" "Eat slowly Kurumi. No one will steal your food"
"Oh that was good. I think I gain a kilo for eating too much today. I was so full", Kurumi said while stroking her belly. "It looks like you enjoyed your food" "Hmm", she answered nodding while smiling at him with her eyes are hidden. "You look like a pregnant woman", said Kazumi without reaction. They are on their way home now when they got passed by a shop. "Woah, that bear is cute", said Kurumi who is amaze again to a display bear keychain in one of the shop through a see through mirror. "Do you like it?" "Nah, I just found it cute", she said then continue walking.
"Uh... I am so sorry. I didn't know you were coming. I didn't prepare anything for you" "Hmm, it's okay", Kurumi said shaking her head side wards. "Even brother doesn't know that I am coming. I want to surprise you guys and give all my friends a chocolate for valentines" "If you want, we can hang out tomorrow, just the two of us. It will be my treat as a thank you for the chocolates" "You don't have to do that but if you insist then I wouldn't say no" "Cool, it would be fun. We are going on a friendly girl date" "Oh I'm looking forward to it" It is getting late already so Fuyumi decided to go and also to prepare for tomorrow.
"You and Fuyumi are really getting along" "Hmm, I feel like we are sisters in our past lives" "You are over reacting. You two are crazy and that is why" "What did you say?!" "No…thing"
"I'm sorry I was late. I got caught in a traffic and—", said Kurumi holding her both knees catching her breath. "It is okay, I just came early", said Fuyumi with a smile. As usual, like what the other girls do, they went first on a shopping to look for clothes, shoes and accessories. They take turns in going in to the fitting room. Roam around the shopping mall the whole days and ate sweets, talk about guys, their celebrity idols, favorite dramas and some other stuffs.
"Are you going to take the last trip later?" "Hmm, I will take the first trip tomorrow morning", answered Kurumi as she take a sip in her drink. "Why did you asked?" "I thought I can accompany you to the station" "My brother will do the job" "So…uhm…what kind of brother is Kazumi?" "He's annoying, the worst. There are lots of time I hate him rather than I care for him. When we were kids, he always tease me but every time I stumble and fall, his hands are the first thing I see between my tears. There is one time that we played hide and seek and I went too far to hide. I can't remember my way back and it started raining. I cried so hard that time hugging my knees that I feel so cold then until I saw his hands offering for me then he guide me until we got home. Of course mom got angry at us but I will never forget that time. He is not a perfect brother that you can see on dramas. However, I am still glad that he became my brother" "He might be a great brother, I wish I also have one" "I also wish to have a sister like you. I grew up with just the two of us. I want a girl where I can talk like this and tell all my secrets. It feels awkward for me to tell my brother things like this and I know that he will just tease me and think that I am just a little girl he used to see" "You know when I first met your brother, I was pissed. I can't accept that someone is smarter than me and I never thought that someone will steal my place to be on top. In the other hand. I am grateful and thankful that I met someone like him. Before he came, I don't belong to any group in our class. I always end up going to one group of friends to the other. I don't know where I belong, I don't know how to fit in. People always look up on me because I have a face and a brain, they thought my life is perfect that everyone wish to be me instead but deep inside, I envy them. I envy those people who have someone they can call friends, who have someone they can call family, and who have someone they can lean on. What is the use of having beauty and brain if you are not really happy. Men confessed on me and I never lost a suitor, still I can't find happiness. I thought they just want me to be their girl for them to have someone to be displayed and be proud of and for them to have someone who can make their school works perfect. I hate that thought and I hate the feeling. But you know what, the moment your brother entered into that room, it was like he erased everything. Every doubt and fear and that makes me think that he might be the person I've been wishing for to have. I don't know what is in him that I saw and feel this way but I know I found a friend and a family in him. maybe Hitoshi also, but not really" "Do you like my brother Nagisa?" "Huh, w..what are you…t…talking about. I said he is just a friend" "It is okay, I am glad to be your sister-in-law" "S…stupid" Kurumi giggled upon seeing Fuyumi's reaction that her face is all in red and she don't know how to avoid the question.
"Do you plan on giving chocolates to him tomorrow and Hitoshi?" "I…I never make a chocolate for someone so…I don't know" "You must be the kind of person who receive chocolates on valentines rather than giving them" Ah…ah…" "That will be easy, I will teach you how to do it, every year I hand chocolates to my friends so I already know the basics. I will teach you how to do it so that starting from now and the years to pass, you can make your own chocolate on valentines" And with that, they end up on Fuyumi's place making valentine chocolates. With these experience, you can say that even how smart a person is, they still have a weakness. Fuyumi tried many trials then after a decade she finally made the perfect one. A chocolate for Hitoshi And of course, to Kazumi. Fuyumi is really tired like she wrestle five big guys that she almost lie on the sofa. "Hmm… this is good for a beginner" "I wasted so much ingredients and time, how can that be not good" "It is your first time to make effort to somebody, I am sure that he will be glad" "Why do I need to make chocolate in the first place if I can just buy the one who is already perfectly made in a store" "Because your own made chocolate will means that you really like the person you want to give those to that you make an effort to be appreciated and show your sincerity" "You talked like a matured lady already" "Well, that is how I am" After that, it is already getting tired so Kurumi decided to go home already. "I have so much fun for today. I hope that we can do this again next time" "Yeah sure, I also enjoy your company and thank you" Kurumi start to walk her way home as she wave goodbye to her.
Kurumi is really in good mood on that day that she hum while walking like a princess on a Disney movie. A cold wind passed her that make her shiver in cold. She is just wearing a sleeveless dress so even a little wind can make her cold. She brought out her phone to dial his brother's number but the answering machine is the taking the call. She also tries dialing Hitoshi's number but he is not answering the phone. That time Hitoshi is on the shower so he can't hear his ringtone while Kazumi is playing his games as usual. A chill run over to her whole body as she take a step one at a time. She kept on looking at her surrounding like someone is watching and following her. When she heard someone's footsteps getting louder and louder at her back, she tried to run but it seems that her knees are too weak to move. She was holding paper bags that she used to hit the person from the back. And that when she realized that it is not someone she think it is. The guy introduced himself as Fuyumi's younger brother. Fuyumi said that she is too worried to have Kurumi walked home alone in this time so she let her brother accompany her. Finally, Kurumi can relax and be in relief that all her fears is gone. It is their first time to meet each other so it is bit awkward and they don't talk too much. This silent is making Kurumi crazy so even she is a bit shy, she decided to break the ice. "Uhmm…Uhh…I thought Nagisa is the only child. By the way, I am Kurumi. I'm the sister of one of her friends and classmate" "Kazumi?!" "Uh…you know Kazumi. Yes, he's my brother" "Sis, talked about him a lot and he also visit our place sometimes" "Oh he did!", Kurumi said in excitement. "Uhmm, may I ask what year are you?" "Uh… I'm first year and you?" "I am first year too" "Woah, we're also the same" After that small conversation, silence is cover the whole place again. Kurumi is thinking of a good topic to make the air lighter and she didn't notice that they already reach the place. "We're here", Fuyumi's brother said in no reaction. "I…uh…yeah, that sure was fast. I didn't notice the time" Kurumi excitedly went to the stairs and said goodbye to him. Before she take another step, she forgot one thing. "Uh!!!", as she turned around to look for him. Fuyumi's little brother is still not that far so he heard Kurumi's voice that makes him stop and turned to her also. "I think we are going to meet again! I still didn't know your name!!", she shouts. Fuyumi's brother told her his name but she didn't hear it because the moment he opened his mouth to answer, a truck came to park that makes the surrounding noisy and also a group of birds flew out from the tree in front of the building and that makes harder for her to hear him. she want to ask him again but she's too shy and the guy walked fast after saying his name.
Kurumi entered the apartment with a bit of disappointment. "Oh, I thought you enjoyed the time with Fuyumi. What is with that face?", Kazumi asked while watching Kurumi taking off her shoes as he sip his coffee sitting in the dining. "Yeah, I really enjoyed a lot my time with Nagisa" "It doesn't look like that to me. Did something happened?" "Uh… do you know what Nagisa's younger brother's name?" "Hmm…I did meet him a few times but I didn't ask for his name, why" From a little excitement, she become down again. "Nothing" "Did you like him?!" "No!!!" "Then why are you asking?" "He accompany me on my way home from their place but I didn't get a chance to ask for his name. And besides, he is the same year as I am, so I think we can also be a good friends" "Hmm…I see" "This is your fault brother" "Why did it become my fault?" "I was afraid to walk alone so I called your number but you are not answering, well of course, you are too busy with your games so you didn't hear your phone ringing countless times and also you met him few times and you don't even care asking for his name while he know yours. You are pathetic" "So you are taking your anger to me now. I will ask Fuyumi for his name if that will make you better" "No thanks, I will ask him myself when we meet each other again. I got a feeling that I will meet him again" "Whatever, do what you want"