Ambulance, fire trucks and police cars immediately went to the rescue but sad to say that no one survived from that fall.
"I can't believe that such tragedy will happen in this beautiful day", said Fuyumi hugging her knees sitting at the stairs of the bus with the two boys standing beside her watching the people rescuing the student's dead body one at a time. "No one really want this to happen. It is truly that you should expect the unexpected", said Hitoshi. "This thing really is unavoidable, they should have already take action since a long time ago to make a cover or a fence on that cliff beside the road to avoid this kind of accidents. They are still young. This is the second time in a row this day", said Kazumi.
Their teacher called the class 2-D's attention to get on the bus to continue their journey to where they are going and let those professionals handle the incident for the sun began setting.
The whole bus filled with whispers and worries while the driver start moving it. Kazumi goes back to sleep while Fuyumi turned the music on again to Kazumi's headphone and closed her eyes once again and Hitoshi on the other side is busy playing his phone.
Every individual is getting mesmerized by looking at the place where they will be staying for five days and four nights that they almost forgot on what happened earlier. A hunchbacked old man holding a broom wearing an old loose dirty white shirt, big black pants and a pair of slippers who is in his late fifties welcomed the whole class with his wide big smile showing her dark big yellow teeth with a little saliva flowing out of his mouth. The teacher introduced him as the care taker of the villa for almost a five decades since he was young. The teacher announced to take this time to rest and fix their things in their assigned rooms and the teacher will let them know if the dinner is ready. Before going on this trip, they already had a meeting during their homeroom and have their draw lots of who will stay in the same room together. Each room has three bedrooms that means three students will stay in a room wherein boys are separated from the girls, an old rugged wardrobe and big dark curtains with full of dusts.
Hitoshi, Kazumi and Kota will be in one room while Fuyumi, Nakumi and Emica will share the same room. The three young man sitting in their own bed intensely staring at each other like they met for the first time leaving their things unpacked. On the other hand, "I am really looking forward looking forward for this event every year", said Emica while jumping on the bed. "It is my first time having a bed this soft, it is so nice and comfy", she added, this time she's already lying on the same bed. "I brought some snack if you like, we can eat it at night while telling stories", said Nakumi showing them the snacks she brought. "That was nice, let us do that", said Fuyumi unpacking her things.
A little while, the teacher called all of them for dinner. As they all arrived in the dining area. Their eyes sparked with amusement seeing different kinds of dishes prepared in front of them for the first time. One of the cook came out of the kitchen carrying another new dish after everyone settled down. They was about to do a race in putting foods in their plates when the teacher stopped them sitting at end part of the table like a father of a family to pay respect before eating together. They was about to start when they hear a scream of one of their classmate coming from the second floor of the building. The teacher and the other students who likes interrogating run immediately where the voice is coming from. Suki is shaking while standing in front of her room. One bed from that room is covered with blood, the teacher went and comfort Suki leading her downstairs where everyone is. The other went to calm her down and also to ask her. "I…I just went to the bathroom for a bit when I heard the teacher called for dinner so I was supposed to go back and lock the room before going down when…when I saw that one of the beds are already full of blood and the things that was unpacked when I left are already scattered around the room", she said while still shaking. "Whoever did this kind of prank, it is not funny. Come in front and show yourself before your punishment will become heavier", announced the teacher to everyone.
Fuyumi and her roommates volunteered themselves to clean the room that is filled with blood while the remaining others are left downstairs investigating at each other if who did the crime. "This is insane, who will think to throw this kind of joke in our first day here", said Emica creating a disgust face holding a pillow with blood flowing on it. "It look like it is not actually a blood but some liquid thing colored with red", said Fuyumi. "How did you know?" asked Nakumi. "Human blood is should already be darken when oxygen is removed, it means the color is not supposed to be as bright as red when it is not flowing inside the human body but this one, a time had already passed but it is still in bright red color and blood dries immediately; however this liquid or whatever this is, it is still wet and not sticky like a blood is supposed to be", she explained. "As expected from the top student", said Emica. "Whether it is a real blood or not, that is not the issue here. We are supposed to be looking who did this in that short amount of time. To think that the culprit all did this when Suki left for the bathroom", said Nakumi. "It is not magical if the culprit is not alone", answered Fuyumi. "You're right, a single person can't do all this things in a matter of minutes or even second, unless they are two or more" "But the question is, who are they?", asked Emica. "An evidence must be left somewhere in here" "What about her roommates, are they supposed to be the responsible to lock this room when they are going out even Suki is not present", said Fuyumi. "I think, they are Chiasa and Bashira" "So Chiasa and Bashira are our main suspects" "We are not yet sure, we don't have an evidence yet", said Fuyumi looking around the room looking for something. "If they are the suspects, then why their things are also scattered around when the incident happen?" "Maybe they put it that way to remove their names from the people to be blame, they are her roommates and it is sure that they are the first persons to be blame" "Or they really are not the one behind of this thing" "So what do you mean? Other people will do this to prank and scare Suki? All of us are in that dining room that time and Suki is the only person who is not in there"
"Woah (yawning) what happened here?" The three of them looked at the door at the same time where the one is speaking is. "What are you doing here? Are you supposed to be downstairs with the others?" asked Nakumi. "I got tired when we arrived, I didn't notice that I fall asleep, I just woke up", the person said while still yawning and stretching his arms. "Are you sure you are in your room still sleeping when we came here until this time?" "Yeah why" "Do you have any proof?" "Proof of what?! That I am sleeping?!" Nakumi answered by bulging her eyes unto him. "Why do you need a proof?" "Do you see this? We are looking for the stupid person who did this stupid thing that destroys all our stupid precious time in this villa", said Nakumi. "Okay fine, fine. I don't have any evidence to show you but I am telling you, I swear it is not me, I didn't do it" "What about your roommates, do they know that they left you sleeping?" "Huh, Norman and Kaito. I am with them a moment ago, I'm sure they will prove that I was sleeping all this time" "What if you are faking your sleep when they are there and woke up when they left the room" "Why would I do that, I don't have anything against Suki" "How did you know that Suki is the victim, we didn't said any name" "Uhhh…. I heard it in the hallway when I am coming here and… are those things are Suki's? I saw here carrying it a while ago" "You are still suspicious, why is it so hard to believe your words" "I don't care if you believe me or not, as long as I know that I am innocent and didn't do anything. I shouldn't be proving something here" "That would any suspect will say" "What if he is not really the one who did it", said Fuyumi. "Then who did it?" asked Nakumi. Fuyumi lift a small bottle of food coloring placed in a small bag under the cabinet.
Suki are still shaking from fear while the other class is debating of who did it and will be punished. "You are here roommates, are you supposed to lock the door before going out" "We did closed the door when we leave, I didn't know how it opened when Suki arrived" "Stop making excuses, all the evidence are pointing on you two and it is easier to pull that prank because it is your room" "Evidence? What evidence?" "Uh… we will find for that later but you two had a chance to do that" "Why we will do that? Suki is our friend" "Really huh? Is she your friend even she make you feel embarrassed in front of everyone and accused you for stealing her boyfriend even you don't know that she is in a relationship. Are you her friend?" "Y…yes, friends misunderstand and fight sometimes. We know that Suki can get scared easily and we don't want to destroy everyone's mood because we all are waiting for this so we don't have a reason to do that prank" "Enough of reasons, you already had enough motive to do the thing. If I were you, I will also get angry when someone embarrasses me or accused me of the things I didn't do. The two of you are prohibited to go out of your room tomorrow, you should reflect of the things you have done" "But teacher, we didn't do it" "Teacher!! Teacher!!" "It is already late at night, all of us are tired, and we should all sleep early tonight. No more playing games or jokes. We will all wake up seven in the morning tomorrow", the teacher announced ignoring the two students.
Fuyumi and the three others went running down the stairs when they met their classmates going on their rooms. "Wait, where are you going?" "On our room" "But we still didn't point out who is behind of this things" "Chiasa and Bashira did it" "Huh?! No?! They are innocent. The one who did it is—""Fuyumi, we are tired. A lot happened in this day since we are still on the road until we came here, we all want to rest", said her classmate passing by her. "But…but…" Nakumi tap her shoulder and said, "Let's tell them tomorrow. For now, let us take a rest" as she walk to her room.
Kota suddenly woke in the middle of the night in need to use the bathroom wherein everyone is already fast asleep. He first shake Hitoshi to wake him up and accompany him yet Hitoshi is so much in touch with his sleep the same with Kazumi that he also tries to wake up. Without a choice, Kota went alone to the bathroom rather than peeing his pants while sleeping like a kid. Holding the flashlight that keeps on flickering on his right hand, he went out of the room. A cold wind rushed in his face coming from the opened window in the hallway when he opened the door in their room. Kota is shaking because it is either he feel cold from the wind or he is afraid that something might popped out. He went to close the window and went immediately to the men's room which is at the end of the hallway. While on his way, he heard someone is crying. He lighted the whole place using his flashlight that is running out of battery and yet, no one is in there. "I told you, there is a ghost in here", he whispered to himself. He ran to the bathroom and take a quick pee. He was about to go back when he heard a noise coming from the girl's restroom. The crying voice was gone and changed into something else. He slowly walk through the door of the restroom shaking his flashlight that will die any minute. The flashlight lighted up a girl in a white dress, both of them startled a little seeing each other on that time and on the situation. "You?! What are you doing here", asked Kota as he turned his sight to the bottle that person is holding that it seems that person was putting away what is inside of the bottle and flushing it to the toilet bowl. "How about you? It is already late at night, you should be sleeping" "I… I went to urinate. Wait, what is that?", Kota was about to grab the bottle but that person took it away. "You don't care, it has nothing to do with you" "Hey, tell me. What is inside the bottle is—" That person sweat a lot even the night is cold and that person's heart is throbbing loud. "Uh…uh…it—" "Your pee" "Huh?!" "You want to go to the bathroom to urinate but you are too lazy because the weather is cold and you are also scared so you peed on that bottle and now that you had a courage before anyone will discovered what you've done, you are disposing so that you won't embarrass yourself", Kota said while smiling back to that person. "Huh?! You're… right. I was shy that you discovered it" said while scratching the nape acting embarrassed. "Oh, flashlight run out of battery. I should go and change it" said Kota looking at the flashlight that just turned off. "We should go together, it is dark here and scary to walk alone", he added. "Oh… is Kota afraid" "N…no…I'm not. See I went to the bathroom to pee even I am alone unlike you peeing on the bottle like a scaredy cat" "Ha! You're right" Both of them went together in their own room and go back to sleep.
"Where's Chiasa and Bashira? I still didn't saw them today for breakfast?" asked Fuyumi while sitting holding her plate of food on the table where Kazumi and the others are. "Didn't you know? They got punish, they are not allowed to go out of their room today to reflect on what they did", answered Kota. "Huh, what they did?" "The prank on Suk last night, they are the one who did it" "Huh, how? They are not the culprit" "They have motif in scaring Suki. Maybe they planned this beforehand knowing that Suki got scared easily to get revenge on her" "Revenge?" "Suki embarrassed Chiasa in front of everyone in the canteen at school one time spreading her stolen pictures while Suki accused Bashira in stealing her boyfriend even Bashira don't know that Suki had one and Suki posted it on social media" "That was terrible" "I know right, if I were them, I will do the same thing" "Fuyumi", called Kazumi. From Kota, Fuyumi turned her attention to Kazumi waiting what he would tell her next. "You said that Bashira and Chiasa are not the one behind this. How'd you know?" Fuyumi move closer to them to whisper what she had discovered. "Well, I found a bottle of food coloring under their cabinet hid in a small bag of cloth—"
"We should tell to the teacher", said Kazumi. "That was I about to do last night but everyone stopped me" "But why would she do that?" "Maybe she wants attention" "Ehe, attention? That's insane" "Whatever her reason is, we need to tell the teacher and freed Chiasa and Bashira" Without finishing their breakfast, Kazumi went to talk to the teacher with the group while Fuyumi went back to their room to get the evidence.
"So, you know that I am the one behind of this" Fuyumi was shocked when someone talked to her. She walked closely to Fuyumi with smirk on her face. One step forward and Fuyumi move one step backward. "As expected of one of the school sophomore's genius. I know that I will be discovered sooner or later but I didn't expect that it was you" "What do you mean" "Kazumi is smarter than you, right? You were always on the top until he came to the picture and stole your place" "And so, I don't really care being the second highest" "Well you don't care now, but you hate him at first for stealing the spotlight. However, you learned to like him and everything changed like learning to accept that you will be forever second if he's around" "Why are you doing this" "Hmmm… because I'm bored? I really want to know if who will discover my secret first among you two" "are you envious of us as a top students?" "HAHAHAHAHA! Are you kidding me? Don't make me laugh. Why would I envy people like you if I can eliminate you. I just want to play games and you should be thankful because you are the pick of the day" "Game? Is this fun for you? Accusing innocent people and acting? Are you also the one who did all these killings?" "The killings? Nah, I won't go that low but I want to meet whoever is doing that" "How did you know that we already discovered about your secret" "It is easy, I have ears and eyes in every part of this house" "So you have an accomplice" "An accomplice? Why would I drag someone else in my own game, I like having fun on my own. I had a great acting skills you know, so I can handle on my own. Like last night, I played innocent so no one will accuse me. It is too bad that Chiasa and Bashira are drag into this but what can I do, I already expected that" "What do you get in playing this?" "Fun? I like seeing people like you struggling just right now", she whispered to Fuyumi's ear. "Fieldtrips are no fun without thrill, which is what everyone wants, so I'm giving them one. Don't yah worry this is only the beginning" "You are evil" "And so are they, why don't you ask Hitoshi or Kazumi if who is more evil on us three. I swear, their throne are already waiting for them in hell" "Hitoshi and Kazumi are not like that, don't compare them to you, witch" "Hmm (smiles) I hope you can still say that when you discovered the truth. Before that, let me hold this first", said while showing the bottle of food coloring as she leave. "Wait, wait you!"