Chapter 37: the wrong from the wrong turn

"Hmmm…" "Fuyumi wake up", said Emica trying to wake her up. "Hmmm…five minutes", Fuyumi answered in a sleepy tone with her eyes close hugging a pillow. "What, no", answered Emica as she remove the blanket on Fuyumi's body. "Nina had cooked the breakfast already and you are the only one who is not awake yet", she added. Fuyumi get up from bed while scratching her eyes. "Why are you so sleepy, we sleep early last night" "I couldn't sleep so I went stargazing with Kazumi last night" "I didn't noticed you go outside" "You are all sleeping so tight that time so I'm must be the only one who is awake. I go back to bed after a while though"

"Woow! Last night's dinner was a blast and our breakfast today looks like a feast", said Yamato with amusing eyes looking at the foods prepared on the table. "Nina, you don't have to prepare a lot for us. We are already thankful that you helped us and let us stay for the night", said Kazumi. "No, you are not a bother. It is my choice to give you this and I am happy that I have you guys at least. Sometimes I want someone to talk to or eat dinner or breakfast with. I am glad that I let you stay in my house" "Awww…thank you also Nina for having us", said Fuyumi as she hug her from the back. "Go on, you should eat" "What kind of meat is this Nina?" "Uhhhh…. A cow. I butcher a cow the other day and I have a lot of meat left. I thought that it might go to waste if I will let it expired" "Wow, you can also butcher a cow by yourself! Is there anything you can't do?" "Hahaha, I just helped" "Where is Daichi? I can't see him somewhere" "Uhhh… Daichi woke up early. He helped me in the breakfast and said that he will just take a walk outside" "What the—this is not the time to take a walk. Who knows Hitoshi might followed us here", said Yamato and ran outside to look for Daichi. "Who's Hitoshi?", asked Nina. "He's the killer in our class" "Killer?" "Yes Nina, he's been killing our classmates ever since he transferred in our school" "That's… ridiculous" "You said it right" "Ah by the way, I am sorry to tell. I apologize, oh my gosh. I am very sorry" "Why Nina, what is it" "My truck's tire is flat. Maybe a deer or some kind of animal hit it last night. I can't take you to the town. But don't worry, I will get it fixed as soon as possible then I will drive you there. For the meantime, stay here first if you like" "It is okay Nina. We don't blame you, it is not your fault and we enjoyed staying here so we don't mind staying another day" "Thank you guys" "But is not flat when we last saw last night", whispered Fuyumi to Kazumi. "There is something wrong here", Kazumi answered in whisper. "Don't you have any tools for that? I mean you drove a truck and you know that deers or other wild animals may come, so you should be prepared and have stuff in your home to fix those tires", Kazumi asked Nina. "I…I don't have stuff like that in here" "I thought you are a super girl who can do anything and always ready" "Kazumi! Stopped it. It is not Nina's fault and not everyone who owns a truck can repair a truck" "Yes, Nina is just a person. She's not a superhero or something" "Uhh…It's okay guys. He's right, I should have learned things like that since I own a truck" Everyone gave their evil gaze to Kazumi. "What?! It is not my fault. I am just asking", he said.

After breakfast, everyone gathered around and sit outside the house staring at the blank space like they are waiting for their moms to pick them up after school. "Yamato and Daichi hasn't come back yet" "Nina already leave to have the tires fixed" "How will she go to the town to let it fixed? It is far from here" "She said that she will wait for a passing by car to give her a lift" "Life must be hard in the woods" "But she likes what she's doing, and she's free" "I wish I could be her someday" "Nina is a strong woman indeed" "Guys, I think I should follow Yamato and Daichi, they didn't eat for breakfast. They are taking so long", said Kaito.

Akio sighed and went to the kitchen to drink water. While a glass of water is in his mouth. He noticed that something is shining behind the sink. He placed the glass on the table to take a closer look on that shiny thing. It is stuck so it is a little hard for him to get. After a while, he succeeded to get whatever that thing is. His eyes got bigger when he realized of just what it is.

"Guys!!! Look what I have found", Akio said running to his classmates with sweats flowing into his face. Everyone stand from where they are sitting and take a closer look on what Akio is showing to them. "Is that…is that" "Daichi's" "Why is there a blood on it" "Why do you have it?" "I just found it on the sink in the kitchen" "Maybe he didn't noticed it fall when he was helping Nina in the kitchen this morning" "That must be true but I have an unusual feeling about it" "Come to think of it, Daichi is not a type of guy who likes taking a walk. He always draw himself to the corner and have his own world" "He might woke up in the wrong side of the bed and want to take a good look of the place since it is new on his sight" "What is the use of sight seeing if we will leave this place in short amount of time" "We don't know what he is up to or what he is thinking. Don't get so overworked. Kaito will eventually come back with the two"

"Yamato!! Daichi!! Yamato!! Where those guys went. It is dangerous in here. Yamato!!! Daichi!!!"

"Nina! It is been so long since you last visited in here. I heard you had a fresh and young fleshes in your house" "That is why I came here, there are fifteen of them and I already eliminated one" "Oh, so you need my help now", the guy went closer to her and hold her face. He was about to kiss her yet Nina looked away. "So you still don't like me huh. Are you not over yet to that guy?" "Edward has nothing to with it" "Then why won't you accept me. I promise that I will give you a happy life and give you everything you want like a queen" "I am sorry, I just don't feel of engaging myself on such things anymore" "Liar!" He slapped her face real hard that makes her fall down to the ground and mark his hand to her face. "You just can't get over with Edward. I should've killed that guy from the start" Nina stand holding the side of her faced that is been slapped. "You just give me another reason not to love you" Then she grab the flat tired and supposed to leave: however, the guy stopped her. "Nina, Nina. I'm sorry. I don't know what I am doing. My eyes get dark when I heard that jerk's name and I hit you without purpose. I f you will give me another chance, I will make it up to you. If you want I can finish all those young lads in your house by myself"

"Where have those guys have gone", said Kaito pushing the tall grasses that reach until his knee aside to walk through. "Oh there is Yamato", he was about to call for him when Nina and another guy came to Yamato. Kaito hid himself from the large tree not so far away from them. "Nina! And…", he was looking at the guy that is Nina with then gave attention again to Nina not minding of the man. "I was still looking for Daichi and it is strange that I can't find a single trace of him. Do you know where direction he went?" "Is he one of them?", the guy asked Nina. She nod as an answer while looking at Yamato. "Nina, what's with that guy? He gave me creeps" The guy walk closely to Yamato with a steel pipe on his hand. Yamato move backward as the guy move one step forward. "Uhhh… Nina", he called her for one last time. "I'm sorry Yamato, if we just met in another time. We could be a good friends" Then the guy hit Yamato's head that makes him unconscious. Kaito can't believe on what he just saw and covered his mouth to avoid screaming. "That was easy", the guy said as he face Nina. "Now I am starting to fall for you", Nina said. "Then if I will get those other kids, you might become obsessed of me", the guy said as he hold Nina's hips and pull her closer to him. "Not now", said Nina and push him away. "What's with the flat tire anyway" "I make the tire of my truck flat to avoid them from leaving. I said that I will be back in a while, what reason would I will tell them next" "Why do you need to think of a reason if we can just wipe them all in one blow", the guy said as he lie the steel pipe with a blood flowing on it to his shoulder. "But before that, we should take care of that guy first", he said as he turned to Kaito's direction and smiled at him when their eyes met.

"Why there is no phone in this house?" "Maybe Nina doesn't want her family to contact her" "So there is still a person on this planet who doesn't have a phone and have a social media account" "What is making her so long?" "Even Kaito, Yamato and Daichi have not come back yet" "I should have helped Nina, she might not able to carry the tire" "Why don't we wait for her on the high way to help her carry it on the way home" Norman and Akio ran on their way having an agenda to help Nina in carrying the tire.

"It is already passed lunch and yet, Nina hasn't come back", said Akio. "Do you think something happened to her?", asked Norman. "Don't think that way! Nina is a strong woman, she wouldn't be down easily like that" "Why do you act like you already know her that much more than we do" "It's just, it's just…" "Do you also like her like Yamato?" from looking at Akio's face, he looked up to the sky. "Well, I can't blame you. Anyone will fall for a woman like her", he added. "Norman, do you like Nina?" "Huh! No!" "I thought so. The kind of woman you like is like Fuyumi" "Does those rumors still go around? It is not true anyway. Nothing happened between Fuyumi and I" A small truck stopped in front of them where Nina came out. She went off the truck and thank the driver while carrying the full aired tire. "Oh, what you two are doing here?" "We are waiting for you" "We thought that we might helped you in carrying the tire, it might be heavy to a lady like you", said Akio as he get the tire to Nina's hand.

While on their way to the house, the guy from earlier appeared in front of them. "Who are you?", asked Norman. "What are you doing here?", asked Nina. The two turned their heads to Nina. "Do you know him Nina?" "He's…he's one of my suitors. I said that I don't like him and I'm not yet ready for a relationship and yet he don't listen and still coming to me" "So you like her but she don't like you and you are forcing her to yourself is that is?" said Norman while looking at the man's face. Akio went behind Norman's shoulder to whisper. "Don't speak anymore. I got a feeling, this man is not dangerous" "What are you saying, he was just an obsessed suitor who doesn't know when to give up", said Norman as he push Akio away from him. Nina is giving the guy a sign to go away but the guy don't want to listen. "I came because I still can't wait and I'm hungry. You said that you have new fresh meat so I came over to try some" "You assho—" Norman was about to punch the guy, he didn't finished what he was saying when the guy throw an ax to his face that makes him die immediately. Akio grabs Nina's hand to run yet Nina pull her hand from him. "I'm sorry but—", she went beside the guy. "We are together" Even Akio can't compose what is happening, seeing his friend lying on the ground lifeless. It is like an adrenaline that he run as fast as he can to the house to warn everyone. "Run!! Boy run!!"

"Akio, are you okay?" asked Sana who is standing in front of the door seeing Akio showering in his own sweat while catching his own breath and his heart is beating as fast as in the marathon. "Where's Norman and Nina?" "We…need to… get out…of here…Norman…is dead… and….Nina….is with the killer", said Akio between his breath. "I don't understand you. Why don't you get some rest first and we'll talk later" "No!!! No time to talk. They are coming, they will kill us all" "Who?!" "Nina" "You must be kidding, Nina won't do that, she a nice girl" "What is happening in here" As the whole class gathered in front of the house. "Akio must be tired so that he keeps on saying nonsense. He said that Nina will us all" "That is not funny Akio, why are you saying that. Nina helped us out so why would she do that. Nina is an innocent woman" Finally, Nina and the woman has arrived while pulling Norman's body. "Nina, what is this?" "We have to go" said Akio. They began screaming as they all spread running.

"Why is this keep happening to us, I already wanna go home", said Sana while crying under the sink with Haruto. "Ssssshhhh we will get out of this place alive, all of us" "Found you", said the guy to them.

"I thought…I thought Nina is an angel. I'm wrong, she's devil" "Faster, we need to go to the highway for help" "But the highway is on the other way" "Then we need to take a detour"

"Kazumi, do you think we need to go back to the villa?" "Why? Did you forget something there? Everything must be burned already" "But Hitoshi" "There you again Fuyumi, the Nina is already coming to us to kill us and what you are still thinking is that man. I know that you lie him but please, move on already. He is not the guy you think he is" "He's your friend" "No he's not. We are in the same class and neighbors so I don't have a choice but to deal with him. I need to be with him so that I can assure that he will never hurt you" "You…you're protecting me from him? Are you jealous?" "Huh?! Why would I get jealous" "It won't hurt to be honest sometimes", Fuyumi whispered. "You're saying?" "Nothing"

"We should all the troops to come, we are going to have a feast tonight" "I was thinking if we could stop it now" "Huh?! What are you thinking Nina. We are already in here. When you joined us, you already sell your soul to the hell" "But I am not happy anymore and Edward won't like this" "Edward?! So as I suspected. You don't accept me because you are not over Edward yet. That filthy human" Who do you think is filthier than us. I don't like this anymore! I want to live a normal life and I want to be with Edward" The guy throw his ax to Nina. "You are still thinking of that man. What does he have that I won't have. I promised that I will give you the life more than Edward can give you but you still chose that guy till the end. If you will not be mine, then no one else." He said as he keep on throwing his ax to her until you can't recognize her anymore for her whole face even her skull is broken. He stopped and looked up. "I promised you that I will follow you wherever you are even in hell" He kneeled and smoothly touched Nina's broken skull. 'Don't worry baby, I will follow you soon" He stands and slit his own throat. His dead body is now lying beside Nina's. Alliya and Akio came out from where they are hiding where they can watch what just happened. "What just happened? Did he just kill Nina than himself?" asked Alliya. "That is why I don't want to fall in love, it will just lead you into your own grave" said Akio

The eight remaining students gathered beside the highway and started to walk on their way to the nearest town. They are already afraid to ask for a lift to any passerby cars because of what happened.

"I will never go to field trips again" said Nakumi. "Field trips are supposed to be fun but it turned out to be a survival in the death trip" Kota added. "Huh I just wanna go home and rest" "I wish this was just a dream" "Huh would think that a monster is hiding behind that angel face" "We should already know, Hitoshi is just like her. They are all hiding in a sheep's skin"

"Edward, where are you going?" "I am going back to Nina" "Huh, I thought you don't like anymore" "I was about to, but I miss fresh flesh"