Chapter 44: leave no evidence

One incident breaks the peace of the whole school in the morning. A corpse of a young woman found in the ladies room in the school. Her whole head is wet like she was drowned in the toilet bowl and bruises in some parts of her body.

"OMG girl, you won't believe what happen to my boyfriend and me last night", said the girl in a flirty voice as they entered in the ladies room with her friend. They looked at their reflections in the mirror and brought their make-up kits out. "You are so lucky girl, my boyfriend is soooo boring. We are just holding hands and texting and calling. No kissing and others" "Maybe your boyfriend is a gay". Then she laughed while putting her lipstick on. "Nah, Josh is too handsome to become a gay, he is just a shy type", she said as she open the door of one of the cubicles. "Nothing will happen if he keeps on being shy, what is he, a saint?" "Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" The other girl ran to her friend and they saw from the opened cubicle, a young woman's body lying on the floor.

As soon as Fuyumi heard the news and who the victim is, she called her brother. ("What sis! I'm busy I have a class"), said her brother in the other line irritated. "Do you know what happened to your girlfriend?" Her brother didn't answer for a while, she sigh, she already know the answer. "It was you, isn't it. That is why you went home late last night with bruises. Did you two fight again?" "Is she already dead?" "No, they rushed her to the hospital" She moved her phone closer to her and looked around if anyone is listening. "I already told you that if you are planning to kill someone, don't leave any evidence", she whispered then turned her phone off and went to her next class.

"The world is getting scarier and scarier. Who is in their right mind to do such thing to a beautiful young woman", Kazumi said as he take a bite on his burger. Fuyumi and her brother who is just sitting next to each other looked at one another. "Are you not going to eat?", asked Kazumi with foods on his mouth. "A…ah…ah yeah…we are going to eat", she said as she slowly grab one of the burgers in the table and eat it. She take one bite and glared at her brother saying with her eyes that he should also eat and so her brother does.

"I mean, it is the man who courted the girl. It is the man who first show a motive to the girl. The girl was just having a quiet life then the man entered and break the silence. And when the woman is already had fallen to the guy then he will do this to his girl. Who would do that kind of thing to the girl they love, right? The man is insane, he is not in his right mind" "Why do you think that it was her boyfriend who did that to her?", asked Fuyumi. "It was so obvious, they had an argument and the guy's vision went black and hurt the girl" Fuyumi looked at her brother again for a second and go back to Kazumi. "What if, she was just been abused by some crazy guys out there like when they saw her walking alone last night" "You are intelligent Fuyumi, you know that it is not what happened. It is her boyfriend who is responsible to that crime, whoever that bastard is" "What if, what if it was her fault in the first place that is why it happened to her. What if her boyfriend found out that she was chatting and texting other guys behind his back. The girl was cheating on him and that is why the guy can't help but to put the law in his hands", this time, it was her brother who said it. Fuyumi raised an eyebrow to her brother like she was saying to him to not talk again. "Ah…jealousy is that it? if that was his reason to that then do you think it was too shallow? Everyone gets jealous and it is normal for a relationship to have jealousy yet it is not enough to hurt your partner and the man didn't even confirmed first if the men he saw she was talking with in her phone is a family member, relative or a friend but he already jumped into conclusions and hurt her" Her brother was to talk again but she stopped him by pressing hard his legs under the table. "We don't know what really happened so we shouldn't jump into conclusions also. And we are not sure if it is her partner who did it"

"You shouldn't have talked earlier", said Fuyumi in the dinner with her brother at their apartment with blazing eyes, and if it kills, her brother might be dead right now. "What's the deal? He didn't noticed it anyway" She thrown away the utensils in the table that shocked her brother. "Do you think he wouldn't notice? Do you think he's dumb like you? Your actions tell it. Your eyes speak. Do you think he's not doubting right now? Do you think he is not thinking that you are the culprit? Kazumi is the top student at school, his IQ is higher than mine. Then there you are playing cool thinking that you are smarter than him stupid. You can't even perfect a score in your exam" She move closer to him, especially to his ears. "We always clean after our mess because if we are as careless as you are right now, we are both rotting in jail right now. I always leave no evidence and make sure that I won't speak to ensure that they will not notice me. That is how an expert do their job, you should learn from it", she said then she leave.

Her brother was left alone in the dinner and his sister left the apartment. A few minutes after, a knock from his door disturbs the silence. He stand and opened the light before opening the door for the unexpected guest.

Right after Kazumi lies on his bed, his phone rings. "Why?" "Right now?" He get up still on the phone. "Okay, okay, I'll be there. I'm coming" He immediately went off of his bed, put his sneakers on and a cap on his head then leave.

From the distance, he already saw her sitting in one of the small round tables set outside the convenience store. "It is already late, what are you doing here?", he said as soon as he arrived then sit in front of her. Fuyumi offered him her drink yet Kazumi refused. "Why did you call me here?" "I want some fresh air and I'm bored sooo… that's it" Kazumi sigh then stand to get a can of soda from the vending machine in front of the store. "So you just called me because your board", he said then get his can of soda in the vending machine and go back to his seat. "Okay fine, let's talk. Let's start by you telling me what happened" Fuyumi raised her eyebrow to him. "You are not the type of person who will went out of the house in this time of the night just to sit in front of the convenience store to drink a sterilized milk and convincing others that she's just getting some fresh air, there is a problem, isn't it? Tell me" Fuyumi scoffs. "Why so serious? There's no meaning behind of this, I just…just want sometimes to think" "Think about what?" "Think about the things… so many things that I don't know what will be it first"

"Like what?" "Liiiiike… Hitoshi, I'm wondering where is he or how is he right now… Did he already eat? Is he sleeping under the starry sky or he has a shelter under his head? Some things like that" "Do you miss him? Hitoshi?" "I miss the old times, the old us. I just met the two of you last year yet it feels like we know each other for a long time. I miss the bond we create, I miss eating lunch and snack with the two of you. I miss hanging out with my friends. I miss how things were before. Even all the people around us are dying one by one, we still managed to smile and have fun. Even we go crazy who really the killer is, we still don't leave each other's side. I miss that time" "Do you think it's my fault? I point my finger at him and let everyone think that he is the killer" "I…I don't know", she looked down.

His jaw dropped seeing a person right in front of him that he never thought he would never saw again for the rest of his life. "A…Aunt Mabel" The old woman hugged him while mentioning his name. He is still processing in his mind what his happening.

He gave a cup of hot coffee to Aunt Mabel who is currently sitting in the dining. "We've been looking for you since you left the house. What happened?" "Sis won't tell me the reason. Did you look for us?" "Of course, there is no time I didn't think about you. Then look at you now, you grow up into a young handsome man" She looked around. "Where is your sister?" "She went out for a while, she'll be back later" "You two are the best gifts I ever had since I don't have a child so it breaks my world when I learned that you leave us and without even saying goodbye or why" "I'm sorry Aunt Mabel" "It doesn't matter anymore, as long as the two of you are well. I don't care anymore"

"Thank you" "You should sleep early and stop overthinking, it's not good to your skin" "Yes, sir", said Fuyumi as she laughed. Kazumi opened and his door and entered. Right after, Fuyumi also did the same.

She standing right from the entrance when she saw who is with her brother. When the two noticed her, "Nagisa", said Aunt Mabel as she stand to hug her. "I miss you", Aunt Mabel said while hugging her. Fuyumi still can't believe on what is happening.

Now, the three of them is sitting together in the dining. "It was just like a dream that I am eating dinner again with the two of you" "We already had our dinner so it was only you who's eating", said Fuyumi. "Siiiiss", her brother whispered. She mouthed him, 'What?!' "Why did you leave us Nagisa?" "Why are you here? How did you find us? Did your husband told you what happened? The real reason why we leave your house. You are kind Aunt Mabel, you gave us everything we want and need. You gave us love like a real mother would do and we are thankful for that. We will going to pay your kindness one day, if that is what you came for" "Noo, I didn't came here to charge you for all the things I've done. I look for you because you are my kids, I am worried about you" "Are you alone?" "Huh?!" "Where is your husband" "I…I left him in the house" "Did he know that you will come here?" "No" "Is there something going on, Aunt Mabel?" "Y…your uncle changed. He is not like he used to be. I don't know him anymore, like…there is someone evil inside him" "So it takes more than ten years before you noticed" "Huh?! What do you mean?" "Your husband is evil for so long" "Is that why you leave us? Why you didn't tell me" "If I told you, will you going to believe me?" "Of course—" "Liar!!" "Sis" "You only believe your husband and no one else. When he told you that he was on a business trip, you believe him. When he said that he had to take an overtime at work, you believe him. You never questioned him and your trust in him is fully furnished like he would never do such things that will hurt you. Well, Aunt Mabel. Sad to say but your husband is not what you think he is" "Nagisa" "Aunt Mabel, I think it is best that you will leave now. You leave your house for so long, your husband might be looking for you" Aunt Mabel was supposed to speak again but her phone rings from inside her bag. "See, I told you" Aunt Mabel looked at her for the last time before she leaves getting her phone on her bag.

When she get out of their apartment is also the same time that Kazumi gets out of his apartment and knocked at Fuyumi's door. She walked away as she answered her phone. "Hello" "Oh Kazumi what is it?", said Fuyumi at her back. She stopped for a while when she heard a familiar name. The person on the other line keeps on calling her but she's not listening. She turned around to see his face but she's too late co'z the guy is already entering in the apartment, she only saw his back.

"Whazzup Kazumi, miss me already?", said Fuyumi then she laughed. "You wish" then the two of them laughed together. "I will just go out for a while", said her brother as he grab his jacket. "Be careful, and do a good job this time", she said. "What is he going to do, it is already late", asked Kazumi when her brother leaves. "He's going to…make an assignment on his friend's place" "You are not strict now" "Hmmm, I realized that it is not bad to give him some freedom sometimes" "Am proud of you", said Kazumi as he tapped her back. "Why did you came here anyway" "I'm going home this weekend in our province" "Why? Did something happened?" "My cousin will get married" "Ohhhh, that's a good news. Can you tell your cousin that I said congratulations? From your beautiful friend, classmate and neighbor", then she laughed. "Why wouldn't you tell her that in person" Fuyumi is confused for a while. "I am inviting you to come with me in attending my cousin's wedding" "Really?! I'm invited?!" Kazumi smiled as he nod. You can see in Fuyumi's face the excitement and happiness. "Are you going to come?" "Of course, I'd love to"

"Aunt Mabel!!" shouts her brother running toward Aunt Mabel who is just get in in her car. "Oh why?" "Can I enter?" "Yeah Sure" Aunt Mabel unlocked the door of her car. The brother entered at the backseat of the car. "Why? Did you forget something?", she asked looking at him in the rearview mirror. "I'm sorry, my sister is kinda rude a while ago" "Nah, it's okay I understand here and maybe she was right, I really didn't know really well my own husband" "I am happy to know that you have been looking for us all these years even we didn't told you we are leaving you are not angry at us" Aunt Mabel smiled then turned to him. "Why would I get angry if the kids I treat as my own kids are in good condition even they are living on their own. The only thing I feel right now is being proud. I am proud to the two of you that you survived this far" "I miss you too Aunt Mabel, and I love you" "Awww I love you too baby" I'm sorry Aunt Mabel" "For wh—" Aunt Mabel was about to turn around when a scissor go through her head that hits her brain. The blood raised down into her head that gushed out in the car. He watched her slowly getting weak, slowly losing her life.

Fuyumi smiled upon seeing a lots of blood on her brother's shirt when he get home. "You're fast, finished already?" Her brother just nod still holding the scissor. "Did you leave no evidence?" Her brother nod once again. Fuyumi smirked and tap her brother's shoulder. "Very good, keep up the good work. Next week, let's visit uncle" "Why not this weekend?" "Kazumi invited me to his hometown to attend his cousin's wedding" "Ah…okay"

Kazumi just finished washing his face when his phone rings. "Hmmm", he answered while wiping his face with a towel. ("Are you coming this weekend for the big event?") "Of course, I don't want to miss such a beautiful occasion" ("Okay, what time you will arrive?") "I don't know, I'll ask Fuyumi" ("Are you going with her?") "Hmmm" while nodding as if the person on the other line can see him. Kurumi screams form the other line that is how excited she is. It is been for a long time since she last saw Fuyumi and they are quite close.

"What would I wear…What would I wear on the wedding with Kazumiiiii", she sings with matching hum while having a war with her wardrobe looking for a perfect outfit this weekend. "Is this okay?", asked to herself trying a different outfits for almost a couple of hours. "Nah", as she throw the dress in her bed. At first sight, like a typhoon just passes by in her room, there are clothes everywhere. "No not this, not this one. Not also this one", she says keeps on throwing clothes on her bed. "How about this one?" She looked at herself at the mirror trying another dress. "This looks good on me, why I am so beautiful. I can't be more gorgeous than the bride. I need a simpler dress", she said than start looking for a dress again.

Kazumi and Fuyumi's brother went out of their apartment at the same time to go to school. "I heard that you invited my sister on your cousin's wedding this weekend in your province" "Yeah, I told Kurumi about it and she's happy and excited about it. They seems so close now"