Chapter 47: just friends

"Is that the place where they just reported that someone died?" Fuyumi and her brother's heart skip then look at each other with big eyes. "Are you sure?" asked Kurumi. "It is the one I heard in the news a while ago. Wait, let me check it again", then he brought out his phone from his pocket and checked the news. "Oh, the place sounds like, it is not where your uncle is, my bad. I got them exchange, I am not good with places" Fuyumi felt relieved upon hearing that. "I almost got a heart attack. I thought something happened to my uncle" "I almost got you there" then they laughed together.

"Hello Fuyumi and Kazumi", said Haru with a big smile as he put the tray of food on their table and sit with them. "We are already friends, right?" "O…of course…hehehe you are Kurumi's friend so we are also friends hehehe", said Fuyumi. "Great", said Haru and eat. "I have a lots to talk to you" "Haruuu did you finished your assignment already?", asked his classmate who just came out from nowhere in front of them. "Oh, it's you. I already finished mine. It is under my desk, you can copy mine" The girl left with a smile on her face. "You let your classmates copy your homework?!" "Hmmm why?" "What why? You are spoiling them. They will become lazy and depends all to you" "Nah…it's okay. It is my way of being friendly" "Friendly?! Is that a definition of friendly to you?" "Hmm", he answered while nodding. "Woah I can't believe this" "Fuyumi", Kazumi called. "Everyone has a different definition of friendship. If that is his own understanding of friendship is then let him be. We can't let others change their view because we just have different beliefs", he continued. Haru faced him who is just sitting beside him. "Now I know, why you are the first honor and not somebody else", then look at Fuyumi slowly then look again at Kazumi. "You are amazing. Now you make me want more to be your friend" "Are you saying that I don't think that way and that is why I am not on top?" "I didn't say that" Fuyumi was about to answered back when Kazumi stopped them. "Stoopp!! I want to eat lunch in peace, can't I?"

"Grrrrr… that man breaks my nerves. How can Kurumi become friend with such a guy" "Fuyumi, we don't know him that much yet. Don't judge him" "Why are you so calm, that guy might destroy Kurumi's life, our life" "Fuyumi, if he has a plan then he should've done it a long time ago and does our lives not already destroyed?" Fuyumi stopped for a while. Kazumi continue walking on the way to the classroom while Fuyumi is left behind. When Kazumi noticed that Fuyumi is not following him, he turn his back to see her. "Fuyumi! What are you doing, we're going to be late in class" That is when Fuyumi go backs to reality and run towards him.

During class, Fuyumi is not listening. Kazumi's voice, "Does our lives not already destroyed?" keeps on repeating on her mind. When her life does got destroyed? Is it when she learned that her mother get killed by her father? Or when her uncle molest her when she's young. She don't know who to blame that she become a monster she is now. She can't even remember how did it start, she just find herself killing someone, she just saw her hands with blood of someone else and holding sharp things. At first, she was afraid, she was scared and she might go to prison even she's just a minor but when she woke up and keep on seeing the same things on her hand, she got used to it and find it fun rather. She's a princess with a monster inside.

"Fuyumi!! Fuyumi!!", she comes back to reality when she heard Kazumi calling her name. "What are you thinking, the teacher is keep on calling you" She immediately stand after hearing that. Some of her classmates laughed at her and some whisper to each other and she's aware of that. "Miss Fuyumi, what are you thinking during my class that seems more important than what I am teaching here in front" "Hmmm no ma'am. I'm sorry" She bow and almost cry like it was her first time to be embarrassed like that in front of the people, especially that she is quite known in the school.

"Do you have a problem?" asked Kazumi to Fuyumi on the way home. "Are you okay? Are you sick?" then he checked her by touching her forehead to see if she's sick. Fuyumi moved back a little from what had Kazumi did. "I'm…I'm okay, okay!" "It was my first time seeing you like that. It is not so you to not listen in class like that and be blank" "Do you still like a girl even she's a devil?" "What do you mean devil? Devil like fighting a group of gangster or getting absent in class?" "Are you describing Saki? Is that a type of devil girl you like? Are you not still over her?" "I don't understand your definition of devil okay, I just say what is on mind" "Is that a kind of a girl you like? Ah forget it, I think I already asked that. What I mean is when she did something that is punishable by law, like if she killed people" "Killing is already beyond. Who would like someone like that? Look what happened to our classmates and because of what the killer did. It is not a person who did that but a monster, a pure evil. Why did you asked anyway" "Ah…nothing I just got curious" "Are you thinking of that that is why you are not listening to the class earlier. Why are you curious?" "Ah… I'm reading a manga and the main character is a killer, she was murdering people because she want to have revenge on what happened to her in the past then she met a guy. She didn't plan about it but she built a feeling to that guy. So I wonder if the guy will like her or be even her friend still even he found out who really is she?" "What is the title of that manga? It is the story is so common? From my view, why would the girl get revenge because of her past? Even how many people will she kill, it would not change the past that she experience, and she just proof herself that she is just like those persons. She lower herself from their level, she is not different from them" "So in the end, the guy will not like her back" "Hmm maybe or she will die in the end" Fuyumi skip a beat upon hearing that.

As soon as Kazumi opened the door of his apartment, he saw Kurumi and Haru eating fruits together in the dining while laughing. When they noticed him, Kurumi offer him some fruit. "Oh brother you are already here. Want some fruit? Haru brought it and it is still fresh" "Noo thanks, I will rest for a while", he walked passed them and went on his bedroom. He can still hear them whisper then laugh.

It is almost dark when Kazumi woke. He immediately went out of his bed then he saw his sister cooking dinner. "It seems that you are very tired from school. You are snoring while you sleep", she said as while putting in the table what she had cooked. "Where's Haru?" "Haru went home a moment ago" "Are we not going to have dinner with Fuyumi and her brother?" "Can we have dinner with just the two of us for a while? I don't have anything against them but…I don't want you to get spoiled and always eating dinner with them. Someday when you used to it and suddenly it will gone, you will always look back and keep looking for it" "I'm not that kind of person" he said as he take a seat in front of the dining table.

"I was thinking…the school had just started, what if I will transfer at your school" "What do you mean transfer. The exam is already finished" "But I can caught up" "Is this because of Haru? You want to spend more time with Haru" "It is not just Haru" "What is he to you anyway, what are you?" "We're…friends" "When you become friend with Fuyumi or her brother you didn't insist on transferring here because you had a friends here but when Haru came in" "I've been thinking this for a long time, even before I met Haru" "Did you already tell mom and dad about this?" "N…not yet" "You should tell them first" "So it is okay to you if I will go and study here?!" "It depends" "Depends on what will mom and dad will say?" "N, it depends on how you will behave especially when that Haru is around" "I'll be a good girl, I promise"

"Kurumi wants to transfer here?!" Fuyumi said while the two are going to school together. "Hmmm…she never talked about me before. I think she just made that decision because of Haru, she want them to spend more time together" "Do you think Haru is influencing her? He's a bad news?" "I don't know, I don't want to jump into conclusions. I am sure that mom and dad will not also let her get off the hook that easy" "Kurumi is a girl, there are lot of things that may happen to her if she live her especially that she is not used to the place" "Kurumi is a strong girl, I know it. She won't let anyone hurt her or bully her. She always fight back when anyone look down on her, she's like that. She's my younger sister but there are times that she is more like an older sister to me. I know that whatever her decision is, she can overcome it because she's brave" "Awww how I wish to have an older brother like you also"

"Bro Kazumi!!" While going back to the room, Kazumi turned to the person who is calling him. Haru came running towards him. "Bro Kazumi. Oh, can I call you that? Bro, since you are Kurumi's older brother" "Ahh—" Before Kazumi say anything, Haru hand over him a plastic bag. "What's this?!", he asked while opening the plastic bag. "I heard that Kurumi is going back to your hometown tomorrow. I might not see her off" "Why don't you give it to her this afternoon" "I have to run an errand after class so I might not get to see her, but I'll try after that. I just gave it to you now to make sure", he said then waved to him while running going to his next class.

"What's that?!" Fuyumi asked when he entered the classroom. "Ah, Haru gave it to me. it is for Kurumi" "Huh why?!" "Kurumi is going home early in the morning tomorrow. He said that he might not got to see her off" "Hmmm Kazumi. I smell something fishy?" Kazumi looked at her with a question mark on his face. "I mean, a normal friend would do that far" "Some friends do that" "But did they just met? Aren't they that close already?" "You are giving meaning to anything Fuyumi. I don't even want to think that way" "Hmm maybe I am just jumping into conclusions. Maybe Haru is just the sweet type of guy"

Kazumi throw the plastic bag in front of Kurumi when he gets home. "What is this?!" Kurumi asked in curious while grabbing the plastic bag to see what is inside while looking at him. "Your Haru gave it to you. He said that he might not saw you off tomorrow morning" "Oh, he already told me that" "Haru is really sweet. He don't need to do this", she said to herself while smiling staring at what is inside the bag. Kazumi is watching her from the dining. When he sees his sister smiling over little things, he can't take it anymore. He stand then get near her. "Kurumi!" Kurumi looked at her waiting for what is he going to say next. "Are…are you and Haru—ah nothing" then he go back to the dining. "What is he—", Kurumi whispered then go back on what she's doing. A sudden knock disturbs the two. "It's Haru", said Kurumi with excitement as she stand to open the door. With a wide smile on her face that suddenly fades when the person behind that door is not the person she's expecting. "Hi Kurumi" raised her hand to her to wave flashing a forced smile, this is awkward. They are friends and so close but this is the first time that Fuyumi feels awkward towards her. "Ahmm—" "What are you doing here?" she said facing down. "Ah… I heard that you are going back home tomorrow so I think that why don't we eat dinner together again for the last time" "I don't think we can do that" Fuyumi's face turned like' wha—?!' "Because…my brother and I agreed that we will not going to eat with you again" "Why? Don't you like the last dinner I prepared—" "I'm sorry" then she slammed the door. "Who's that?", asked Kazumi while drinking coffee standing in front of her. "Ah… wrong address" she said then walked passed by him then smirked. As soon as she take her seat, her phone ring for another text message.

'I'm sorry, I will not going to make it tonight. It seems I will take longer from here'


Kurumi suddenly feel burning inside her when she received another text message.

'Joke, hahaha I'm already in front of your brother's apartment'


After reading the text, she immediately stand to see him. After opening the door and looking around, she received another text.

'Are you looking for me? hahaha Chill, I know that you are already angry at me right now. But this time, it is already true, I'm on my way there'


Kurumi flashed a weak smile after reading his message and closed the door. After a couple of minutes or so… a knocked from the door slowed her heart beat that it seems racing since a while ago. With full smile until to her ears, she opened the door and she became happier when it is the person she's expecting. She hugged him after seeing him. "I thought you will never come" "Kurumi!!!", shouts her brother. She let go of the hug and faced Kazumi. "What was that?!", Kazumi asked with an angry face. "Ah… it's not what you think brother" Before she explain, Kazumi's fist already landed on Haru's face. The next thing she saw is Haru sitting on the floor wiping a single blood beside his lips. She immediately helped him. The noise seems reach until Fuyumi's because when Kurumi is helping Haru to stand, Fuyumi and her brother went out of their cage to see what is happening. "What's…happening here?!", she asked. "Kurumi!! What is your relationship with Haru?!", Kazumi asked with burning eyes. "We are just friends!" This time, Kurumi also raised her voice then she supported Haru to enter and helped him cure his wound. She bumped his shoulder entering. "What happened here?", Fuyumi asked him that already standing in front of him. Kazumi didn't answered and slammed the door. Fuyumi startled a little on what Kazumi did. It was her first time seeing him like that. "What's wrong with them?", whispered to herself then go back to their apartment.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into him", said Kurumi while putting ointments on Haru's wound. "It is okay, I understand. He is just protecting you" Kazumi entered still glaring at him. He grabbed a small wooden chair then put it beside Kurumi and sit. "Are you two really just friends? Do you just see her as a friend?", looking straight at Haru. "Don't worry. Kurumi is just a friend to me" answered Haru with a straight face.

Kazumi give a strawberry milk to Fuyumi while in the classroom. Fuyumi stopped from looking for her books under her desk and slowly raised her head to Kazumi who is currently drinking his own strawberry milk. "Sorry" Fuyumi still can't find words to say slowly getting the strawberry milk. "I also put my anger at you last night. I didn't mean it" "It's okay" Kazumi pulled a chair and sit in front of her. "Are you sure?" Fuyumi laughed a little. "Of course" "Why don't it seems you forgiven me", as he press Fuymi's left side in the waist to make her tickle. "Aaahhh stop it" "Did you forgive me" "Ahhh it tickles, stop it" "Forgive me first" "Okay, okay. I forgive you" "Really" "Ahahahaha stop it. Yeah I forgive you" And that was the time Kazumi stop tickling her.