Chapter 49: justice?

While going to school, she's wondering. Every students she walks by or bumped into are looking at her whispering to each other holding their phones then laughing and giggling. She immediately bring her phone out from the pocket of her skirt and checked what they are looking for. She stood there like a statue and her heart is frozen, it stops beating after watching the video post online with already thousands of students or even adults who watched it. But what breaks her more is to know who posted that video. Her hand is shaking and sweating gooey as she dial his phone number. She didn't attend her class anymore because she knew that the people will just going to judge her and she had no face to show them because of shame. She's sobbing silently seated on the park keeps on dialing his number but no one is answering. Haru is already worried texting and calling her. At lunch, she bravely went to his room. He was sitting on a desk surrounded by his friends, they are happily laughing when she enters. She stares the guys' faces one by one before him. "C…can we talk?", she asked with a shaking voice. The man just laughed followed by his friends. He looked at her from top to bottom and said, "Why would I talk with you?" "Did you…post that video?", she's starting to get teary eyes again. "If I did, what will you do?" "Why did you do that?" "I didn't love you in the first place, I never will", he said as he moved closer to her like he was stabbing her with the truth. "I approached you on purpose. That day, that day that I bumped you in front of the building, that was all part of the plan" "What do you mean?" looking down wiping her tears, her face is covered with her hair but not the whole of it. "I here with the guys make a bet. Our sex video in exchange with a sport car. Isn't that great?" She gathered all her strength in her hands then land it on his face. His friends are laughing at him seeing that her hand is still marked on his face as she ran out of the room.

She ran to the girl's bathroom and locked herself from one of the cubicles there. Females who are entering the place can hear her cry but they don't bother to ask her if she's okay or what. She brought out all her medicines she's taking then drank all of the capsules placed on a bottle at once.

Fuyumi is sitting alone in her apartment at past six in the evening busy checking her friend's posts on social media while her right leg is resting on her left. When she feel hungry, she stand and went to the fridge to check what she can eat. As she opened it, a pungent odor stink inside it. An intestine and other organs are there. From the look of it, it is still fresh because there are still blood on it flowing from the fridge. She almost faint for the shock and vomit on the floor yet she still manage to run on the sink when she noticed that the cover of the casserole is moving like something is boiling inside it put at the top of the opened stove. She slowly removed the cover to see what is inside. She was about to scream when a sock was covered her head.

The next thing she knew is that she was already in unfamiliar room seated and tied on a chair. She tries to struggle yet the ties are so tight. "Don't even try, you will not going out from here alive", said the voice coming from her back. The man slowly walk to get in front of her. "You?!", she said as soon as she recognized the person. "I know it, you are the killer" "Oh no I am not, the only person I am planning to kill is you", he said whispers to her ear. "By the way, did you like my present?" "How dare you! I will kill you" "Oh you really are a fighter. Are you not afraid? Sooner or later I will take that soul out of your body" "Why would I be scared to you" "Ah oh yeah, why would you get scared of a devil if you are already a devil yourself" "I should have known" "Yeah you should, you are a top student in the school yet you didn't figured out who is your enemy?" "Why are you doing this?" "Oh, don't all the victims asked that to the victim? It doesn't suit you, don't play victim, you make me vomit" "Ahhahahaha then who should be the victim here? You? Don't make me laugh" "I know, I am not the victim here but they are", he said as he threw a pictures of the dead people. "Where did you get those?", she asked with big eyes. "How can you sleep at night after killing those people" "They deserve to die. My uncle raped me when I was a kid and I am just making him pay for what he did. I am just making them pay" "Oh so you are a woman of justice now hahahaha. Do you think you are hero? Should I build a statue for you hahahaha" "Laugh all you want, you can say that because you never experienced what I had. You never felt what I feel so it is easy for you to say that" "I know how you feel, believe it. I've been through hell but it never came to my mind to kill those people just because they do me bad. I don't want to get on their level, I don't want to get that low" Fuyumi can't find words to answer back. "Including your brother's ex-girlfriend and your Aunt Mabel? They are a nice persons yet you end their lives, oh I'm mistaken, your brother end their lives" "How do you know all of that" "The question is, is there anything I don't know?" "So you killed my brothers also to get even? And you're killing me next. What are you, their relatives, love ones?" "I don't belong in any of that. Let's say hmmmm… I am a man who hates low people like you", he said so close to her face. "What did you—", she said while struggling. "But don't get the wrong idea, it is not me who killed your brother" "Ahahahaha do you think I would believe that? If it is not you then who else?" "You will meet her later" "Arggghhh I am telling you right now. If I get out of here I will make you pay big time" "Okay, if you say so", seating on a chair in front of her playing with the keys. "Oh, there she is. Your brother's killer" A door opened in front of her. She was dazzled from the light coming in from the door and hardly recognize the person. When the door is closed and the room gets dark again, the only light is coming from the small window. The person walks towards her. "Fuyumi, meet your brother's killer" Then that is when she recognized her standing beside him looking at her. "Kurumi?" "No no no, this is unbelievable. That's not true. Kurumi won't never do that", she said shaking her head. "Why don't you asked her yourself?" "Kurumi tell me, it's not you right?" Kurumi is not looking at her but on the ground. "I…I did it. I killed your brother. I pulled his organs out of his body with my bare hands and beheaded—" "Stooop! Did he threatened you? Did he forced you to do that Kurumi? Tell me, it's okay you can tell me. You just got scared that is why you did that, right? It is against your will", she said as tears started to flow into her eyes. "No…no one forced me to do it. I am not threatened and I like what I did" "Why Kurumi", she whispered but enough for her to hear it. "Because you are killing people. Haru already told me everything. You and your brother killed many people, you deserve to die!", Kurumi started crying also. "But we just did that because they are a bad people, we are just getting back what they have taken from us" "If they are a bad people, then why you didn't call the police or anyone who has more knowledge to handle it rather than putting the law in your hand" "You will not understand" "Then make me understand! Explain it to me because I am already going crazy thinking about it. Why did she do that? How can she do that? Is she really a bad person? I am idolizing you. I look up to you. You are my role model. I am in favor to you as my future sister-in-law. But I guess I chose the wrong person" Then she turned around and slowly walks away while wiping her tears. Haru walks after her.

"Kurumi!!", he shouts approaching her not so far from Fuyumi. "I know it is so hard to know the truth. That the person you thought was a good friend is not really is. I know how it feels" Then Kurumi starts sobbing as she lay her head to his chest. Haru was startled at first but he hugged her back. Little by little, he is taking out a cutter from his pocket and stab her at the back of her chest. She started coughing blood as she kneeled on the ground with blood coming out of her mouth and her wound yet she still manage to asked him, 'why' "Huh?! I can't hear you", he said moving his ear closer to her like he was teasing her. "You! Haru!!!", shouts Fuyumi with angry tone. "What? She already had no use to me so I had to eliminate her. I just befriend her because she's close to you, it's not like I really like her. And you should be thankful to me that I killed your brother's killer. I brought him justice hahahaha Isn't it, it is that what you called what you are doing? Bringing justice" then he scoffs. "I will make sure to drag you to hell with me" "Oh, I'm so sorry I can't do that. I would be bored if I go back there. Hell is boring because it is empty. All the devils are already here", then he wink at her. "By the way, I had a present for you" He picked a box from the corner then brought it out. "Why did you still bring that here?" "Because I want to do this" He rolled the head out like it was a bowling ball. "And this one also" He moved closer to her and brought the intestines out next and wrap it to her neck like a scarf. Scared, anger, and disgust is mixed in her face. "What should we do first? Do you want to play? Maybe just one game will do. I have a class tomorrow" They first played chess and any piece that got eaten or eliminated is also removes fingernails. Fuyumi is hardly breathing looking at her two hands that doesn't have nails anymore. "That must be it for today, I need to get a rest for the class tomorrow. See you again"

Kazumi just got home from a practice with his classmate in one of the school performance in one subject. He was about to open the door of his apartment when he thought to say Hi first to Fuyumi. He is knocking the door for how many times yet no one isstill coming to get it. He thought that they might be already sleeping so he just texted her and went to his apartment.

Fuyumi's phone ring and opened for it received a text message. The phone is left on the floor in the apartment with a little stains of blood on it.

As soon as he lie to his bed, his phone vibrated so he checked who texted him. It was just Kurumi telling him that she already got home.

The next morning, Kazumi was again knocking from their door to get Fuyumi and go to school together. "Are they still sleeping?", he asked to himself as he checked the time. He tried calling her number but it was just keep on ringing and her brother's phone is not in reach. "Did they already went to school", whispered again to himself as he walk away shaking his head.

"Bro…what is the problem?", asked Haru sitting in front of him in the cafeteria. "Fuyumi skip the class. She's not a type of person who will skip the class. And when I came to their apartment no one is opening the door and she's not answering her phone nor her brother" "Maybe they have an emergency to attend to and they forgot to message you about it" "Hmm maybe that is the case. What happened to your hand?" He asked when he saw that he is having a hard time picking the chopsticks because of his wound. "Oh this? I played with a cat last night and it got me wounded" "Be careful nest time" "Oh by the way, did Kurumi texted you? Did she get home safe?" "She texted me last night that she's already home. Why? She didn't texted you?" "She might have forgotten about me"

He came back with matching clapping hands walking towards her. "Congratulations that you are still surviving without food or drink. Let's see on how long you will last. I don't have plans giving you any food or drink anyways, I am broke" "I will survive, I had to survive because I still need to kill you" "Ah…tough girl. That is what I like in girls" He pulled her head up. "The brave strong one"

"I ate lunch with Kazumi today and guess what. He is worried sick about you" seating on a chair in front of her "He is such a nice guy thinking of you. I am not wrong in choosing who will I befriend" "Don't you dare lay a hand on her or else—" "Don't worry, I don't have plan in hurting or killing your man, not now" "What do you mean not now. So you still have plan. Not today but in the future" "I also asked him if he likes you. Do you know what his answer is?", as he leaned then blow his gum. "He just look at you as his friend and sister" "I already know that, you don't need to tell me" "But do you think you are so pathetic? Your rival on his heart is a dead person and yet you can't still win, what a loser" "Shut up!" "Oh well, let's continue on where we stop last night" he stand and put a gloves on like he was going to perform an operation. "We already finished your nails so what is next" "Ah!", like a light bulb just popped above his head. "Why don't we take your tongue next to keep you quiet, you are so noisy it hurts my ear. He chose a tool from his tool box. He was to hold her and get her tongue out but he can't do it because she keeps moving her head so in order to stop it from moving, he slapped her real hard. He hold her jaw tight to open her mouth the uses that tool to pull her tongue out. She was "I will make sure that you won't ever get to speak again" he said as he brought out the same cutter he use to Kurumi from his pocket and uses it to cut her tongue. He was look so amazed looking at the cut tongue smiling widely. Her blood is already all over her clothes still screaming in pain. "Huh?! Are you saying something? I can't understand you", he said moving his ear closer to her. "What?! You are thirsty? Okay, let me give you a water then" After a while, he came back carrying a bottle of water. He opened the bottle and pour it to her face. Fuyumi is struggling in pain. "There you go. Have you freshen up?" "Don't try so hard. You are not going to let go anyway. You are hopeless" He whispered to her ears. "Oh! I just noticed. Your earring s are beautiful. Can I have it?" He didn't wait for her to answer, as if she's can talk anyway. He pulled the earrings out of her ears that makes her tear for pain. "They are gorgeous" Starring with sparkling eyes those dangling earrings with blood on his hands. "These earrings are one of a kind, it costs thousands for a single pair. They might belong to your Aunt Mabel who you just killed", he said looking at her. "They are mine now", as he keep the earrings on his pocket. "Don't look at me with those angry eyes. It is not yours in the first place, so you don't deserve to look at me like that. Finder's keepers, losers suck. Let's say that it will be the payment of giving you a scarf of intestine", he said then laugh. "You should be glad, you will never going to separate with your brother again" "Argggggggghhhhhh", Fuyumi said with blazing eyes. "Hahahahahaha you are pathetic (scoffs)" "Anyways it is getting late already, we should finish this up" "But what are we going to do next?" "Hmmm", act thinking. "Oh!" another brilliant idea. "What if I will going to take your brain out of your body. I wonder what does a brain of a smart people look like. I wonder what is inside that big brain of yours", he said without any reaction looking straight at her. He went to his tool box to get the proper tool to use. Fuyumi closed her eyes, all of her memories since her childhood until to present flashed back to her mind. Is this already the sign that this will be her end? She can her the scaly leaves outside that room and the echo of his every step moving forward. Her heart is beating so fast like it would beat out of her chest. She hold her breath when the cold metal touches her scalp and the man pull her head. "Wait" She slowly opened her eyes and saw him in front of her. "If I would take your brain now, you will die immediately. That is no fun, I still want to see that beautiful face of yours especially your reactions when you are hiding your scared and trying to act brave in front of me staring me with those eyes" "Oh why don't I think of that sooner. All I have to do is to gouge those eyeballs so you won't look at me like this and you are not going to look threatening anymore" Then he move his face closer to her. "I loved to have that beautiful eyes of yours. They are gorgeous like a gem" He go to his toolbox again to change the tool he was holding, little did he know that Fuyumi is already getting to untie herself little by little. So when she got a chance when he get near her to perform the 'operation' she kicked his center real hard with all her remaining energy. When he was lying on the ground writhing in pain, she take the chance to run.

"Kazumi", she calls on his name like he was there to help him while running on an unfamiliar place. She felt a little relieved when she reached the highway yet even though, no one is stopping for her. No one want to take her for ride. Well, you can't blame them. They were driving in a dark road with flickering street lights in the middle of the night then someone will appear in front of the road or the side with blood all over her, messy hair and those lifeless eyes. So she just decided to walk beside the road, slowly but surely with the lights coming from the cars as her guide.

In the middle of the forest, a hand suddenly stick out from the earth. The rabbit eating beside it got shocked and ran away.