Chapter 51: he’s not dead

Fuyumi is cold and failing pitying herself walking on a dark road when someone grab her hair and pull it, she realizes that it was him again. "Do you think you will get away from me?" He's dragging her going back to the room pulling her hair. "That is what you got for running and kicking me" When they go back, Fuyumi is being tied again on the chair. "I am planning to spare you but because you did that to me, I won't let you live any longer" Haru is like a killer in any horror movie tossing the tool smiling evilly to his next victim.

He gouge her eyes like he was just scooping an ice cream. "I want these beautiful eyes to stare at me forever" "These are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen" Staring at those eyes on his hands then put it in a jar. "Now now now, what has left? Your brain of course" "Will I surpass Kazumi if I will eat your brain?" "Hrrmmm" "What are you saying?" moving his ear closer to her as if he will understand her. "I will become the genius of all the geniuses? And I will become the top student at school? Well, even I will not eat your brain, I will still become the top of the school. I changed my mind, I lied. I now want to see Kazumi dead. Just like all of you" "Don't worry I will bury your body next to his, so that even dead you are still together. Even without your brain. Don't worry I will let your heart intact, so that it will still beat when he's near you"

The class hours is almost over when Hitoshi arrived. He met Alliya on the school entrance and approached her. "Hi…Hitoshi" "Do you know where is Kazumi?" "You are alive. When did you get here?" "Where is Kazumi?" "I…I don't know. We are not already classmates. Asked Fuyumi, they are still together" He didn't said goodbye to her and went directly to the school.

He saw Kazumi standing on top of the stairs. He was about to go and call him when someone called him first from Kazumi's back. "Bro!" calls Haru from the back. Kazumi faced him. "Why are you still here?" he asked him while walking toward him. "I am looking for Fuyumi" "Do you think she's at school?" "I don't know, that is what I want to find out" "How about Kurumi. Are you not going to look for Kurumi?" "Huh?! Kurumi already went home in our province. She texted me. You also asked me in the cafeteria if she went home safe. Did you forget? Did you miss her already?" Haru throws Kurumi's phone in front of him and Kazumi seems so shock to recognize whose phone it is. His eyes widened and still can't find words to say. "Why do you have her phone? What did you do to her? Where is Kurumi?" You can already saw in Kazumi's face the anger with nervousness. He was about to grab Haru's collar when he pushes him to the stairs. Hitoshi hitched a breath when he saw Kazumi falls on the stairs. "Kazumi!!" as she ran towards him. He was hugging him then look up to Haru evilly who is now currently standing on where Kazumi is a while ago. "Why did you do this to him" as he slowly step on the stairs going to him. "Are you Hitoshi? Kurumi talks about you a lot. He always looking for you. Too said that she didn't met you before she died" "You killed Kurumi?!" "Not just here, also Fuyumi. I have so much fun removing her body parts out of her body. I even keep her eyes in a jar as a remembrance" "You!!" He punched him that makes him fall on the floor then he sit on his top and punched him continuously. Hitoshi is gasping his breath and his fist is already bleeding. Haru's face is unrecognizable and washing in his blood but he still managed to smile on Hitoshi's angry face. "Do you want to know who killed Aunt Mabel and his husband?" "You killed them also?" Haru laughed. "Fuyumi did, and her brother" Then he laughed louder. "Do you think I will believe you?" "Do you think, you already know everything about Fuyumi" "Don't act like you know her, you are just a psycho who came from nowhere" "I wouldn't kill her if I didn't know her" Hitoshi is thrilled to grab his collar. "You killed her because you are stupid, dumb" Haru laughs so loud. "Do you know who the second top student now? It's me" then he laughed again as Hitoshi punched him one more time. "Do you think I care about academic ranking? I don't care even you are on top or not. Even how smart you are, you are still dumb in my eyes" "Would you still think I am dumb after knowing what I just ate? It's Fuyumi's brain ahahahahahahahaha" After hearing that, Hitoshi became really angry as he punched him continuously while saying, "You are not a human, you are a monster. You deserve to die!!" When someone from above poured them a blood and some human organs on the exact spot where they are. Haru continue laughing. "You want to see Fuyumi, or…to be with him, right? Then you can have her organs and keep it so that you will not going to separate from each other anymore ahahahahahaha" Then he looked at him straightly after laughing. "Think of it as my present. Your welcome", then smiled at him.

Hitoshi was about to punch him again when someone came out from the back stab his eyes. Hitoshi was left speechless watching the man stabbing him over again and again in the face while saying, "You killed Kurumi and Fuyumi, I will make sure that you will burn in hell!" "Kazumi, Kazumi, stop it" then he stand to stop Kazumi. "Enough, you already ruined his face. He will not going to talk back anymore, his dead" Kazumi released from his hand the pocket knife he was holding and started crying as Hitoshi hugged him even his body is full of blood. "Kurumi and Fuyumi is already gone", he said between his sobs. Hitoshi just let him cry as much as he want on his arms. It sounds gay but that what are friends for.

"I thought you are already dead" "Well, bad people don't die easily", while wiping his face and the two of them walking out of the school. "I'm sorry bro. I really thought that you are the killer" "All our classmates believed you so I must be look like a killer" "You give me this bad impression when you first came in to the class" "You always give me that, you also had a bad impression of me when we first met in your province" "What?! Did you say something?" "Nah… I say it is okay. I do get that a lot, from the same person though" "That person might not know you well" "I thought so, if he will just going to remember me"

A loud ring of his phone wakes Kazumi from sleeping. He grope his phone from the table beside his bed while his eyes still closed "Hmm…hello" said in his very tired voice. "Hmm…yes, I'm Kazumi" "I am really Kazumi, you fool" "I will kill you when I see you" "Saturday? What's with Saturday" "Huwaat?!" as his spirit become suddenly awake.

He barely can recognize Hitoshi from not so far flashing a very wide smile greeting the visitor entering. This is his first time seeing him in a tuxedo, his handsomeness came out even more that some of the young people who attend the event are making cute faces in front of him. He smiled watching those ladies as he walk towards him. Hitoshi just greeted a visitor when he saw him getting near. "Wooow… I almost can't recognize you" as they shake hands. "Oh, don't fool me just because you are so handsome today" "Are we just kidding at each other?" "Do you think so?" Then they both laugh.

"Woah…this is so grand" looking amazed at the whole place. "Who knows that Miss Honda will get marry someday to a son of the CEO of one of the big company in the country" "I am happy for her, finally she found her happy ending. She deserves all the happiness" "It is just like yesterday when she went to me crying and asking advice for her love life" "And she was also about to get rape by one of our teachers" Hitoshi glared at him. "Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" Then they all stand with a round of applause as the groom kissed his bride.

"I am planning to enroll next semester" "That's good. It was a great decision" "Brace yourself because you might get shock when I become the second in the rank" "You wish" "Whaaat… I just decided to get serious on my studies. You don't know what will happen once I do that" Kazumi slap his back softly as they laugh together while walking outside the church with their tuxedos.

"Did you hear that?" "Hear what" "A baby is crying" "Dude it was just the two of us here. Are you trying to scare me?" "No, I'm serious" while looking where the sound is coming from. "Are you serious?" Kazumi asked while watching Hitoshi looking around the garbage. Kazumi is starting to feel embarrassed to the people who are just passing by looking at them. When he turned to Hitoshi, his clothes are in mess but what shock him is the baby in his arms. "What is that?" "Can't you see, a baby" "No, I mean. There is really a baby here?" "He is pitiful that they just left him in the garbage" "We should give him to the police" "Why?" "So that they will look for his parents" "Do you think his parents will get him? They just dump him here like a trash so it means that his parents already throw him. I have decided, I will adopt him and raise him as my own" "Are you serious? Why can't we just give him to the orphanage" "No!" "O…okay, no need to shout" "I already love him. The moment he holds my finger and our eyes met. I knew it, we are meant to be together. This is destiny" "You are corny bro" "Not as corny as you" "So you will really adopt him" Hitoshi nod with a smile on his face watching the baby sleeps on his arms. "I already think a name for him" "What" "What was Fuyumi's brother name again?" "Ah, I already forgot about him" "We already gone through everything and yet I still forgetting his name" "Why? Are you planning in borrowing his name to your baby" "I was supposed to" "Then why don't you name him, Ubel" "Ubel? Where did that come from" "I just… think about it" "I like it, Ubel", staring at the baby.

7 years later…

"Daaaad" Ubel happily enters to the house holding a piece of paper. Hitoshi from the kitchen rushes to see his son. "Dad look, I got a perfect score" "Wow, very good. You really take from me", kneeling in front of the kid. "Really Hitoshi", said Kazumi who just came out of his room and still fixing the sleeve of his suit. "Uncle!" he runs to Kazumi. "Look, I got a perfect score", happily showing his paper to him. "Wow, very good. You are so smart unlike your father", said as he turned to Hitoshi kneeled in front of the kid. "The teacher told me that I am very good also and my friends" "You should always be like that" "Yes, uncle" "Are you going already?" "Hmm", nodding. "Why don't you eat first" "No thanks, I am already late. I will eat on the way" "Are you a newly wed couple?" said Miss Honda standing on the door carrying her baby. "It's been a while since you visited" "If anyone will see you like this they would think that you are a couple" "Just thinking about it give me creeps" "Hahaha anyways I brought some fruit" "Really Auntie?!" "Yes, baby and because you got the perfect score in your exam" said looking at the kid looking up on her. "I should get going", said Kazumi as he leave the house.

"So when do you plan on going back to school?" asked Miss Honda to Hitoshi after Kazumi leaves. "I don't think I can do that, no one will look after Ubel" "Duh! What do you think of me" "What?! Are you going to take care of him?" "Of course, you know me. I can do a lot of things" "I know you are couz, and I believe that I can count on you bt not this time" "Why not" "You have a baby and your husband is always on a business trips" "You must have forgotten, we have several maids and nannies on the house to take care of me and my baby" "(sigh) I know but—" "Hitoshi" "Okay fine but I will let Kazumi know first" "Is he your husband?" "Miss Honda!" "Hahahaha okay. I can't just use of you living together like a gay couple. Does he remembers you already?" "He still don't but I know, someday"

Kazumi is doing his paper works late at night when someone messaged him. Upon seeing the name of the person who messaged him, he first look around as if he is with someone on his own room before opening the chat box. His breath hitched and heart started beating fast after reading what had that person texted him.

"I'm sorry, it took us a while you visit you again", as he placed a bouquet of flowers to Fuyumi's grave. "Don't worry about us now, Hitoshi and I got along really well, we even live on the same house now. He adopted a child and name him Ubel, I wish you can see how a responsible father he is. Haru is also dead, when we learned that he killed you and Kurumi. I didn't think twice to end his life at that moment. I am not a killer and I don't want to be one but Haru is an exception, he deserves to die. I don't know what makes him hate you that came to the point he tortured you and killed you. Whatever the reason is, I hope that you are in peace now. Please say hello to Kurumi for me if you meet her up there"

"Hmm Kazumi, why don't you have a breakfast first" "No need, I will keep going" "I have something to say also" Kazumi has stopped for a while then turned to Hitoshi. "What is it? Is it important?" "I will go back to school. I am planning to enroll next sem" "The last time you told me that, it didn't happen because Ubel came" "This time I am sure that I will going to enroll again" "What about Ubel, who will take care of him" "Miss Honda volunteered" "She also has a baby to take care of, you know that" "I know, I already told her that but she insist. She said that they have several maids and nannies to take care of the two kids" "(sigh) I am free this Friday so why don't you go on that day. I'll accompany you" "Really?! Thank you Kazumi. Ah! By the way, someone send a letter" as he get the letter on top of the refrigerator. "It is not written who the letter came from or for whom it is, just the address" as he give it to Kazumi and went beside him to read the letter for him.

Do you think you already killed the murderer of your classmates seven years ago? I still remember you, class 2-D. Sad to say that I failed on killing you two. I will not going to give up, I will still come to you. So wait for me… Who knows, I am already stabbing and slitting your throats without you knowing.

"I just feel goose bumps" "So Haru is not there killer, then who?" "Kazumi, he said that he is just around. Do you think he is watching us?" "He must be hiding somewhere out there. He must be so close to us that he can observe and watch us on a VIP seat and be updated on what we are doing or where we are going" "You are making me scared" "Daddy, Uncle what's happening?" asked the kid running towards them. "Nothing baby. Come to daddy" as he carries the kid.

"You just have to submit the photocopy of your birth certificate and you'll okay" said Kazumi while checking Hitoshi's envelope while going out of the school. "Hmm okay" "By the way Hitoshi" "Hmm yes?" "I already found who is the mother of Ubel" "Who" "You won't believe it but it's true. It is—" Before he continue, a ten wheeler truck suddenly came from nowhere and hit him that he almost flew because of the impact of the car. In shock, Hitoshi fall to the ground with big eyes. The truck didn't stop and continue moving on. "Kazumi!!!" screams Hitoshi as he ran to him and people are starting to gather around. The man on the truck just laughed while driving away watching them on his side mirror.

The end