Chapter 5


Gluttony's purring resounds throughout my kitchen. He cuddles with my leg waiting for me to give him his cat food.

When I look at him I cannot help myself but and smile. The little boy is around 3 years old and just a joy to have at my home.

I initially picked him. up because I wanted to start making real chimeras but promoted him to my first deadly sin after thinking about it.

I can just collect some other animals for later tests but Gluttony will be a special case.

I put his food on the floor and walk to my sofa to think.

Gluttony won't become a real deadly sin until he gets a philosopher's stone but that won't happen until he's strong enough.

Theoretically, you could just put a philosopher's stone into any being and wait for it to get regenerative abilities but father knew better than to just do that.

He either created special bodies or looked for excellent people to insert his special philosopher's stones.

While learning from my books I found out a few things and one of them is the uniqueness of the seven deadly sins.

They are created using special philosopher's stones that have parts of father's feelings in them at least that's what you could learn from the anime.

After my studies, I learned more. To create a deadly sin you need to split a part of your soul and put it in a philosopher's stone.

The piece of your soul represents the deadly sins and must be made 'leader' of other souls in the stone.

Father then put special powers into the stone giving Lust her spikes or og Gluttony his infinite dimension.

Now is the most important part insert the stone into a young body and let both personalities merge. Greed became a failure later on because the body he was inserted into had already a complete personality.

So, learning from fathers mistake I choose to use an animal as my first deadly sin. I also choose to make Gluttony the first because everything you need to control him is food and with my seemingly unlimited magic credit card I don't have food problems.

I also decided which power to give Gluttony. The gate wasn't cool enough in my opinion! The only thing I miss now is the philosopher's stone.

But I will get it when night falls.








(Musutafu; Big concert on the city outskirts)

The famous Rockband Villain downbringer organized for this concert a year ago and they're all the happier to make music for the 20 thousand people here.

They know on what kind of drugs their fans usually are so they avoided hiring heroes or the police. They got a small security force but they are less than a dozen men and women.

What the band doesn't know is that the stadium they are playing in has a perfect circle shape and what a certain person plans today.


I did my research on the internet and I can't say the waiting didn't pay off. After using bio-alchemy on Gluttony he's been able to understand my orders and got strength on the level of a human bodybuilder.

I didn't dare to change his DNA too much in fear of lessening his chances of becoming the host for the philosopher's stone.

I'm bringing this up because I just ordered him to wait in the crowd of people for my signal. Now off to my job.

I pull out a white chalk I have always with me after becoming more familiar with alchemy. I also wear my gray raincoat not wanting to have too much contact with these junkies.

They don't mind me walking through the crowd with it on, probably because they're high but who cares about dead men.

The band plays some random shit it's not bad but I don't like the fact that I'm neither from this world nor from this time.

I crouch down and begin to walk with the white chalk drawing a straight line. Most people just go out of my way so this part of the plan goes by really fast.

After a few hours go by I'm finally finished drawing everything, the only thing left are the blood sacrifices. I take out my flare gun and shot high in the sky.

Gluttony should start his rampage on the edges of the stadium by now so I choose to walk into the center.

Most people thought the flare gunshot was part of the show or they were simply too high to notice. The clever ones and the ones near Gluttony should have started running by now but they're a minority.

I put my finger on the trigger in my pocket.





Four bombs detonate on the outer shell of the concert killing many people.


Gluttony appears from the crowd, who got alerted and started to panic, with a smile at least a smile as good as can be from a cat.

With his arrival, I stand up but not before petting him and giving him a treat for his good job.

Now let us begin I stretch out my hand and put it on the ground.