Chapter 32


The front door of Cementos' apartment gets blown off with a force equal to that of a bulldozer, waking up most of the house's inhabitants.

A small cat enters the apartment through the now empty door frame, eyes shining with innocence adorning it.

Cementos woke up already and decided to check out what exactly happened.

He enters the living room, where three entities stand, a male young adult, a man in his thirties with bat ears, and last but not least a cute black cat.

The young man begins to speak, his voice filled with annoyance and domination.

"Make it easier for all of us and give up now."

Cementos heard villains say things like this throughout his whole career as a hero but the man he is just so... so...

'Confident. How can a person be so sure about himself?'

Cementos ignores the warning and creates a concrete wall between himself and the intruders.

Though sadly for him all the intruders seem to have a way to counter this action.

Garry just walks forward turning the stone he touches into blood. Gluttony simply smashes through the wall with all of his enhancer quirks. And Satou uses a bone sword to cut the wall in two.

Again Satou speaks up, this time with a voice of pure and unhindered annoyance.

"Please GIVE UP! We need you alive you stone-hard bastard."


Cementos knew he didn't stand a chance since his first wall was destroyed.

'I could maybe defeat one or two of them but all three together... there's no way.'

Cementos runs away as fast as he can but as it turns out even that isn't possible.

He falls to the ground, just as he was to turn around. Something tripped him, it was Gluttony who sprinted in front of cementos.


Cemento's head gets kicked by Satou's foot.

"That's what you get for trying to escape."

Satou touches Cementos' face with the palm of this hand, immense dread befalls Cementos.

"Now let's test this new transmutation circle ai worked on."

Cementos eyes begin to itch, but that was not the end of it. His legs began to itch soon after followed by his stomach and his arms until his whole body was enveloped.

The itchiness stopped abruptly and was exchanged with horrendous pain, Cementos was skinned alive by the transmutation circle.

The pain got so bad that Cementos bit of his tongue choosing to die rather than experiencing this pain for one more second.

"That's cute but you would've died already ten seconds ago if not for me regenerating all your wounds constantly."

Cementos eyes began to be filled with despair seeing no escape.

Satou takes out a piece of ducktape, placing it on Cementos mouth.

"Drag him to the lab, I'll have to visit a few more people today."

Satou yawns and stretches his arms out.

'This will be a long night and I'm already pissed, I just don't know why.'











The hero agency of Kamui wood was currently filled to the brim with workers doing paperwork even this late at night.

Most of the people still awake were normal workers but in the back of the office, there was one of the top ten heroes Kamui woods.

Today he stayed up extra long to finish checking all the applications from different schools and students.

His personal favorites were Ibara Shiozaki a fellow plant manipulator and of course like most pro heroes he was interested in the shining star of the UA Satou Makuro a very promising student.


A yawn resounds in Kamui's office... but then it hit Kamui, he didn't do it.

Kamui stands up immediatly, he checks everything in his view and after finding nobody he checked every nook and cranny in the office but finds nothing in the end.

'Must've been my imagination, sigh I should just go to sleep shouldn't I'

He sits down on his chair again and yawns himself.



A small dagger flies by Kamui's head even cutting his cheek a bit, the only reason it didn't kill him with a headshot was the fact that he yawned the exact moment the knife was thrown out.

"What a bummer now we need to do it the hard way"

A white bone katana was swung aiming for Kamui's head but the pro hero was able to evade and take his own Karana to deflect the bone one.


"I'm really excited about this, after all nowadays it's really hard to come by a fellow sword user."

Kamui uses his quirk to create a wooden tendril with the intention to incapacitate the man who attacked him.



The gray-haired man uses his bone katana once again swinging it two times, the first swing cutting the wood tendril, the second slash aimed at Kamui's waist.

"That's no fun, stop using your quirk... please"

Kamui parries the swing, but before he's able to retaliate another swing aiming for his neck is launched.

Kamui jumps left dodging the brunt of the attack but still getting damaged at his shoulders.

An only sword battle ensues, Satou slowly wins the overhand.


After five minutes of fighting Kamui's arm broke.

Satou took this chance and cut off Kamuis's arms and legs one by one.

He kept Kamui barely alive and left the office shortly after with a half dead hero on his shoulders