People in the Judicial Island, start to steal the fruits of absorption Chapter 94

Seeing the palm of Mai En stretched out, he would not refuse with Ace's character.

  "My name is Mann Niger."

  "It's the former ensign."

  Maien introduced himself.

  "Former Second Lieutenant?"

  Ace frowned slightly.

  But it was relieved when he thought of Mann's current situation.

  "This... I shouldn't need to introduce myself!"

  Ace smiled reluctantly.


  Mann nodded.

  After sitting on the ground.

  Speaking again:

  "Do you know where the blackbeard is now?"

  "black beard?"

  Ace's eyes fell cold.

  Looking at Mann warily:

  "How do you know him?"

  "That guy defeated you, how could he not know?"

  Man shrugged his shoulders.

  The performance is very natural:

  "What? You don't think I was with him?"

  "That's not enough."

  Ace shook his head decisively.

  He opened his mouth and replied:

  "I only know that guy handed me over to the world government."

  "As for where I am now, I don't know."

  "Maybe it's still in Mariejoa, maybe it's somewhere else."

  Mann nodded silently.

  It's not a pity.

  I didn't expect Ace to know where Blackbeard was going.

  But I still have to ask.

  In case you know...

  Mann will have one more choice.

  Since St. Charles Rose was punched to death.

  Mann knew that he was doomed.

  With the character of the five old stars, he wanted to kill Mai En soon afterwards.

  Fortunately, there is a green pheasant standing up to protect each other.

  Only then decided to imprison Mai En in the prison of the Holy Land Mary Joa to accompany Ace.

  The specific decision will be discussed after the world government and the navy headquarters have discussed it.

  Although the so-called decision Maien can think of with his toes.

  Either die or be imprisoned for life!

  But if it's life imprisonment.

  The heinous crime of killing the Tianlong people with Maien is going to be imprisoned in the deep sea prison to advance the city.

  In that way, Mann couldn't ask for it.

  It is precisely this idea.

  Maine didn't punch Charl Rose Saint with a punch and chose to escape.

  After all, if Mann really wants to escape!

  Rao is the five old star can't stop him!

  The air door opened.

  Maine would not come out from hiding inside.

  What if the five old stars are more powerful?

  Anyway, the air gate is rich in food and fresh water resources.

  Mann would be fine even if he hid in for half a year and didn't come out.

  Think of it this way.

  It is the first time that Mann sincerely thanked Nicole Robin!


  Although Maien was detained in prison.

  But he didn't panic at all in his heart.

  Even if sentenced to death, it's okay!

  Anyway, the handcuffs holding Mann are not Hailoushi handcuffs.

  Mann can use the power of the door fruit at any time.

  Ace next to him is different.

  Relying on the ability to burn fruits!

  it's good now.

  Hailou stone handcuffs buckle!

  Stop cooking!

  "Hey, Man."

  At this moment.

  Ace's voice rang faintly in Maine's ears.

  "Can I ask you a question?"


  Mann nodded happily.

  "As a navy, why are you locked up in prison?"

  Ace looked at Mann eagerly.

  Curiously asked:

  "What did you do?"

  "I didn't do anything, just killed a Tianlongren."

  Mann replied truthfully.

  "Oh, it turned out to be...huh?!"

  The pupils in Ace's eyes suddenly shrank into pinpoints.

  Looking at this little navy brother who is about the same age as Luffy next to him, Ace's tone was full of disbelief:

  "You killed the Tianlongren?"


  Mann nodded slightly.


  Ace was shocked and speechless.

  He looked down at the huge shackles and thick chains of his arms that were locked on Maien's hands and feet.

  Nodded involuntarily.

  I see! .

96.Chapter 96

  Haiyuan calendar 1522.

  Only one week has passed since the "Judicial Island Incident" that shocked the world.

  An even more amazing news spread quickly throughout the world!

  this day!

  The sea, the land and the sky are all resounded deeply by a name~

  Everyone has this name deeply in their minds-the depths of the sea!

  Maien Nigg!

  Throughout the ages, the only existence who dared to kill the Heavenly Dragon!

  A thing that even the Four Pirates would not dare to do!

  Maine Nigel did it!

  Great route, new world

  The Moby Dick.

  A tall figure was drinking wine while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

  Even when drinking.

  This person's eyes were not willing to leave the newspaper half a minute.

  The newspaper published the news that Maien killed Charlros Saint, the Draco man, in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

  The front page is marked with a series of exclamation points!

  "The first in history! Lawless Ensign Maien Nigel!!!"

  There is also a picture of Mann on the cover of the newspaper!

  And the picture of the death of St. Charros, the Draco!

  "Goo la la la... I didn't expect such an interesting boy in the navy!"

  The tall figure made a special laugh while raising his hand to wipe the wine stains from his mouth.

  "Warring States and Karp must be a headache!"


  Great route, new world.

  Red Forth.