People in the Judicial Island, start to steal the fruits of absorption Chapter 296


  this moment!

  The world is almost static!

  Everyone held their breath.

  Just because of the huge projection of Marin Vando.

  The figure of Maien and White Beard.

  Each has disappeared in the original place.

  It's the same as discussing with each other.


  The battle has begun! .

Chapter 230:

  Under lightning speed.

  The silhouettes of Baibeard and Mann are hard to capture with the naked eye.

  Among the people present.

  Only those who learn to see and see and domineering can see clearly.

  Others can only perceive two gusts of turbulence.

  "Boom Boom" twice.

  Armed color domineering covering it.

  Maine's hands turned dark purple.

  at the same time.

  The white-bearded Cong Yunqi was also covered in armed domineering.

  The handle to the blade is completely black.

  "Bang Dang" there was a loud noise!

  The two collided.

  Baibeard severely chopped away from Yunqie to Mai En in his hand.

  Maine uses double fists as a weapon.

  Cong Yunqi's slash was accepted.

  Although there is no wind and no waves.

  But with the battle between Maine and Whitebeard began.

  Circles of wind and waves rushed to the surroundings immediately.

  The earth is cracked!

  The whole Ma Linfan shakes the mountains!

  People here.

  More or less affected.

  But the culprit.

  Mein Niger and Edward Newgate were unscathed.

  "Not bad kid!"

  Looking at Man in front of him.

  The eyes of the white beard are unusually bright.

  This stay aside and watch.

   It's not the same as feeling in person.

  Until the moment when cut from the cloud.

  Baibeard fully understands the power of Mai En!

  So young!

  So immature!

  Has it grown to this point?

  "Gum la la la... what a pity!"

  "If I could meet earlier."

  "Maybe you have become my son now!"

  White beard smiled and said.

  "Yeah, if that's the case."

  "Today you don't need to die!"

  Mann said every word.

  "As arrogant as always!"

  White beard's eyes flashed.

  Speaking of which.

  Hold Cong Yun and cut hard with a stroke.

  A slash quickly hit Mai En.

  "Landfoot Kay Bird!"

  Man raised his leg and stroked.

  Rolling up the vacuum emits a silver light wave.


  Accompanied by a bird song.

  The silver light wave turned into a silver light bird.

  Fly to Slash with wings spread!

  "Boom" there was a loud noise.

  The square in front of the execution platform is completely cracked!

  The earth sags downward in an instant!

  Just at this moment.

  The bright eyes of the white beard flashed across (ajbb) a cold light suddenly.

  The huge fist suddenly clenched.

  The strong arms are violent!

  The white aperture suddenly appeared!

  "Kacha" made a crisp sound.

  When the white beard blasted this punch.

  The space around him instantly cracked countless fine lines!

  "not good!"

  An exclamation sounded!

  The tone was full of anxiety.

  The Warring States had been honestly on the sidelines.

  But see this.

  The pupils in his eyes immediately shrank into pinpoints.

  The big hand furiously waved.

  The Warring States yelled at the navy behind him:


  at the same time.

  Marco and others have quickly moved away from the battlefield.

  As the son of a white beard.

  No one knows the terrifying power of their father better than them!

  As a person with the ability to shake fruit.

  Whitebeard Edward Newgate undoubtedly has the power to destroy the world!

  And this force.

  Even the official has given certification.


  On the occasion of challenging the white beard.

  Mann was waiting for this moment.

  Because only White Beard has the ability to use Devil Fruit.

  This battle has really entered a fever pitch.

  hard to imagine!

  When everyone is moving backwards.

  When looking out for the wind.

  Mann Niger stepped forward instead.

  Step on Cong Yunqi with one foot.

  Use it as a springboard.

  Mann leaped up.

  The height of the white beard is as much as six meters.

  At this moment, Mann also jumped to the same height.

  On the same level.

  Accompanied by the sound of "rustling".

  Maien's hands turned into black smoke.

  Murder in the eyes!

  "Dark Water!"

  The moment the voice fell.

  The black smoke takes on the shape of a cross.

  Under the frantic rotation.

  The gravity of different darkness swarmed out.

  It is about to swallow everything!

  Even the terrible fruiting ability of White Beard.