People in the Judicial Island, start to steal the fruits of absorption Chapter 337

In any case, he did not want to understand, Mann, where is the confidence from?

  And shortly after Charlotte Mondore left the ghost island, Mann revealed his overall plan!

  "It is clear!"

  "Charlotte Lingling is trying to set a trap to frame me!"

  "If this is the case, then I might as well take the tricks and lie to her!"

  What Mann said finally made everyone suddenly realize.

  No wonder Master Maien agreed so readily, it turns out that there is a conspiracy in it!

  Immediately afterwards, what Mann said shocked them even more!

  "Next, we have to start dealing with the Charlotte family!"

  "We must destroy the entire Charlotte family in the shortest time!"

  This sentence, like a thunder, exploded in everyone's hearts!


  To be in the shortest time.

  Destroy the Charlotte family! ?

  Not to mention whether this kind of thing is possible...

  Everyone really couldn't help but want to make a complaint in their hearts!

  Boss, how many pirate overlords do you have to destroy before you can be satisfied!

  Not long ago, your old man killed Kaido!

  Now, are you going to shoot Charlotte Lingling again?

  It's really cruel!

  Not so cruel!

  Maine took a deep breath and began to tell his plan.

  "What I want to say next, you have to prick your ears and listen carefully...".

Chapter 261:

  After Charlotte Mondore returns to Cake Island.

  It was the first time that Mann's decision was told to Charlotte Lingling!

  The whole island was completely shocked when they learned that Maien would come to Cake Island alone three days later!

  Their first reaction after hearing the news was that they had heard it wrong!

  Otherwise, how could such an absurd thing happen!

  The one who was most shocked was definitely Kata Kuri!

  Kata Kuri almost doubted life.


  Mann really agreed?

  The strategy he put forward before was actually just to perfuse his mother.


  This Mann really agreed-down.

  Can he not be shocked?

  In the hall, Kata Kuri couldn't help but ask.

  "Mundor, are you sure you didn't lie to us?"

  Mundor smiled bitterly.

  "Master Kata Kuri, I lied to you about this kind of thing."

  Even if the other party still said that, Kata Kuri still had a suspicious expression on his face, and felt that the matter was too wrong, and there must be some hidden secrets in it!

  As for Charlotte Lingling herself, of course she is very happy!


  "This Mann is really looking for death, he is not self-reliant, and he wants to use his own power to fight me!"

  Speaking of this, Charlotte Lingling suddenly increased her tone.


  "This also makes me very angry!"

  "Man, do you look down on me?"

  "Or is he too naive?"

  Everyone present was silent, and they would know what Mann was making!

  Kata Kuli bit his scalp and continued to speak.


  "I think there is fraud in this!"

  Charlotte Lingling is having her spring and autumn dreams, and she will not listen to anyone's advice at all for a while. In her eyes, Mai En is already a big fish that can be pinched to death at any time!

  "Kata Kuri, you think too much!"

  "Then Mann won't be so smart!"

  "You are too cautious!"

  Hearing this, Kata Kuri gave a wry smile.

  If this is the case, that would be great...

  He would rather really think too much by himself!


  In order to enthusiastically "welcome" the arrival of Mann, the entire Charlotte family became busy during these three days.

  On the one hand, I was thinking about how to disguise their intentions and forcibly create a banquet.

  On the other hand, it is to mobilize all parties to seek the life of Mann to the utmost extent!

  "Quick, quick! Get started!"

  "Min will be coming in three days. We must hurry up during this period of time, otherwise this big fish will just slip away like this!"

  "I don't know what will happen next..."

  "Hahaha, we will be able to kill Maine soon! As long as we kill Maine, then our Charlotte family will be the first force of the Pirates. At that time, no one will be our opponent!"


  The Charlotte people were so high-spirited that they didn't put Mann in their eyes at all.

  But in fact, things are really as the Charlotte family thought. Does Mann really plan to step into the cake island alone?

  This question may only be known to Mai Enben!

  Time passed a little bit.

  In a blink of an eye!

  Three days are up!

  Today... is when Mai En arrives!

  On the periphery of Cake Island, the powerful members of the Charlotte family opened their eyes wide, stretched their necks, and seemed to be desperate to see Man!

  It didn't take long.

  A pirate ship appeared on the blue sea in the distance!

  And on that pirate ship, there was only one person!

  They approached at equal distances, and everyone looked intently.

  Good guys!

  Man is really here alone!

  Kata Kuri put his hands around his chest, still looking worried.

  He doesn't think that Mann is a brave fellow!

  How could this famous pirate powerhouse fail to understand such a simple strategy?

  In Kata Kuri's view, there must be a problem!

  It's just that no matter what he thinks, it's okay. He can't understand what the details are, he missed it!

  When everyone was amazed, Mann suddenly jumped and flew directly from a distance to the center of Cake Island.

  With his hands on his back, Mann looked around.

  Said with a smile.

  "It looks like..."

  "There are so many people here."

  Everyone was at a loss.

  What does Mann's remark mean?

  Is it implying something?

  at this time.

  Along with the sound of heavy footsteps, a mad woman with a steel body like a giant was walking over in stride like a meteor and appeared in front of everyone.

  Here comes Charlotte Lingling!

0 ·········Ask for flowers· ·

  One of today's three emperors!

  Mann looked at Charlotte Lingling and chuckled lightly.

  "Although everyone is the same as the Three Emperors, in a sense, is it the first time we meet?"

  Charlotte Lingling smiled.


  "This is the first time we meet!"

  "Well, are you still not interested in being my son-in-law? I have so many precious daughters, but you can choose."

  Maine shook his head.

  "No need."

  Charlotte Lingling seemed to be disappointed, said.


  "That's a pity!"

  "If you want to change your mind that day, just speak up!"

  Mann said seriously.


...... .... 0

  "Would you like to exchange things with me about the historical text?"