People in the Judicial Island, start to steal and absorb the fruit Chapter 359

"I think the five of you don't even know what's happening now, right?"

  There was a sigh from the phone bug.

  "Aka Inu, do you really think I don't know what happened to you?"

  "Min is leading people to fight fiercely with you, is that right?"

  The words of Wu Lao Xing shocked the red dog. (Nuo Li's)


  It seems.

  Wu Lao Xing knows what's going on!

  That being the case, why should they be given an order to retreat?

  What is hidden in this?


  The shocking news that Wu Lao Xing revealed afterwards shocked all the navies present once again!

  "You don't know yet, do you?"

  "Now New Marine Fodor... is being attacked by the enemy!"

  "Guess who it is?"

  "It's Shanks and the others!"

  When the familiar three words Shanks were spoken, the atmosphere of the audience suddenly became a little weird. The navy opened their mouths and their faces were full of incredible colors.


  There are no problems or minor problems with their ears, right?

  The red-haired Shanks, who doesn't like messing up and likes peace, actually launched an attack on their naval headquarters at this time?


  It's unbelievable! .

Chapter 285:

  Everyone is stunned!

  For them, this fact is so shocking!

  The older generations of navies such as the Warring States Period and Karp, who had dealt with Shanks a lot, were shocked at this time!

  Karp was even more stunned, living in the same place, calling out incredible!

  "How is this kind of thing possible!"

  "That Shanks actually shot Malinfoddo at this time? Unbelievable, this is unbelievable!"

  "Although this incident seems unbelievable, there is no need for the five old stars to lie to us! Maybe, it's really like this!"

  "What is Shanks doing? Why did he attack our navy at this time? What is the benefit of him doing this!"


  The red dog was biting his teeth!

  This news was undoubtedly a devastating blow to him!

  Obviously, if you continue to fight like this, there is still a high probability that you can defeat Mai En and others in one fell swoop!

  But now...

  With Shanks's shot, all this has changed so much that he doesn't know what to do now.

  Can't continue to fight, let Shanks take a shot at Malin Fodder, right?

  After some thoughts, Akinu made a very difficult decision. Even if this decision was the last thing he wanted to do, he can only do so now!


  After saying these two short words, the red dog seemed to have lost all his strength, and became a little dejected.

  As if this was a very heavy blow to him!

  This is the first time that many navies have seen the red dog like this!

  In the past, the red dog always gave them a tough look no matter what they encountered.

  But now, it is rare for Aka Inu to show such a tired look, which makes them not only shocked, but also a little helpless.

  This can't be blamed on Aka Inu. If you think about it from another position, I'm afraid they will make the same choice as Aka Inu, right?

  Under the order of Akagu, the vast fleet of naval ships just turned around and left...

  This battle ended in the defeat of the Navy!

  Barrett and Yuzhiliu, the two war madnesses, were a little unwilling.

  Especially Barrett!

  "Damn it, let the old fellow like Warring States run away!"

  "It's really uncomfortable!"

  Barrett was in a bad mood.

  If you want to ask him who he hates the most in his life, then Barrett will definitely say the word Warring States.

  In his eyes, other people can survive, but only the old fellow of the Warring States Period must die!

  Moreover, it is better to die in his hands, only such years of heart knot can be solved!

  But now...

  This old guy still ran away!

  Can Barrett be upset?

  Yu Zhiliu suddenly spoke.

  "Boss Mann, do we really not chase? This is a great thing for us."

  Then, Mann, who was still calm, suddenly spit out a mouthful.

  The two froze for a moment, and then took a breath of air-conditioning.

  Boss Mann... was actually injured!

  "Boss, are you okay?"

  Barrett spoke in shock.

  "It's okay...just a little hurt!"

  "That guy Karp is not so cruel!"

  Mann couldn't help sighing, and once again realized the terrible thing about naval heroes.

  By now, he finally understood why the world would praise Karp so much.

  Karp is too strong!

  Not generally strong!

  Fortunately, he himself is strong and possesses the top physical skills.

  Otherwise, it might really be beaten by Karp!

  Of course, Yuzhiliu and Barrett were shocked. They couldn't help but glance at each other, and they could see the shock under each other's eyes.

  There is no doubt that this incident is very shocking to them!

  That invincible, in their eyes, the boss of Mann, who is like a god of war, is now suffering a serious injury?

  Karp's true strength may be much stronger than they imagined!

  Yu Zhiliu sneered.

  "If I meet those lieutenants again, I must cut off their heads!"

  Barrett also let go of his harsh words at this time!

  "Warring States, I will kill this cunning fox sooner or later!"

  Seeing the two of them so energetic, Mann couldn't help laughing.

  "Since you have such a strong fighting spirit, this is a good thing."

  "After all, we will have a real battle with the navy in the near future!"

  Just now.

  Marco, with a complicated expression, appeared alone in front of Mai En and others.

  "Man, this time... I have to thank you!"

  "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the old hometown would have been destroyed long ago!"

  Man waved his hand.

  "This is just a matter of effort. By the way, do you white beard remnants plan to continue fighting with me? If you really want to continue fighting, I can give you some breathing time first so that you can regain your strength. Once you have recovered all your injuries, let's fight with me again."

  Marco gave a wry smile and shook his head.

  "My friends and I have discussed it, and I won't fight you."

  "And, as agreed, the text of the history will be sent to you!"

  "But, do you remember the little request I made earlier?"

  Manne thought about it carefully, then said.

  "Could it be that you are hope, let me take you to the last place of the great route?"

  Marco groaned for a while, said.

  "Yes, nor is it!"

  "Other partners also have deep prejudices against you. Even if you protect your father's hometown this time, it does not mean that they will agree with you. Therefore, I am the only one to go!"

  Maine took a deep look at Marco, and he seemed to understand Marco.

  He didn't understand what it meant before, but now after Marco said this, can he not understand?

  Marco, this is going to get on his boat!

  To be honest, Mann really didn't expect that there is still such a day, and he can still get Marco's help, which is really a surprise.

  I thought that when he came here, in addition to dealing with the navy, he also had to deal with Marco and others.

  In the end, Marco, who was once regarded as a possible enemy by him, took the initiative to join forces with him.

  Even though he is not a real subordinate, he can be regarded as a half ally!


  What you need to know is.

  From a long time ago, Maine has admired Marco, a strong and reliable powerhouse.

  During the war at the top, the Whitebeard Pirates had been able to fight the navy for so long, and Marco did a great job in this! .

Mime private 286

  Without Marko, I'm afraid that the white beard will not be so smooth at all, and he can directly penetrate into the depths of Malin Foduo!

  Of course, the most important thing is that Marco himself is strong enough, this is a top powerhouse with a general emperor rank.