Half Moon

With the total of seven men in the room, it's not surprising that Miso has already felt the burden of trying to make things work. She had always wanted to become a musical actress and perform in front of people.

The enjoyment she experienced once when she stood on stage was something she had wanted to have for a long time. But even though she had already been in specific performances, she couldn't help but feel nervous singing in front of these men.

It seemed that she was highly pressured to do well. If she couldn't really please them, then there's a chance that they'd use the card and not let her debut with them in the band.

Miso had already prepared herself the day before and even sacrificed sleep for it. However, she wanted it to work, so Miso tried her best to practice speaking and singing in a lower tone of voice.

She had received in-depth training and acceptance from Manager Lee, who called her first thing in the morning to hear the outcome of her efforts.

And it was a success.

Miso's voice neither sounded girly nor boyish. On the contrary, it was a neutral sound that no one would ever distinguish.

But for singing?

She didn't really know.

She didn't really know what to sing in a band out of all the songs she knew. Miso had listened to boy group songs, ballads, and other stuff, but she wasn't really into rock music.

"Wh-what can I sing?" Miso nervously asked the leader Chris. The was atmosphere tense, and she wanted to do a great job. "I am not quite sure of what songs you prefer me to sing..."

Instead of snapping at her, Chris smiled as if it was a way to comfort her restless heart. He gently explained, "You can sing whatever you want. Honestly, the CEO had already convinced me that you're a gem to the group but it would be better to prove your skills to the other members as well."

"Chris is right," Han nodded with a wide grin. "One of our friends here is quite sensitive so you just have to prove yourself and get it over with."

"The CEO has never been wrong of his judgment," Felix remarked as he put his right arm around Bin's shoulders. "For you to receive such treatment from him, I doubt that you're just a mediocre vocalist."

Miso felt the burden on her back as she listened to the kind words the members of Blue Rose spoke. They seemed to be reliable people for her. As her gaze fell at Ren, he raised a brow and crossed his arms.

"I think it would be better for us to listen to his voice first, don't you think?" Ren commented.

"Suit yourself," Bin said as he leaned his back on his chair.

The spotlight was already given to her. First, Miso had to choose the appropriate song that band members would actually like. Then, she had to choose something that would tug and capture their hearts with her voice.

With the power lent to her by her brother and her parents, she took a deep breath. Then, Miso chose the song she had been listening to nowadays.

"Love-love the stars," Miso started singing with sincerity. Her voice echoed throughout the room as she breathed out the following lyrics of the song, "Love-love the moon~."

It was a song that she had always listened to with her twin brother. Jay had always wanted to sing this song to her future girlfriend. But since Jay hasn't had any girlfriend, he sang it to her whenever she wanted to hear his voice.

Now that he couldn't really sing it for her, Miso knew that it was her time to sing the song for now.

It was a sweet song that had a deep connection with Jay. She knew that he would sing it if he was in her place.

"Nothing comes even close, to half of you." Miso continued to sing as she closed her eyes, forgetting that she was in an 'audition.' "It can't fill me. It doesn't fill me up, yeah. If only I had just half of you, even just a bit of you, then I wouldn't feel like this~."

Miso used vibrato on the low sustained tones in the song and tried to focus more on conveying the message. However, she knew that her singers' skills and sincerity would never fail to move the person listening to her.

The song was sweet, and she tried her best to make herself sound more endearing and more delicate than the ones that she had ever heard before. The theme was straightforward, but she wanted to showcase it with her voice.

She heard a round of applause coming from her side. Miso opened her eyes and saw them clapping at her. She somehow felt the burden disappear as she took a deep breath.

"Isn't this Dean's song?" Han asked. Her eyes were sparkling with interest. "I'm amazed at your voice. It sounded unique and a little bit high pitched but your vocal tone is still pure and sweet."

"The CEO would never choose someone mediocre as the main vocalist of our band." Lix nodded as he stared at Miso in the eye. "I approve."

"Me too," Bin raised his hand and said with a small smile. "He isn't perfect but definitely better than anyone else in the bad. With just a few instructions about how he'd sing rock songs, he'll be fine."

Chris grinned, showing off both of his dimples next to his mouth. "I approve as well. He's the perfect addition for the team."

Ren cleared his throat as if wanting to hint at everyone that his opinion still mattered. "I also have a couple of conditions to add. As much as I appreciate all of the members' opinions, I don't think it would be this simple to decide over..." He trailed off and glanced at Bin, looking for an answer.

Bin blinked, and as if reading his mind, he said in a low voice, "His name's Jay."

Ren went back and stared at Miso as he continued, "This isn't enough for Jay to become Blue Rose's main vocalist."

With a nod, Chris asked, "Then, what do you suggest, Ren? If you have something in mind, I'm all ears." He opened his hands wide, waiting for Ren to say something.

Miso felt the nervousness taking her over. She hadn't had enough sleep yesterday as she was preparing for today's event. However, she did not want to seem rude and even tried her best to stop yawning.

Her eyes started to fail her. It seemed like one of the best things for her to do was shut down.

No, no.

She had to prove herself that she was worth it.

Miso only had to convince Ren and approve her existence in the group. After that, the only problem left was keeping her identity as a girl a secret to everyone.

She tried her best to stare at the space as Miso didn't want to come off as someone who found the situation boring or uninteresting enough for her to yawn it off.

Indeed, it was a deciding moment for her and her twin brother.

Failure was not an option for her.

"Why does he seem like he's annoyed at something?" Bin commented as he turned his head back, tracing where Miso was staring but found nothing interesting in his eyes. "Maybe he's feeling uncomfortable with Ren?"

Chris awkwardly laughed as he tapped Miso's arm. Instead of feeling alert, Miso found herself shutting down. Her eyes were closing on their own and became a phone that shut down from insufficient battery life.

In 20 years of her existence, life was definitely not easy for her.