Vocal Training

For three days, she had decided to stay up late and practice until midnght in the vocal practice room. Even though, Felix had already warned her not to stay in the practice room past the midnight, because some t

Although the members have comforted Miso that she was doing a great job, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable of the fact that maybe, her incompetence was making them lag behind.

For three days, she had decided to stay up late and practice until midnight in the vocal practice room. Even though, Felix had already warned her not to stay in the practice room past midnight, because some trainees have already met ghosts showing themselves and even making the lights turn on and off.

But Miso didn't really care about it.

She knows that maybe ghosts and supernatural beings exist in this world somewhere.

But it wasn't something she had to think about very much.

For her, the most important thing is to improve her vocal stability as the main vocalist of the band Blue Rose. After all, she had to secure her spot on the band for his twin brother, who was still trying his best to heal.

Miso had been practicing for three days until midnight but she never really went past it. She looked at her watch, and it was already one at dawn.

The company is still open and the security guards roam around and check the rooms, so she didn't have to be that scared. And there are other idol trainees who train in the dance practice room as well.

Technically, it won't be that scary for her.

Glancing at the ceiling, Miso took a deep breath and gathered her music and lyric sheets. She tried her best to straighten them as it was crumpled so much.

"Ah, I can't believe I let it become this crumpled," Miso muttered under her breath. "I have to put on some scotch tape on its sides to make it last more."

She turned off the lights of the room and went to the hallway. The last time she went out and snooped on the other vocal practice rooms, the lights were turned off.

And that was already eleven in the evening.

Who would actually come in to practice at eleven onwards?

It was so random but out of curiosity, Miso tried to look at the rectangular glass taht was accessible for her. She found the air conditioner open, but not one was there.

"Why would someone leave the lights and air conditioner open?" mumbled Miso. "It's a waste of electricity."

She was still so preoccupied with the idea that someone left the practice room open.

"But it isn't my business, right?" Miso mumbled again. "Maybe the guy who used the practice room liked using it past midnight."

Then she was reminded of the ghost Felix told her.

"Miso, no need to be scared," she reassured herself. "Even if the ghost is here, she can't really harm you, okay?"

It has been a habit of hers to speak to herself when she's alone.

Turning her head around, Miso was too surprised by a seemingly human figure that resembled that of a ghost. When her eyes focused on what was in front of her, she saw that the ghost in front of her was Han.

He was laughing with his light brown hair covering his eyebrows and his thin lips curved into a wide smile. Han even used his cellphone to lighten up his face with the flashlight application.

"AAAAHHH!" Miso let out a scream and dropped her knees on the floor. "Han, you scared the hell out of me!"

Han dropped to his knees and laughed hysterically, dropping his phone to the side as he held his stomach from laughing. He said in between his laughs, "Jay's reaction is the best! I've never seen anyone like your reaction before."

Miso climbed her way near Han and slapped his thighs, "I got really scared, really! I can't believe you!"

"Now you can reach a higher vocal range than what you can thanks to me," Han said, still in between his laughs as he combed his hair through his fingers. "You can use this type of vocal training as a training method and it will definitely help you and others as well."

Miso glared at Han with his outrageous reasoning, but his adorable laugh made her stop from getting angry at him as well.

"Ooh, is Jay angry at me?" Han asked, raising his right brow. "I'm just really playful and this is what I do to get close to people." He stood up and offered his hand at Miso, "I think you're amazing and dedicated. Don't worry, your efforts will bear fruits later on."

Miso stared at the hand that Han offered. She saw the bandage wrapped around his palms until his wrist. It seemed like his passion to practice as a musician got the best out of him that he became injured as well.

"Thank you," Miso said as Han smiled at her.

Suddenly, he went to the practice room and turned off the lights. Contrary to what Miso expected, Han was seen carrying around the lyric sheets as well.

"Were you practicing our songs as well?" asked Miso as she watched Han walk out of the door of the small room.

"Yes," Han responded as he looked over at Miso's lyric sheets as well. "But not as much as you. Your lyric sheets looked like they have survived several typhoons and hurricanes, Jay."

"Ah, yes." Miso awkwardly smiled. "Are you going to the dorm now?"

With a nod, Han replied, "Yes, of course. I practice our songs randomly. We just can't rely on the main vocalist for our songs, you know?"

"Is that because I am still incompetent?" Miso asked in a small voice.

But Han reassured her, "No, not at all." He continued after a small pause, "In the case of the vocalist being absent during events or practices, and someone has to take on the lead, then I can do it."

"Wow, you're amazing."

The two of them continued to talk while they were on their way to the elevator. The hallway was quiet and serene.


No one spoke but they heard a sound. Miso turned her head and glanced at Han, "Did you hear that?" she asked.

"I did," Han replied. "But I don't think anyone of us spoke?"

Slowly, Miso turned her head to the back and so did Han.

The next thing after that was left was a shout.