I Fancy You

"Drink it, drink it." the members gleefully cheered as Lix placed a full glass of beer in front.

The members stared at her with expecting gazes. Miso already felt her head aching from the amount of booze she already consumed. She started to feel the dizziness of drinking.

She could feel that she could not drink anymore so she was about to speak but then she just swallowed whatever she had in her mouth and got herself ready to drink the alcoholic drink in front of her.

"It doesn't seem like she's ready to drink it," A familiar voice spoke and then Miso raised her head to where she had heard it. "I'll drink it instead."

With her eyes already half close, Miso felt her senses tinge when a hand appeared in front of her mug filled with beer. She followed the hand to find out who it belonged to.

It was Chris's hand. He took the mug and drank the beer from it. She became conscious of the fact that it was the mug she had been using earlier.

An indirect ki--

Blinking twice, Miso silently scolded herself and snapped it together. She better not think of anything unnecessary. She had to keep in mind that she's acting as Jay, her twin brother who happened to be the main vocalist of the band, Blue Rose.

The fact that she was just here to fill his spot, and nothing else.

But Miso could not help the fact that watching how Chris drank her mug of beer looked apparently cool and handsome of him to do so.

"Eyy, bro," Han narrowed his eyes at the sight of the leader being someone else's knight in shining armor. "How can you drink someone else's penalty drink? It's not like you're here to impress a girl."

Chris wiped the remaining booze on his mouth with his right hand, but when he processed what Han said, his eyes widened in surprise and said, "What? No! Why would I want to impress anyone when it's just our members here."

"Right?" asked Bin as he leaned his elbow on the table. "You said you didn't want to drink but you drank Jay's penalty drink?"

Chris glanced at Miso first before he responded to Bin's question, "It appeared that he couldn't drink anymore." He coughed, "You guys were targeting her as well so it wasn't a fair game."

"That's right," Ren agreed. And for the first time in forever, Miso felt that he was being helpful to her. It appeared that he was trying to help her by telling the truth, something she had wanted for a long time. "You guys would have been doing the same thing anyway, just so you could get rid of your penalty drink."

"There, there." Lix tried to mediate the situation and continued, "I think all of us are already in the second stages of getting drunk so it's better for us to go home."

A moment of silence passed by. The members slowly stood up from their seats and walked back to the exit of the venue. And Chris, who was the last to get up, turned to Miso and said, "I think the members were a little too drunk tonight." He extended his hand, offering her his arm, and said politely, "It would be better for us to walk on our way back home just for a bit."

Han, who was just a few meters away exclaimed, "You want us to walk six kilometers way back home?"

"Yeah," Chris nodded. "It isn't that far. And to be honest, it would be a great way to sober up."

"Bro, can't we just use the company card the manager has given to us?"

"No," Chris refused, shaking his head as a reply. "It would be a great way for us to bond as well. Don't you think?"

Bin smirked hearing Chris's words as he walked right next to him. "You and your bonding sessions, bro."

"You like it anyway," Chris wrapped his arms around Bin's shoulders and said, "All of us like it."

The three of them were filled with laughter as Lix walked with Ren and Han in front, Miso, Bin, and Chris walked next to each other. The night was peaceful. This was the best time they had ever experienced. And they had just drunk themselves into a pleasant state. The members of Blue Rose were in a good mood.

It was a perfect night.

This was the best night.

Ren had finally accepted her as the main vocalist of the team. The other members approved her skills as well. The teamwork they have made was already in the first steps of being made.

"Don't you guys think that the night is going dark?" Han paused as he turned his head towards their direction. "I think it would be better for us to take the taxi."

"Yeah, we better do." Bin nodded in agreement. He immediately grabbed his phone in his pocket and open an application that would let them book a taxi.

They stopped by the road and waited for the taxi to arrive. Thankfully, Bin was able to book the taxi for them. Ren sat on the passenger seat. Two people could take the seat at the back.

"I'll sit at the back, instead," Miso said.

Chris, the most ever helpful leader that he was, helped her. To her surprise, he sat next to him as well.

"You're okay with me sitting right next to you, right?" asked Chris, to which Miso nodded.

The close proximity they had made her nervous, but she ignored that fact and tried to calm her nerves. Maybe it was just the alcohol playing with her.

Three people sat in front of them. Lix, Han and Bin seemed to be comfortable with sitting right next to each other so it wasn't much of a problem.

They started talking at first but then, the members became silent as they felt tired and drained for the eventful day they had.

Miso was staring at the window next to her when she felt something tap her shoulders. Slightly turning her head to the left, she saw Chris leaning his head on her.

Butterflies in her stomach invaded her soul as her heart started beating fast.

She wasn't here to fancy the members, but why was she out there doing it?