Drying Hair

"Sister," Jay called Miso in a sweet voice. "Your hair is too wet, don't you at least dry it for yourself?"

"I just let it be," Miso replied as she continued to brush her teeth while he looked at Jay whose focus was now into her. "I find it a hassle. It will dry by itself anyways."

Jay ran his fingers through his hair. He always did that whenever he was frustrated. 

"Miso, it's bad to lay down on your bed with your hair wet." Jay's voice was now stern and authoritative as the older twin brother. "You know that too well. Do you want me to tell mom?"

"Please, don't tell mom!" Miso cried as she continued to brush her teeth, trying her best to tell what on her mind. "Or else I'll be doomed."

"That's why I'm telling you to dry it, or else you will catch a cold," Jay insisted as his gaze went back on the television. "You're usually okay with it though."