
Ren cracked a smile as he approached Miso's bed and sat on it, "I don't have any particular worries that I need a piece of advice with. Thank you so much for the offer though."

"You're being sarcastic," Miso remarked.

"No, I'm not, okay?" he responded. "Why do people have that stereotype on me?"

"Because you seem like you would."

Ren sighed, "Should I just tell you the reason why I'm here, then?"

"Yeah, please do.""I'm here because I noticed you spacing a lot lately, are you okay?"

Miso felt a warm tug on her heart. It seemed that the cold and realist Ren was just worried for her after all. Even if she didn't expect too much from him, it seemed that she had already built a relationship with him as well.

"Did you ask because you were worried about me?" Miso asked, smiling at him.

He nodded, "Yeah, I did. Just like you said, I'm a goal oriented person. Tell me if you have any worries or problems and we can talk about them together."