
Miso momentarily laughed as she glanced at Chris catching him looking at her too. The past days had been really tough for her particularly, but because of the members, she was managing herself quite well. 

It was one joyful breakfast in a long time. 

Getting a good night's rest made her feel like she was refreshed.

But now, she had to prepare herself for a battle negotiation.

She had to do something to HF Journalism to make them stop their attacks towards them.

Spread out on the table are dishes of black beans, kimchi, fried anchovies, seasoned bean sprouts, namul, stir fried potatoes, omelettes, and bulgogi. Not to mention the large container of rice.

"Thanks for the food," Chris announced and served himself some rice which allowed the rest of us to start serving ourselves after reciprocating his thanks.

"These are really good," Bin complimented with a bite of the omelet in his mouth.