
"Playing the guitar won't make money." Their granddad simply remarked back. Miso rolled her eyes as Lay quickly adjusted his voice. "Just what do you do anyways? Career wise?" He raised his eyebrow and stares at him.

"Umm," Chris hesitated before speaking. "I'm someone who loved music. Someone who plays the electric guitar for a living."

"Grandma, you know that group Blue Rose, right? Chris is the leader of that group."

"Ah, really?!" Grandma spoke, "You mean the group that our Jay is in?"

"Yes," Miso nodded.

"Of course I do! My, sweetie, what a catch…" Grandma laughed before beginning to serve food onto everyone's plate. Her grandfather immediately began to question him about everything.

"A professional guitarist? A member of the band?" Grandpa exclaimed.