Cute Moment

'A sight to behold,' she muttered.

Once she was done braiding his fringes back, Miso stuck the remaining five flowers arbitrarily. Thankfully Chris's hair was thick enough to support them, although she was sure the ones that aren't braided are going to slip off once he moved due to how silky his locks are.

She delicately placed her flower crown on his head, which has now attracted its own crowd of butterflies. It felt like heaven right now for her— his head on her lap; the warmth of the sun on her skin, not too harsh, the humidity in the air, the sound of birds and insects chirping in harmony — she wished you'd never leave. 

She really want to wake him up now — half to admire how gorgeous he looked with all the flowers on his hair, and a half because she simply wanted to see the look of surprise on his face when he realized what you've been up to.