
"Ren!" Han's popped his head into his room. Ren, who was in the middle of game, removed his headphones too look up. "Can I borrow a hair tie? I forgot where I placed mine."

"Oh yeah, sure," he replied. Reaching over his desk, he took a simple black hair tie from his vast collection of hair ties  and handed it to Han.

"Thanks," Ren immediately said before he is dashing out of the door, leaving Han no time to react. Han just shrugged and returned back to his game.

Han ran his fingers through his hair, then he gathered it into ponytail as he walked into the elevator. He checked the time on his phone and inwardly cursed. This morning Soye had called him to come over for lunch. She said that she had something to tell him. It was way passed lunch time because he got caught in practicing for his position as the drummer.

Oh Soye was so going to kill him.

"You're late, Han," Loki commented in a mutter as Han entered the pizza house. "What's wrong with you?"