No Sleep

"Text me?" She flashed him a cheeky smile as she grabbed her keychain from the table, looping it around her neck. "Don't forget to do that. Okay?"

"Of course, I won't." He responded softly, taking his phone back, almost feeling her hands ghost over the screen.

Even if they were busy, they had always kept in touch with each other, with Chris always initiating a text. A simple 'how was your day?' that would end up into a 'good night'. It might be small but the gesture and effort was enough for her. She loved the fact that 

Miso smiled for the hundredth time that day and turned around to throw him one last wave — Chris sat there, watching her fetch her car from the parking lot, never taking his eyes off her until she disappeared down the street.


UNKNOWN: Guess who?

MISO: Did you change your number? I think I know you.

UNKNOWN: Yeah, it's me! Your boyfriend! Aren't you happy?