Stage one Chapter Five: Heated plains of the Desert.

Even heading under the shadow had no effect over the extreme heat of the desert plains, the scorching sun head rendered the how zone a thermal hell as people who thought the could resist where roasted to death.

Seed tried his best to keepk his gaurds up, but was thirsty and hungry, it has already been a month in this world and he did not have any decent meal, at the start, the system provided them with strang like cubes which provided all the nutrients needed for the body, leaving out the fact that it was extremely bitter, it did not exclude tge recovery of their energy, but he knew that it wouldn't be permanent, as the system would stop.

Seed had ration his nutrients since the system when off untile the game end, and he had already taking one for the day, but the intense heat had consumed all his energy, so he sat under a shade to rest.

"The dead rate has started back to rise, it has been a month since it last dropped so high, surly the situation about food is getting worst" Seed said as he checked on his ration, "only 10 left, I would not last long with this luckily, I am close to the center, after crossing this plains" Seed thought as he open his status to distribute his newly aquired Exp.

Before reaching her, he had killed a man, killed other two peopl who tried to ambush him and escape a class 2 drone luckily, not forgetting the woman who committed suicide as her thoughts were influence by Seed.

Killing someone gave the killer all the owner'sExp, meaning, 10 Exp per person, which was alot in a world were Exp was like gold or water, in total Seed had accumulated 40 Exp, he was very happy and excited regain back his extra ordinary surviving skills he had long ago.

"I am not a fighter, so better prioritize escape skills like speed and perceptions" Brian thought as he open his status, "okay, I would add this, and that, hmmm, without this, it would be difficult to maintain this, okay, ohh I should also improve.."

An hour passed and Seed had accomplished his distribution, and was proud of the result as the system sum up with the present status to bring out his the newly aquired status.


Speed 14

Dexterity 14

Strength 8

Endurance 8

(New) Perception 6


Equipment: Gun (M9) (poor quality)

"Finally, as time passes, and we get stronger, it look as if the system updates more data, this time would be different" Seed said as he stood up, "I would reach the end of all this, and arrive stage 10" he said with determination in his eyes as he sprinted like a bullet, covering his head with the cap of his yellow raincoat, 13 speed was no joke added with endurance, he covered up a significant distance, near by survivors which Seed did not notice due to the inability to adapt fast to his perception newly establish spotted his shadow flashing in a yellow and going far away, as the all felt relieved that the inhuman did not find them.

"We can keep moving to the center, that person had left" said a boy, from his appearance, he was surly a 20, 19 year youth as he looked very young, his group mainly made of another boy and five girls all looked young, surly the were classmates when the got hijacked, the boy with the player name Hope, looked at the pale and frightened expression of his group and coul only feel the huge pressure on his shoulders, he feld depressed as thought how many monster like this man are out there, but did not show it so as not to discourage the orders and shatter their last hope, and determination.

"I think we should start moving" one of the girls said as she could not see the shadow again, hope nodded and the stood up and headed to the center of this world, the girl followed them behind, she had a hidden smile on his lips as if happy to see back an old aquentance, the girl with the player's name Sunflower followed this group of students she looked at the direction Seed took.


Ten kilometers away from where the rest were two groups had successfully attain the center, and had collided, leading animosity among the two groups, as both accused the order of hiding the wanted system players, and a fight was prepared to broke out.

The center was made up of a small scale city, or what was remaining, as all the buildings where all destroyed, but some still stood up, even though affected by erosion, the most fascinating aspect was that, the was vegetation growing and water could be seen, as a big river was located right at the center of the city, plants and some unidentified creatures could be spotted here and there. The two groups had constructed a camp and stayed in opposite zones monitoring each other and sharing the resources but as time passes stress and conflict was only multiplying, as both leaders of the group got prepared for the worst.

"What's the situation out there" asked a bulky man, he had a colossal figure with well defined muscles, a scar found on his face added the intensity his aura could produce, to resume, ordinary people who did not level up could not bear it and fainted.

"Sir!, the opposite camp are have strange behavior and are preparing themselves for something, their behavior is extremely suspicious in my opinion" The gaurd said.

The leader, whose player's name and number, was 890, Mr Strong frown at the report, he woke up from the floor as he pushed away the lady near him, "tss get out, usuless, with this damd system, having sexs with ladies have been banned, it as if, this damd system people are here to cultivate our stress and anxiety so as to force us kill each other untile one is left" Mr strong said as he got irritated by the situation, the lady left hurriedly followed by the guard who was dismissed.

"Tss damd woman, if not of this fucking system, I would have rape you to shreds, wait and see, I would first annihilate your group before torturing you to death bitch" Said Mr strong as he tood of the leader of the opposite camp, as he knew, she was stronger than him, but had a plan to defeat her.


A month later, the weather drastically changed as nimbus clouds appeared out if no where covering the sun putting every where inside darkness, the wind blew in intensity as both camps prepared for battle.

As each camp eyed the each order with threatening glare, one of the gaurds in the opposite camp saw a strange silhouette approaching, but die to the distance and raging wind, visibility was limited, he tried adjusting his vision to have a better look but the silhouette had disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Asked his colleague.

"No nothing, I thought I saw something, but it was surly wind" she responded clearing out all doubts.

"Be cautious, it is said, we may have to fight that Mr Strong" she said as she ajusted her gun and held it firmly.

"When would all this end, I want to go home" the poor guard who was to young to be qualified as gaured and barely 16th cried out as she kneel on the floor sobbing, "Crying would not chang anything, we can only percivier right to the end....if there is" the eldest guard tried comforting her but failed as she unknowingly blurted out her last thoughts, but looked depressed as the kept watch of the opposite camp.

A distance away from the center, a group of survivors made out of young youths appeared, all looked exhausted and starve, their numbers had reduce, as Hope and three girls were the only one left, surly the rest passed out in the crossing of the heated desert.

"Keep up, I can see peoples at the end, we would be in security in numbers" Hope encouraged the remaining people with him, but his dry and cracking voice had no effect as the looked more depressed, sunflower had lost the were about of the man who ran at high speed which annoyed her but when she saw the mass of people at the distance, her smiled bloom up like a true sunflower.