

The Trusted ones break you emotionally but your loved ones can shatter you emotionally and mentally. people say love hurts but it's not like that, people in love actually hurt in the name of love. Those things that they loved in the start of a relationship will not be interesting after few months. why is it like that?

Excitment and blind love actually keeps you holding to the most toxic relationships. You will be ready to get hurt once when you go deep into the feel of love. You also forget to take care of yourself when such a thing happens.

Make it a point, excitment is fine but being peaceful is very important. you can feel excited when you guys do something together but feeling peaceful in their company matters.

"I saw that relationship as a serious one but he didn't. I was shattered when he got exposed by his friends and his own mother. I was trying to explain that, the relationship was not going well, he without giving any second thought started speaking stuffs that got my nerves. I was super impulsive, thankfully I was... and called his mother just to get to know that he got engaged." she said

"what ?" he was super surprised now.

"That's how I did react. But something more was waiting for me .An audio message from my ex boyfriend and I heard him saying " bro , you really need to try her once, she is damn good in bed. I had great time, "one of his friends shared it to me " she told this looking deep into the journal while scribbling on it.

" It's was done and dusted right there. I can't handle anymore. That's when I thought I wanted to concentrate more on my passion career and build a great life. That was also the time when you came into my life." she replied

"Even before I could process my thoughts everything happened. Including you getting physically close to me." she added.

Broken is never a problem but getting hurt deeper and deeper without any scope for healing is problem. Give some time to heal. you may have the scars but still you would have been healed and ready to take up things with a different level of energy. she shattered everytime when trust was involved. There was no time to heal but she still managed to stand up just like the Phoenix.

Back to life from the ashes, with no guardian angles.