Chapter no. 12 The Snow Wind Family

( Author Note : This is what the mc looks like )

( Lin Lingtian's POV )

Walking through the streets of Glory City , I had changed my clothes into what I normally wear .

Looking at the scroll that arrogant woman gave me .

The Demon Beast I wanted to find was located to the southern Saint Ancestral Forest but there was a nagging feeling in his heart .

Why was the location of a rare demon beast like the Dual Attribute Demon beast so close to Glory City ?

Shrugging , Lin Lingtian bought a few sharpening soul crystals .

His axe and sword was getting dull from the constant battles he had .

The Sharpening Soul Crystals were a type of crystallized stones that used someone's soul force to sharpen the edge of any weapon .

Walking into a weapons shop , I pick up a few items like bolts of arrows , a crossbow , a vile of red oil and a scroll that contained the Scarlet Sun burst Inscription array of the Sacred Family .

As a practitioner of the War God Technique , he naturally gained basic knowledge on fighting demon beasts .

Demon Beasts that had dual Yin-Wood Attributes had one extreme weakness and that was fire .

Fire when touched the wood attribute produces the Yang attribute which neutralises yin soul force .

Looking at the scroll , the 340% increased Enlightenment kicks in as he could imagine what the flow of a soul force through the 36 foundation patterns of the Inscription array was but the problem was that he could clearly see restrictions on the power of the array as 2 foundation patterns were missing .

This inscription array should have been formed with 38 foundation patterns and 27 auxiliary patterns to compliment it's power .

Closing the scroll, he shook his head rather then buying it he could make a better array for fighting against the dual attribute demon beasts .

Walking to the counter , I paid for all the items which brought my total to 1467 demon spirit coins .

Quickly making a detour to the market to buy blood of the fox fire demon beast , I make my way to the Holy Orchid Dormitory .

[ Holy Orchid Dormitory ]

Lin Lingtian , ignored the gossiping teens as he stopped for a few seconds as his eyes glowed while looking at his room .

' Someone is in there .'

Taking a small dagger from his interspatial ring , he skillfully hid it between his sleeves.

( Click )

Opening the door , Lin Lingtian saw no one in his room .

Taking out a few bolts of arrows as he placed them on the table .

" There is no use hiding , I know you are here ."

Lin Lingtian felt it , a presence behind him .

Feeling the aura he had deduced that the intruder was a black gold rank , rather then being afraid , the War God Technique in his soul sea begin to circulate as his muscles tensed up ready to fight even if the chances of him wining were extremely low but he could at least keep himself alive for the higher ups like the principal of the holy orchid to arrive .

" ho , Don't be so tense , young one , I would like to invite you to have some tea with me ."

Hearing the familiar voice , Lin Lingtian turned as he was greeted by the sight of the one of three old man that had sat in the back of the class who he had speculated was a part of the Snow Wind Family .

Lin Lingtian sat on the table and said ," I don't like tea ."

" Oh ! Then what do you like to drink with this old man? "

Lin Lingtian narrowed his eyes when he glanced at the clock on his wall and looked at the elder .

" I am not hungry ."

" Oh , brats of the younger generation are quite rude they can't even show respect to there elders ."

" Respect is earned old man not given ."

" hahaha I guess that is true ."

Lin Lingtian went to the side of the wall and. picked up his axe and sword and his eyes again narrowed .

" A word of advice , you may get quite lucky if you come to have some tea with this old man ."

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow and began to leave the room .

" Snow Wind Family ."

Lin Lingtian stopped just as he was about to open the door .

' So looks like my guess was true .'

" I would like to offer you , Lin Lingtian , a chance to become my disciple , the disciple of Ye Shuo a black gold rank Demon Spiritualist ."

Ye Shuo said with a proud smile thinking that what he offered had left Lin speechless ?

Lin Lingtian opened the door and said ," Then mister Ye Shuo I have to decline your tea offer because I am going to leave."

" Wait , I don't think you understand what I am saying . I am an elder of the Snow Wind Family ,one of the 3 major families of Glory , as a 4 star black gold rank I am offering you to be my student ."

Lin Lingtian looked at him in indifference and said ," Can you move my clock 2° to the right ? Word of advice , when you want to go through someone's else stuff , at least place the things back to right positions ."

He could only tell that someone had searched his things because of his 340% increased enlightenment .

" Wait ! " Shouted the Old man but Lin just flipped the bird at him and closed the door as he walked away .

The Old man scoffed and said ," Arrogant brat , just because you have talent you think that you will rise to the level of the top . ( Huff ) You will soon beg me to my student ."

Lin Lingtian rolled his eyes as he clearly heard the old man's comment .

Joining the Snow Wind Family would have given many others opportunities to rise to the top but to him it was just a restriction . Yes , joining the snow wind family would give him immense resources but to him those resources could also be gained as easily by himself and he still has his freedom .




( 12 hours later )

In the 10 meters radius space in the depth of the forest, various kinds of branches were scattered all over the area. The smell of burnt wood still lingered in the air .

Lin lingtian sat on a stump as he checked out his Axe with the inscription array he had made using the Scarlet Sun Burst Inscription array from the sacred family as his base .

The 38 foundation patterns were still not stable due to the purity of his soul force .

Using his sword a cut formed on his thumb blood drizzled down .

Taking a deep breath , Lin lingtian pushed soul force into the blood and began to draw a pattern that looked like cross between a circumpunct ( Symbol of the Sun ) and the triskelion ( Symbol of Hecate ) .

With a satisfied nod , soul force flowed through the Axe as it began to glow with crimson fire.

Canceling the soul force , Lin lingtian stretched and began to draw his personal inscription array which he named saint fire inscription array on his sword .

Now he had all the equipment he needed to fight wood yin demon beasts , he set off towards the location in the scroll .

( Author note : Guys what unique weapon would be the best for Lin lingtian like nie li who uses the thunder gods meteorite sword )

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )