Chapter no. 15 Soul Flower

( Author Note : Merry Christmas to Everyone ! As a gift for Christmas 🎁🎄today I will release a few more chapters enjoy ! )

[ Holy Orchid Dormitory ]

[ Lin Lingtian's Room ]

Scrolls , Journals , Maps and Books that he had taken from the Holy Orchid Library covered the floor of Lin Lingtian's Room as he carefully read each line of each paragraph of each journal . He had stolen everything from the Hunters Association .

In his spatial rings were 5 million demon Spirit Coins , arsenal of weapons and records .

Memorization of these scrolls was helpful as he had now knowledge of multiple nests of Demon Beasts that would become a part of his army .



Then a letter caught his attention .

[ Dear Guild Master Shuo Long : I , Huyan Ning , have searched through the black marsh in the south of the Saint Ancestral Mountain under your request. A demon beast known as the snow Sakura was the reason Hunter's were disappearing in the black marsh . I have already dealt with the problem . ]

Searching for anything more and nothing came up .

In all the records he had stolen from the Hunters Association only that letter had any mention of a dual attribute wood yin demon beasts " The Snow Sakura ."

But now another problem arose .

How can he get the corpse of the Snow Sakura from the Huyan Family ?

A high ranking family that has a black gold rank patriarch and a family that has close relations with the Snow wind family and the Divine Family .

The risk of sneaking in and getting the carcass which may or may not have been used by the family .

Laying his head on the side of the bed , Lin Lingtian closed his eyes and sighed in frustration as finding the blood of dual attribute was getting harder and harder .

Suddenly his eyes opened as he remembered that the daughter of the Patriarch of the Huyan Family was a student at Holy Orchid Institute .

Now how should he convince her to give him some blood of the snow Sakura Demon Beast .

After thinking about it for a few minutes as he considered many things like giving them a custom made inscription arrays e.t.c.

Then an idea popped in his head .

' THAT could work '

Standing up , Lin Lingtian exited the dormitory and walked towards the genius class .

He skimmed through some journals about inscriptions to confirm that what he wanted to make was possible .

[ Holy Orchid : Genius Class ]

[ POV Change ]

.... so class can you tell me what herb is required to be burnt to mask your smell when you go out hunting any type of demon beast "

The teacher said while looking at the bored students .

Suddenly the door opened and a hooded figure with a monkey mask came in , looked at the students and left in just under a few seconds .

All the students of the class where dumbfounded and confused .

' What just happened ?'

Regaining his composure the teacher screamed ," Who are you ?" as he opened the door on to be greeted by a empty hallway.

The students and teacher all were confused at what just happened ?

Sitting on the roof was Lin Lingtian who had a monkey mask beside him as he smiled ' looks like my guess was true '

[ Appraisal level 3 ]

[ Name : Huyan Lanrou ]

[ Soul Form : Black Lotus ]

[ Soul Attribute : Yin ]

[ Soul Realm : Green ]

[ Demon Spiritualist : 2 star silver rank ]

[ Fighters rank : 3 star bronze rank ]

Lin Lingtian smirked ,' Looks like lady luck is smiling upon me .'

Now he had a way to get the blood of Snow Sakura .

Taking out the heart that was drained of all the blood of a Fanged Panda , Lin Lingtian smiled .

' Let's make a soul flower '

" Lin Lingtian !"

Hearing his name being called Lin Lingtian looked down as Xiao Ning'er was calling out to him .

Jumping down from the roof , Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er face was half covered by her hair as he could see a white mask that hide her burns who deliberately wore a checker laced dress. Her hair scattered around on her back. She wore a bracelet on her jade white wrist, becoming extraordinarily beautiful and charming. Usually, Xiao Ning'er would wear a tight fitting jacket as it was convenient to train with.With her beauty, the tight fitting jacket gained a unique flavor when she wore it. However, she seemed to have meticulously dressed herself up today. She was even more beautiful compared to how she usually dressed. This made it harder for the others to look away after taking a glance at her.

But being meticulously dressed up was a first for Xiao Ning'er.

" Hey beautiful , what's up ?"

A blushing Xiao Ning'er's right hand slightly moved.

She took out a paper bag from her interspatial ring and gently said, "This is the lunch that I've made. I didn't know what you liked to eat, so I made a few sets."

With a shit eating grin Lin Lingtian said " Oh ! Looks like lady luck is really shining on me today . A beautiful woman is serving me lunch ."

Xiao Ning'er's face turned beet red ," Can I eat with you ?"

" Sure ."

Lin grabbed Xiao Ning'er by the waist and jumped to the rooftop .

Letting down the red Xiao Ning'er on the roof as she glanced at the white heart of the Fanged Panda .

" What is that ? "

" Oh ! That's the drained heart of a Fanged panda ."

" Why did you have that ?"

" I am making a soul flower "

" A soul flower ?! "

" Oh ! The heart has the greatest source of Yang soul force in it so when an external yin soul force is introduced , it acts as a capacitor for soul force ."

" What's a capacitor ?"

" It stores soul force. "

" But why ?! "

" I want something and I am going to giving it to the person that has what I want ."

" Lin Lingtian if you want I can get you want ."

" Hahaha thank you but I can handle it . "

" Are you sure ?"

Seeing the concern on her face , Lin Lingtian just patted her head and smiled ," Let's eat I am hungry ."

" Yes ." A shy Xiao Ning'er said .

Xiao Ning'er took the lunch out. There was all types of pastries inside. Seeing those pastries caused others to suddenly have the appetite to eat. The fragrance wafted into Lin Lingtian's nose .

Taking a bite , Lin Lingtian was surprised at the taste ," Delicious ." as a nutty and creamy taste of the pastries filled his mouth .

Seeing his reaction , a bright smile made it's way on Xiao Ning'er's face .

Taking the white heart , Lin Lingtian began to draw an inscription array using the blood of blizzard Spiritual insects and the Fire Spiritual Insects .

Seeing the complicated inscription array , Xiao Ning'er felt a migraine as she tried to understand it .

[ An hour later ]

' You never fail to surprise me .'

( Swish )

Red Crimson Soul Force flowed through the as a bud formed on the upper part of heart .

The Crimson Bud bloomed into a flower that looked like a cross hybrid between a lily and a rose .

" Powerful ."

Xiao Ning'er said as she could feel the chaotic and dense soul force that filled the flower .

Hearing Xiao Ning'er say it , Lin Lingtian smiled as a thought filled his head ,' Really would be nice if I could absorb the soul force in this flower but it doesn't work if you absorb your own soul force... wait .'

" Ning'er .."

" Yes ."

" Can you fill you soul force into the inscription arrays on the heart ?"

" Ah! Yes ."

Closing her eyes , she focused as soul force flowed through the inscription array .

A jasmine flower had formed on surface of the heart .

( Huff )

( Huff )

A sweating Xiao Ning'er swayed back and forth as Lin Lingtian caught her in a side hug .

She leaned against him as he plucked the lily .

[ Appraisal level 3 => level 4 ]

[ Item : Soul Flower ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Disclaimer : Absorb it ]

Pressing it between his finger and thumb , Cyan colour soul force began to flow into his dantian .

[ Lightning and Wind Attribute soul force is being absorbed ]

[ Soul Flower : 10 Lightning and Wind Soul Force attributed points are beings absorbed ] ( Duration : 1 minute ) (+ - )

Pushing the plus button till the status is infinite.

A few seconds go bye as multiple tabs open up .

[ The Soul Form Wooden Yin Lotus is reacting to the lightning and Wind attributed soul force ]

[ War God Technique is reacting to soul flower ]

[ Increase Soul Flower by 330% , 33 lightning and Wind Soul Force points absorbed per hour ]

[ Soul Flower : 33 Lightning and Wind Soul Force attributed points are being absorbed ] [ Duration: ∞] ( - )

[Name : Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age : 13 ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank : 4 star bronze rank ]

[ Fighter Rank : 5 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Health : 1700/1700]

[ Stamina : 1150/110 ]

[ Strength : 20 ]

[ Speed : 22 ]

[ Soul Realm : Orange Soul Realm ( 35.78%) ]

[ Soul Attribute : Attributeless , Wind , Lightning ]

[ Soul Form : Yin Wooden Lotus ]

[ Law : ------- ]

[ Soul Force : 499 ]

[ Cultivation technique : War God Technique : Army of the Underworld (•) ]

[ Skill : Appraisal level 4 ]

[ Positive Status : Wood yin Infusion , War God Chant level 4, Body

Strengthening , Hearing Enhancement , War God's Battle Instincts level 5, War God's Body Strengthening , Soul Flower ]

[ Negative Status : Heart Demon Soul Contract ]

" Lin , what's wrong ?"

Hearing the concerned voice of Xiao Ning'er , Lin Lingtian turned and hugged her , " Thanks ."

A blush covered Xiao Ning'er's face as she asked ," For what ."

" Who knows ?"


Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er were shocked by the loud voice and turned towards the direction of loud voice .

A little intrigued Lin Lingtian stood up with Xiao Ning'er in a bridal style .

" Eeeeepppp ! "

Lin Lingtian's form disappeared as he speed through to where Nie Li was fighting against Shen Yue and his goons .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )