Chapter no. 18 Xiao Ning'er's Plea

( 3 Days Later )

( POV Change )

[ Holy Orchid Institute ]

[ Apprentice Fighters Class ]

As if it was a fish market , many students were gossiping to each other about the shocking rumors had spread that in the Holy Orchid Institute " Lin Lingtian was a member of the Dark Guild " after Lin Lingtian was taken by the City Lord's Faction .

Even though it was just a rumor , majority of the students had taken it as a fact while remembering the fear they felt from Lin Lingtian's bloodlust .

" Hey did you hear that the scum Lin Lingtian is being tortured for information about the dark Guild by a powerful expert of the Snow Wind Family "

" hahahah that Dark Guild scum deserves all the pain he could get . "

Xiao Ning'er sitting in the back clenched her fist almost drawing blood .

' Damn those bastards of the sacred family , I know it , they must have framed Lin Lingtian for being part of the Dark Guild . But why ? Was it a form of revenge for hurting Shen Yue or was it something else ? '

" Hey , Do think Nie Li would be ok ? "

" Yeah , I am sure he would be fine if not for that dark Guild scum ."

Hearing the talk about Nie Li , Xiao Ning'er frowned .

This was the current attitude of the nobles as ever since Nie Li showed that he had soul forming , many nobles now had be sucking up to Nie Li's friends like Lu Piao , Du Zhe e.t.c. and treating the other commoners as equals as they wanted to get into the good side of Nie Li who was currently in a coma as Nie Li showed he favoured the commoners .

Xiao Ning'er looked at her hands , these past few days she had been thinking of a plan to help ,' I don't know if this plan would work. Currently my enemy is the Sacred Family and i am not strong enough to face of against them so THIS is the only way I can help Lin Lingtian .'

Taking a deep breath her gaze went towards Ye Ziyun as she touched her left cheek of her mouth , ' IT is painful but this is the only way to help Lin Lingtian . I should ask Ye Ziyun after class .'

( ~ Creak ~ )

Shen Xiu strutted her way towards the board with an arrogant smirk with little hints of anger and annoyance .

" Well Class we had an unfortunate event take place these few days but I wanted to remind you that the ..."

Xiao Ning'er stopped listening as she glared at Shen Xiu ,' You bitch , you are the reason why Lin Lingtian is being accused of being a member of the Dark Guild ?'

( Author Note : Xiao Ning'er when referring to " you " she is not targeting Shen Xiu rather " You " is a place holder for the sacred family )

Then it hit Xiao Ning'er as she remembered all the times that Shen Xiu acted differently when she interacted with Lin Lingtian . How her attitude would take a 180° turn when she spoke with Lin Lingtian.

' She knew of Lin Lingtian's talent and with his indifferent attitude towards her and sacred family . They schemed to have Lin Lingtian taken out so as to not let other families gain more power by recruiting a talent like Lin . '

Suppressing the desire to hurt Shen Xiu , Xiao Ning'er took a deep breath to calm herself .

' The sacred family is truly the filth that plagues Glory City . '

Glancing at Ye Ziyun a plan began to hatch in Xiao Ning'er's mind .




( ~ Ring ~ )

( ~ Ring ~ )

As soon as the bell ring , students made there way to out of class but before Ye Ziyun could get up Xiao Ning'er came up to her .

" Ning'er ... Ahmmm ! "

" Can I talk to you alone ?"

A bright smile broke through Ye Ziyun's face , " Yes , Yes. ...."






[ City Lord's Mansion ]

Ye Zong looked at Ye Shuo with a stern look , " So looks like Elder Shen Ming was right ."

" Yes , The letters that were found in Lin's dorm room lead us to a location in the Red Light District where we found a dark Guild member destroying some evidence . A fight broke out and the body of the Dark Guild member was burnt to ashes but a letter detailing instructions for Lin Lingtian to kill several heirs of the noble families ."

Seeing the quiet Ye Zong , Ye Shuo couldn't help but ask ," What is wrong City Lord ?"

" Somethings don't add up . Shen Ming said that he suspected Lin Lingtian of being a spy of the Dark Guild as while working at Sacred Family as a servant , Lin Lingtian never showed any talent as he was born with the red soul realm . I had checked the records that Lin Lingtian came to the Holy Orchid Institute he was tested to have an orange soul realm . Why did the Dark Guild send such a talent to Glory City ? Why didn't Lin Lingtian's body burn like all the other members of the Dark Guild ? Was it because of his age or did the Dark Guild value his talents so highly that they didn't use the soul binding technique on him ? Then why was such a talent sent to Glory City ."

" Indeed City Lord , many things don't line up . "

" Keep investigating on this case further . If Lin Lingtian is indeed a member of the Dark Guild increase security around his cell , the dark Guild might sent members to get him and if Lin Lingtian is not a member of the dark Guild then all the more great for Glory City, we might be able to nurture another legend rank . "

Ye Zong closed his eyes as he sipped on his tea .

" What about the other brat ? "

" Nie Li , he is still in a coma but we are currently investigating the Heavenly Marks Family for any signs of suspicious activity . Even if Lin Lingtian is or isn't a member of the dark Guild , I am still intrigued on how the Heavenly Marks Family was able to hide a technique that according to the words of many students allowed Nie Li to advance from bronze rank to 1 star gold rank . "

" Elder Ye Shuo , I want you to investigate the Heavenly Marks Family in disguise by using the Alchemist Association's Influence to protect the heavenly marks family . See if they truly have a blessed or cursed technique that was truly like what the students described ."

" Yes , City Lord ."

" Elder Ye Shuo , The president of the Alchemist Association Gu Yan has informed me that Nie Li has a hidden master that we can't afford to offend so whatever investigation you are going to do , do it in the most discreet way possible ."

" Yes , City Lord ."

" City Lord , after finding the letter that was addressed to Lin Lingtian , I sent in my best interrogator to question Lin Lingtian ."

" The result ?"

" Lin Lingtian was cooperative in the first halve and claimed that the Sacred Family was working with the Dark Guild."

" Oh ! "

A surprised Ye Zong rubbed his eyes as he said ," The possibility exists but I don't want to imagine it ."

" Well I don't want to either but the abundance of convenient evidence for Shen Ming's claims and the dark Guild member I fought had put this idea in my head . Moving on ... the investigator tried to get more info from Lin Lingtian by psychologically putting pressure on him by telling him that we knew that he was responsible for the Hunters Association massacre ."

" Wait what ?!"

" My Lord you didn't know ."

" Know what ?"

" The weapons that Lin Lingtian used in the fight against Nie Li were from the missing arsenal of the Hunters Association ."

" What happened next ?"

" The psychological tactic backfired as now Lin Lingtian stopped cooperating with us . The investigator tried many times to convince him but at the end of it Lin Lingtian kicked the interrogator " Ye Feng "which resulted in him getting his right leg completely shattered . "

" what is the investigators rank ? "

" 3 star gold rank "

" But that shouldn't be possible , when we found Lin Lingtian's body he had severely exhausted his soul force . Without pills it is impossible to recover soul force in just a mere 3 days as it would take at least a month to do so . So .... "

" Yes , We believe that Lin Lingtian's using his physical strength to destroy the interrogator's leg . "

" What a monster ? "

" Yes ."

Ye Zong frowned as at first he had thought of Lin Lingtian as someone that the sacred family falsely accused and someone who could rise up to be a legend rank but now with the new info that Ye Shou provided about Lin Lingtian being involved in the massacre of the Hunters Association , it seemed that maybe he wasn't a part of the dark Guild but someone who could rise up to be a threat to Glory City .

A sigh escaped Ye Zong , what should he do now that will be the best for Glory City ?

( ~ Knock ~ )

( ~ Knock ~ )

" Lord Father , May I enter ."

" Ye Ziyun , what is it ?"

" Lord Father , I have brought Xiao Ning'er who has something to ask of you . "

" ( Sigh ) Come in . "

( ~ Creek ~ )

Opening the door , Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun came and bowed to Ye Zong .

Ye Zong frowned when he looked at Xiao Ning'er's mask , ' So looks like it was true that she encountered some trouble when advancing into 1 star bronze rank . '

" Yes , Xiao Ning'er , what was it you wanted to ask of me ? "

Xiao Ning'er kowtowed to Ye Zong and said ," City Lord please grant me a way to talk to Lin Lingtian , I want to know . "

Ye Zong frowned at Xiao Ning'er's request but he was intrigued by what she wanted to know as Ye Zong's soul force pressed down on Xiao Ning'er .

Xiao Ning'er greeted her teeth as she removed her half face mask .

( Gasp )

Ye Ziyun couldn't help but gasp as the ugly burnt scar of Xiao Ning'er's beautiful face .

Ye Zong's eyes widened as he looked at the scar wondering what kind of accident did Xiao Ning'er encounter when advancing in rank .

" City Lord , I want to ask Lin Lingtian that did he ever love me or was I just a means to an end for him . I destroyed my beauty to destroy my engagement for him . So pl... ease... City Lord ( Sniff ) just grant me ( sniff ) this one request please let me talk to him . I just want to know if he truly lll.... lo- ( Sniff ) -ved me or did I destroy my life pursuing someone who was a traitor to humanity ."

It looked like Xiao Ning'er had a complete breakdown as tears rain down her face .

Ye Zong looked at her scar ,' As more and more new information came , the image of him was keep getting more and more .... monstrous and cruel .'

Ye Ziyun tried to comfort Xiao Ning'er but in Xiao Ning'er's mind seeing Ye Zong not respond she decided to go with plan B .

Xiao Ning'er again bowed by this time the thud from her forehead hitting the ground resounding through the room as Xiao Ning'er loudly said .

" Please City Lord I beg you ."

Soul Force began to flow out of Xiao Ning'er as if looked like her intense emotions triggered something .

The Soul force began to form a pair of angel like wings on her back .

It was soul forming .

Ye Zong looked at Ye Shuo who nodded the message was clear .This was not the plea of someone they could dismiss . This was the plea of someone that had the potential to be a future powerhouse of Glory City and as the city lord they had to form a good relation and connection with Xiao Ning'er who has shown soul forming indicating she may rise of the peak black gold or even legend rank .

" Xiao Ning'er ..."

" Y.. (sniff ) Yess ."

" I will allow you to talk to Lin Lingtian . "

Slowly standing up , Xiao Ning'er wiped her tears with her sleeves as she clenched her fist and looked at Ye Zong and bowed .

" Thank you , City Lord I will never forget this favour ."

" Elder Shou ..."

" Yes ."

Elder Shuo stood up from his chair and asked Xiao Ning'er to flow him towards Lin Lingtian's cell .

Xiao Ning'er closed her eyes , ' Plan A complete . ' as she touched her left cheek of her mouth , ' IT is still so painful . '

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )