Chapter no. 20 The War God's General

( ~ Creak ~ )

The door swung open as a purple haired 18 year old came in with a bowl of Fanged Panda Noddles .

Ye Shuo nodded to the 18 year old and left the cell .

" Want some . "

Ye Feng said while offering Lin the bowl .

" No , thank you ."

" Well suit yourself ."

Placing the bowl on the side , Ye Feng sat near him and said , " Elder Ye Shuo had written a few questions for me to ask of you ."

" Ask away ."

[ Ye Feng's POV ]

Let's first ask a few simple questions to ease his mind and get him to view me in a more friendly light .

" We have evidence to prove that you may or may not be a member of the Dark Guild , what do you have to say in your defence ? "

" The Sacred Family is working with the Dark Guild ."

' Oh ! Didn't expect that .'

" Well that is quite the big claim ."

Lin Lingtian just nodded .

" Well it is true ."

" Do you have any evidence to prove your claim ?"

" Ye Shuo said with quite certainty that he had fought the dark Guild member who had a letter addressed to me . First isn't it a little suspicious that a dark Guild member had a letter addressed to me conveniently when the sacred family claimed that I was a member of the dark Guild . I don't think you are stupid enough to believe in such a massive coincidence ."

" Well your words have quite the merit but why do you think the sacred family would target you , an orphan that used to be their servant ."

" Greed , Lust , Talent and Fear ."

Ye Feng looked at Lin Lingtian and said ," Explain ."

" The sacred family has quite the greed and lust for power , wealth and authority , with my talent I could have given them everything when they asked me to join them . I rejected them and they feared that I would go to another family which would rise to a position of power that they wanted and they feared the possibility of that so they did what they had to do . "

" hahaha , you have quite the way with words and a lot of pride . "

Lin Lingtian thought as he heard Ye Feng's Statement , ' Seeing his body language this guy is trying to project a friendly image to get me to lower my guard and answer more important questions then let's put a stop to it . '

" Pride is a privilege for the strong and talented and Pride for the talentless and weak is a sin . "

" hahaha , that may be true . "

' Hmmm , this kid has quite the pride so do I have to butter him up to get him to speak . Let's go with that , stay friendly and compliment him .'

" Then Mr Talented , how did you get so strong ?"

A few thoughts ran through Lin Lingtian's head ,' hmm , looks like he thinks I am quite arrogant . '

Lin Lingtian pushed his chin up and held a smirk in the same way Shen Xiu does .

" That's just because I am so talented and handsome . "

Ye Feng still held a friendly smile and said ," Then you must have quite a strong cultivation technique ."

' hmmm , so the city lord in interested in my cultivation technique . '

" hahaha , Yes , I cultivate the Nine Nether Dragon Flame Heavenly Emperor Dao that I got from an ancient scroll."

" Oh ! Looks like Senior Lin Lingtian is quite blessed by the heavens ."

" hahahah of course only I am worthy of being the son of the heavens. "

' Ahh ! Seriously just saying that made me cringe . ' lin Lingtian thought

' hmm , this brat had quite the ego but it feels fake . My years of experience is telling me this brat is just pretending to be prideful . Hmm , let's use a fear tactics . '

" Hahaha Senior Lin , as your friend I must inform you of something ."

" what is it ?"

" We know you massacred the Hunters Association ."

Hearing Ye Feng say it Lin Lingtian's mind began to race , ' There is no way I perfectly hide all the evidence , how could they have found out ... ( while looking at Ye Feng ) .... is he bluffing ? '

" We have found weapons in your possession that have been confirmed by there makers as part of the stolen arsenal of the Hunters Association after the massacre occured . "

' Well , Shit . '

Seeing Lin Lingtian quiet , Ye Feng leaned closer ," Senior Lin, you don't have to worry I am your friend and I know that your are innocent as the weapons found in your possession due to the Sacred Family who was the true culprit of the massacre of the Hunters Association . "

Lin Lingtian remained quiet as thought , ' Looks like I have to get out of here , even if I prove that I am not a member of the Dark Guild , the city lord could try to extort me for my cultivation technique using black mail that they know that I destroyed the hunters Association and they could righteously say that i should be killed . '

Lin Lingtian saw that Ye Feng is in his range of attack .

Pushing against the wall , Lin Lingtian casually kicked Ye Feng's leg .

( Crack )

Hearing the sounds of cracking , Ye Feng's leg sank in .

( Thud )

Ye Feng's body hit the floor as he screamed in pain .

( Aaaahhhhhh ! )

A few men came into the cell and took Ye Feng away under Lin's gaze , ' City Lord , I don't know what your game is but I am not a pawn that you think will be a stepping stone that would give you or your family more power if you think you can extort me for my cultivation technique . '

Lin Lingtian closed his eyes and tries to gain a better understanding of the Demon Blood Seal Art .









( Creek )

Hearing the sounds of cell open , Lin Lingtian was surprised to see Xiao Ning'er standing there along with Ye Zong and Ye Shuo .

Ye Zong and Ye Shuo looked at him and then left .

Seeing him safe and sound , a smile bloomed on Xiao Ning'er's face .

Xiao Ning'er ran up to him and hugged him as Lin Lingtian could feel her tears wetting his shirt .

" Hey , Hey , I am not going to complain that a beautiful woman is crying in my arms ."

( Sniff )

( Sniff )

" What's wrong ? "

Xiao Ning'er shook her head as she put a couple of her finger in her mouth .

At his angle , Lin Lingtian saw that Xiao Ning'er had stitched a piece of an interspatial ring to the cheek of her mouth .

Taking out a pill , Xiao Ning'er said ," Quickly eat , this is a pain nullification pill and a soul nurturing pill . Take this , recover your soul force and give some far away location to the City lord about the location of the dark guild, when the city lord leaves to hunt down the Dark guild members I will cause a distraction for the guards of this place and you can escape ."

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er's face as only one thought emerged .

" Why ?"

' Why was she doing this ? Subjugating herself to such pain and even going as far as to help him escape which may result in her death.'

Xiao Ning'er calmly placed the pain Nullification pill and soul nurturing pill in his mouth and said ," What I always wanted in life was freedom ,Freedom to choose , you were the reason why I was able to achieve my goals , now that you are here accused by the sacred family , i Don't know if the Snow Wind Family would try to kill you or not but I know if I could help you get free from your prison , if I could help you someone who I care about then even if I die I would die with a smile ."

' Someone you care about , huh , looks like I found them.'

( Crunch )

Biting into the pills ,Lin Lingtian saw two tabs open Infront of him .

[ Pain Nullification : Decreases the perception of pain by 1000% ] [ Duration : 24 hours ] ( + - )

[ Soul Nurturing: 10 times increase in soul force absorption ] [ Duration: 1 hour ] ( + - )

Ignoring the tabs , Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao who was trying to takeout more pills .

" Xiao Ning'er."

" Yes ."

" Do you trust me ? "

" Yes ."

" Then would you like to be the General of the War God Lin Lingtian ? "

" What ?"

" Xiao Ning'er ....

Lin Lingtian eyes began to glow crimson as a small shard of crimson began to fly out of Lin Lingtian's brow .

The small shard of crimson was like a size of pea as it glowed with a crimson glow .

" Xiao Ning'er , I , Lin Lingtian offer you a shard of my soul as the symbol of your position as the general of the Army of the War God . Will you open your dantian for me ,and accept by soul shard as I entrust upon you being my right hand of the Army of the Underworld , Till the day of Anantasehsha , would you walk through heaven and hell with me as my right hand ."

Facing the Red Crimson Shard , Xiao Ning'er couldn't feel any soul force from the crimson shard as she found herself in a dark room with only Lin Lingtian Infront of her as symbols of a language she couldn't understand formed murals of artistic designs around them .

Looking at Lin who smile at her and said ," Do you trust me ?"

" Yes ."

" Then open your dantian ."

Slowly closing her eyes , Xiao Ning'er opened her dantian as Lin's soul shard went inside her dantian .

Xiao Ning'er felt like she was inside a blue sea as her body began to morph into that of an ethereal White dragon .

( Whissh ! )

On instinct her body began to move as she flew through the air in a path between the two oceans .

One ocean was calm as the water was crystal clear .

The other part of the ocean was continuously engulfed in a thunderstorm .

Her Body moving along a path in between the two oceans which met at a circle .

Her body began to coil around the circle as she began to imagine a tree growing out of the circle as a she began to get more and more sleepy hit her .

Her draconic head bobbed up and down as she laid , coiled around the circle .

The War God Technique created an army for the practitioner but an army always has a general to lead it .

The General Position is position that is given to the second in command by the War God . One with the position of the General can lead and command the army of the War God when the War God is not issuing the commands .

One achieves this position by absorbing a piece of the soul of the War God and begin forever loyal and connected with the War God Technique .

Lin Lingtian seeing Xiao Ning'er's selflessness to save him even if it meant dying decided that his second in command , his right hand , would be Xiao Ning'er .

The moment she accepted the shard which was a part of the soul of Lin Lingtian , her soul realm , Cultivation , being was now connected to Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian eyes widened as he didn't expect something like this to happened , his soul sea was expanding , the soul force was turning into liquid of the sea .


He was advancing in rank but why ?

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian began focus on one thing and that was Suppression of his dantian to not advance in rank .

A tab appeared Infront of him .





( Gasp )

She was back in Lin Lingtian's cell as she looked at Lin Lingtian who was smiling at her .

A voice spoke in her head .

" Congratulations , you are now the General of the War God ."

While many may not know what this position meant , Xiao Ning'er instinctively knew what this position meant .

Lin Lingtian's voice resounded in her head

" Congratulations on getting your beauty back !"

Xiao Ning'er touched her face and hands as she felt her smooth skin .

With a little focus , she said to Lin Lingtian ," Now what ?"

A shit eating grin broke out from him .

" I have a plan ." as he looked at the multiple tabs in front of him

" So listen carefully ....




Ye Zong and Ye Shuo entered the room after Xiao Ning'er had Informed them that Lin Lingtian was willing to reveal the location of dark guild members in Glory City for a deal .

" Before you say anything , I just want to say I will tell you each location of the dark guild members in conjunction with how many times Nin'er cames to visit me . So as she has visited me one time , so I will tell you the location of one member of the dark guild hidden in Glory City .When Nin'er visits a second time Tomorrow I will tell you another location . And for the record this is the only deal I will accept so take it or leave it."

Ye Zong gritted his teeth even if he was annoyed by Lin's attitude this deal would help them root out many spies from Glory City and since Lin Lingtian had admitted to being a member who was willing to cooperate then there was a chance that they could get the info about the headquarters of the dark guild from him if they cooperated .

" Deal ."

" So the first location is ....."






( ~ Creak ~ )

Looking at the backs of Ye Zong and Ye Shuo , Lin Lingtian smirked as he had revealed the location of the brothel where the Dark guild member worked at .

Looking at the multiple tabs Infront of him , Lin Lingtian smirked .

[ Soul Assembling => Soul Nurturing ]

[ Soul Nurturing : 300% times increase in soul force absorption for recovery soul force ] [ Duration : ∞] ( - )

[ Self Suppression of Cultivation Rank : The surging soul force is being supressed causing it to be impossible to ascend to a higher rank ] [ Duration : ∞] ( - )

[ War God's General Soul Form has formed inside the Soul Sea ]

[ The Winged Dragon soul Force of the War God's General Xiao Ning'er is resonanting with the Wooden Yin Lotus ]

[ Nether Dragon Soul Resonation : 1000% increase in Cultivation speed, 1000% Increased Enlightenment ]

[ Wood Yin Infusion => Nether Dragon Soul Resonation ]

[ War God's Chant is being enhanced by the Nether Dragon Soul Resonation ]

[ 100 Soul Force points absorbed per hour ] [ Duration : ∞] ( - )

Lin Lingtian closed his eyes as he began to wait for Xiao Ning'er to contact his through telepathy ( One of the perks of being a general ) if she accomplished the plan .

A grin made it's way onto his face ,' Things are going to get more and more interesting from now on .'


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )