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Everyone , vote on the following two polls :

Lin Lingtian's Law should be ; Choose one :

( You guys can also comment the abilities provided by the laws that you think would best suit them )

1) Law of Taiji : Taiji is a Chinese cosmological term for the "Supreme Ultimate" state of undifferentiated absolute and infinite potential, the oneness before duality, from which Yin and Yang originate.

2 ) Law of Wuji : Chinese wuji "limitless; infinite" is a compound of the nothingness concept of wu and ji (extremity, utmost).

3 ) Law of Nothingness : In the words of a great man , Kitaro Shishia (founder of the Kyoto School of Philosophy) who quoted , "Nothing exists that isn't connected. But connectedness doesn't exist. It shows itself through things that are connected, but connectedness itself doesn't exist. You can't point to it. So, which is more fundamental? Connected things, or connectedness? Connectedness is more fundamental."

4 ) Law of Anantasehsha


Q/A : Which law should Xiao Ning'er use ?

1 ) Law of ( Heavenly) Storm - because of her original wind lightning attribute. But her cultivating heavenly lightning can upgrade/mutate it into that.

2 ) Law of Perseverance - because of her character and her determination to go through anything to never be Lingtian's weakness and become a worthy general

3 ) Law of Power or Destruction - She would choose either of these to cover the gap between of strength as a general of War God. She would need a really good firepower boost if she doesn't want to be irrelevant and she knows it.

4 ) Law of Love - In my opinion Ning'er would be the one to go out of her way to really learn this because of her concern and care for MC and his lifestyle. She is the only one who has seen his vulnerabilities and would want to be his spiritual oasis. She is the type that goes through hell if she can help her loved one.

5 ) Yin and Yang : Because this is the only law that I think would allow Xiao Ning'er to stand out in terms of power .