Chapter no.51 World of Madness

[ POV Change ]

In the devastated ruins of the once mighty Draconic Caves , two figures could be seen walking towards the a random direction .

" Lin , are you ok ? "

" Yep , perfectly fine ."

" Hmm "

Lin Lingtian flexed his biscep and said ," Don't worry beautiful , I am as fit as a fiddle ."

" What's a fiddle ? " Xiao Ning'er asked as she tilted her head to the side in confusion .

" Never mind 😅 " Lin Lingtian awkwardly laughed as he held a purple spherical gem in his hands .

This gem was found in Ling Ming's corpse and with the help of the appraisal skill he knew exactly what it was .

A bluish glow emitted out of the purple gem as they followed the intensity of the glow leading them both towards the place where the Dragon Pearl was kept .

" Lin ."

" Yeah ."

" I just realized , where are the Fanged Panda and Demon Horned Sheep ? "

In response to Xiao Ning'er's question , Lin Lingtian stopped and then looked back . Observing that all the other demon beasts in his army were busy carving out the bones , scales , meat , demon spirits from the corpses of all the dragons that they had killed while looking at them , Lin Lingtian realized that he had forgotten those two in the heat of war .

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian's consciousness floated inside his soul sea . Slowly floating towards the center , Lin Lingtian found the connection of the Mutated Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep to be somewhat inactive with his second core ( Temporal Vine ) as red crimson threads adorned the soul shards of the two .

Touching the trunk of the Temporal Vine , Lin Lingtian tried to communicate with them .

' M....Master .....

Danger .....


Fo... rest .....'

That was all Lin Lingtian could get from the two as the their souls stopped responding .

The soul shards of the Mutated Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep began to glow with an eriee crimson .

In Lin Lingtian's eyes , the crimson mass of threads made his skin crawl .

[ Appraisal level 9 ]

[ Item : Thread of Fate ]

[ Rank : Dharma ]

[ Description : A thread that forms a connection between two worlds that are completely opposite to one another ]

[ Disclaimer : Thread of Fate requires fuel " Souls " for activation ]

Lin Lingtian's eyes almost popped out of his socket when he read the system tab.

His mind began to race as he connected all the clues he had .

Devil Forest .

Thread of Fate .

Soul Fuel .

Other World .

From all of these clues , Lin Lingtian could only conclude that something was forming a connection with the other world in the Devil Forest .

Lin Lingtian looked at the thread of Fate as he slowly channeled a little bit of soul force out of curiousity .

The moment Lin Lingtian's soul force came into contact with the Thread of Fate , the soul force vanished .

Lin Lingtian absentmindedly stared at the threads of Fate . The moment Soul force , a type of energy came into contact with the thread , it was completely destroyed .

( ~ Sssss ~ )

Lin Lingtian's astral form took a deep breath . Infront of his own eyes , the law of energy conservation had been broken .

" So that's what the description meant , completely opposite ."

Lin Lingtian massaged his head , if someone was connecting this world with another then that meant that in the other world someone was also doing the same .

Shit .

An idea came into his mind as Lin Lingtian's eyes narrowed at the soul shards of the mutated Fanged Panda and Mutated Demonic Horned Sheep .

The crimson threads of fate were increasing in numbers as the souls of the two were getting smaller and smaller but a few parts of the souls were not covered by the crimson thread .

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath . He knew he had to do it .

" I will always remember you ."

Lin Lingtian said to the two soul shards as the entire soul sea began to shake .

Lin Lingtian raised his hand as jets of soul force of Attributeless and all Attributed rushed at the two soul shards .

The Soul Force combined to one single stream of soul force as balls of ice , earth , fire , wind , wood covered a bolt of purple lightning .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The stream of soul force entered into the soul shards as the threads of fate destroyed most of the soul force but to Lin Lingtian , the purpose of this attack had been accomplished .

[ Saint Ancestral Mountain Range - Devil Forest ]

Deep within the eriee and isolated forest , from an underground palace the blood freezing screams of the burning souls could be heard .

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Within the black lotus were the souls of the living were slowly being corrupted by the power of madness , two souls of the Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep smiled to one another as they begin to glow with a purple tint.

Zhu Long , the Emperor Demon Beast continued to refine the black lotus artifact when he suddenly opened his eyes .

" NO ! "

Darting towards the black lotus , Zhu Long could only look on as a wave of Heavenly Lightning channeled through the souls of the Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep destroying all the souls that were to be used as fuel.

" ... " Zhu Long was dumbfounded , what had just happened ?

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Whossh ~ )

The Souls of the Mutated Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep cracked and then disintegrated into dust.

But from within the last few moments of their existence , Lin Lingtian had gotten one of the most valuable information as he looked on through the eyes of the Demon Horned Sheep .





[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

A tear fell through my eye as I wipe it of my face .

This isn't the time to get emotional , he needed to remain calm and composed .

( ~ Breath in ~ )

( ~ Breath out ~ )

Lin Lingtian glanced at the two tabs Infront of him that he had captured using his appraisal skill

through the eye of the Demon Horned Sheep .

[ Appraisal level 9 ]

[ Item : Ashura Spatial Lotus ]

[ Rank : ??? ]

[ Status : Unrefined , Low Fuel ]

[ Description : An item made from eyes of an Ashura King that forms a spatial connection between a world with the world of madness ]


[ Appraisal level 9 ]

[ Name : Zhu Long ]

[ Species : Blizzard Yeti ]

[ Bloodline : Ashura Madness Bloodline ( 0.2 % ) ]

[ Cultivation rank : 3 Star Heavenly Fate Rank ]

[ Demonic Spirit rank : Emperor ]

[ Soul Form : Ice Lotus ]

[ Soul Attribute : Ice ]

[ Law : Law of ice ]


( ~ Sigh ~ )

Lin Lingtian could only sigh . He has brought some time for them . At first Lin Lingtian was planning to just destroy the fuel " Souls " that power the threads of fate and then go to the Devil Forest and kill whoever was planning to make a connection between this world and the world of madness but after seeing his appraisal tabs , Lin Lingtian could only sigh . The enemy this time was much much stronger then what he had anticipated .

Forget about killing Zhu Long , Lin Lingtian had to poison Ling Ming just to fight him on an even playing field and now he has to fight a Heavenly Fate Rank that was planing to connect this world with another that had the ability to completely destroy soul force .

Lin Lingtian pinched his brows , he needed to get stronger to atleast survive if the worst case scenario ever occurs.

Lin Lingtian opened his eyes as an extremely serious expression formed on his face .

His mind rushed through everything he knew that could help get stronger.

" Lin "

Lin Lingtian was busy in his own thoughts as he tuned out the world around him .

" Lin ."

Xiao Ning'er again called out to him .

" LIN ."

Xiao Ning'er screamed at him as she gripped his hand .

" Huh ! "

Lin Lingtian turned towards Xiao Ning'er who had a worried expression on her beautiful face .

" Lin , what's wrong ? " Xiao Ning'er asked .

" I have some bad news ."

Xiao Ning'er gripped Lin Lingtian's hands as she seriously looked at him as if her eyes wanted to tell him that no matter what , she will be beside him every step of the way .

Lin Lingtian smiled warmly as he said ," So .....


{ A.N : A moment of silence for the sacrifice of the Mutated Fanged Panda and Mutated Demon Horned Sheep }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )