Chapter no.67 The Trials of Law part 7

[ POV Change ]

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Charging through the murky yet clean water , the ammit pounced towards Lin Lingtian , who was restricted by the water as he couldn't use any of his weapons or anything .

( ~ Clap ~ )

Lin Lingtian's left arm had been bite by the ammit but thankfully the ' armour ' Lin Lingtian had made by wrapping strips of bark one or the other was helpful enough to stop the bite of the ammit from completely tearing his arm off .

Jabbing a stone knife into the eye of the beast , Lin Lingtian prepared himself as the ammit despite having a stone jabbed into it's eyes was not leaving his arm .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The beast twisted and turned in the body of water as Lin Lingtian felt the muscles of his left arm tear off .

Blood dripped into the mouth of the ammit that felt a knife pierce it's checks.

Lin Lingtian twisted the knife as a lot of water flooded the mouth of ammit .

Due to the amount of water coming into it's mouth , the ammit swam out of the water with Lin Lingtian's infront of it's reptilian snout .

But Lin Lingtian didn't let that stop him from pulling out the knife from the checks of the ammit and jab it into the remaining eye of ammit .

( ~ Gwrr ~ )

It looked like the beast was pissed and its body took a spindle shape .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

It began to twist and it's motion would have ripped Lin Lingtian's arm clean off if he hadn't anticipated this and had also started rolling with the beast .

During the rolling , Lin Lingtian's mind twisted and turned through all the plans he could think off to get out of this situation .

Concentrating on his arms , Lin Lingtian found he still had some control over it .

Pushing his hands inwards , Lin Lingtian felt the muscles on his arms scrap of as a lot of blood entered into the esophagus of the beast .

Using his fingers , Lin Lingtian was barely able grab the tonsils of the beast .

The gag reflex of the beast allowed Lin Lingtian to go free who took this opportunity to gain as much distance between the two of them .

Taking out a vine whip he carefully placed as his belt , Lin Lingtian wrapped around his bloody arm from which he could see the damn bone sticking out .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

It took a few seconds for the beast to regain its senses but the first thing it did was charge towards Lin Lingtian who was also charging at the beast .

Jumping first , Lin Lingtian used the snout of the beast as a jumping ramp to perform a somersault into the air .

Twisting midair , Lin Lingtian used the vine whip that was previously used as a caste .

The Vine Whip tore through the air , wrapping around the snout of the beast .

( ~ Thud ~ )

Lin Lingtian gritted his teeth as his back crashed into a branch .

Placing his single arm around the branch , Lin Lingtian held on for dear life as he used the branch as a foothold to twist and turn around the trunk of the tree .

The body of the ammit stood vertically from the ground as it's snout was being held by a whip that was wrapped around the trunk of the tree , completely immobilising the beast .








As night had fallen over the forest of the trial of wood , the beast known as ammit that was much larger then the one Lin Lingtian had fought was defending against the attacks of ten individuals that looked exactly like Lin Lingtian .

The original Lin Lingtian was observing the battle from afar as he looked at the inscription rune of the back of his hand .

After he had killed the ammit , he found and retrieve the broken wooden sphere . The inscription runes on the wooden shell gave Lin Lingtian access to a piece of the Law of Yin .

Yes , that's right the Law of Yin , not the Law of Wood .

Lin Lingtian could only shake his head as at least he had found something .

The Piece of Law of Yin he had , allowed his to form Illusionary clones of himself .

Seeing the tired ammit , Lin Lingtian took out a bow made of wood and an arrow made out the teeth and bones of ammit he had previously killed .

Lin Lingtian took aim and fired his shot towards the eye of the beast known as ammit .







Using his echolocation , Lin Lingtian took the most safest way that didn't have any kind of beast , towards the Goliath of the tree in the center of the world .

Across the way he had killed a few ammits and now climbing through the roots of the Goliath tree , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but gaze at it in awe .

But before Lin Lingtian could admire the Goliath tree , a presence that he had first sensed at the beginning was felt .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Behind him was the same skin crawling presence as in a demonic voice , it whispered into demonic voice .

ψ ψ̵̧̨̧̨̢̛̛̛̟̗̮̠̜̖̳͍̬̻̗̯͚̖͔͍͍̮̪̖̬̻͚̻͇͕̹̹͖̙̮̝̹̥̜̳̱͉̲̝̱̭͙̟̤̺̯̪̱̲͎̫̟̭̼͉̗̯̜̗̞͎̈́̾̈̐̽́̄͐̐̌̌͂͆̋̉́̂͌͛́̇̃̌́̎̓͂́̔̍́́͛͋̏̾͆̑̾͊̏̾̀̄͗̇̏̚͘̚̕̚͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅ ̶̨̨̧̧̢̡̛̛̜̪̩͕̠̖̫͓͚̣͖͇͓͔͉̬̱͖̼̖̞̹̗̖̼̱̑͒̽̿͒́͑̀͒̔͊͋̽̉͊̋̑̀̆̋̌̀̾̇̃̌́̋̎̄̀̔͋̓̌̒͐̀̇̌̓̆̉͑̀̀̎̆̉͒̄̿̋̄́̓͛͑͛̕͘͜͝͝͝͝͝☠̴̨̧̧̧̢̡̘̪̯̯̜͓͕̥̘̠͖̻̝̞̗̭͇̬̟͔̻̪͔̲̩̝̗̩͚̮̺̣̫̹͙̹̙͚͈̺̣͖̣̦̞͔̠̼̣̥̰̪͎̩̱̬̟͎̤̗̊̏̈́̍̈͑̉̑̍́̍̓̍̉͆̄̑̋̏̽͊̓̌̓̈̐̏̓͊͋̓̌̄͆̓̒̓̀̃͑͑̕͘͘͠͝͝ ̵̨̡̢̳̙̘͎̩̩̰̱̫̥̱͎͔̘̹͈̝͉̥̬̰͙̙̫̼̬̣͓͐̍͗́͌́̓͐̃͑̽̂̈́̆̆̈́̃͂̊̈́͆̀̇̈́̔͌̄̽͘͘͠͝⛥̴̢̧̧̡̧̨̛̙̞̗̥͔͎̞͈̥̦̼̞̜̞͈͔͈͈̻̺̙͉̭̯̩̪̹̜͉͕̝̯̦̬̲̠̝͉̙̫̟̻͕̭̝̰̜̬̭̠̗̣̙̙̖͓̟̝̼̹͍͉̘̺͕͓̝̰͈̲͋̄̐̇̓͛̈́̉̐̅̔͌͛͋̈́̍̊̒̓͐͑̈́̆̔͛̽͑̑͘̕͝ͅͅ ̷̢̢̧̯͚̱̼͔͙͉͎͕͎̤̪̣̞̬̱̖̘̖̳̤̠̼̗̙̳̙̰̟̥̠͉̫͖̳͉͓̖̟̹̹̼͕̼̖̪͍͕͚̦͔͍͔̙͎̻̯̜̺̞̮̞̘̘̦̳̰͖̼̩̣̥̯͓̯͉͙̋̈́̽̓̓̾̂̅̏̒̂̂͗̆̚͘͜͜ͅͅͅ⛧̶̨̢̧̛͙̱̳̳͓̲̜͚͔̲̙͚̯̱̬͎͉͕͎̦̤̖̙͇̜͈͔̻̖̱̫̘̯̟̫̤̮͔̠͍͙̦̺̤̺̄͆͛̉̉̏͌͛̔̀̋̾̓̎͗̈͐͊̅́̽́̂̎̌̆̀̈́̂͐̐̄̏͒̐͋́̆̽̂͗̉̈́̾̔̈́̐̉̅̐̿͌́͑̔́̎͒̕̕͘̕̕̚̕͜͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅ ̵̧̧̡̧̡̢̧̛̛̖͖͙̬̫̣̺̩͙̜̹̖̙̦͚͚̪̞̗͍͕̭̬͎̞̱̙̜̭͔̪̘̖͚̞̟̳̻̞͈͍͍̣̯͇͉̹͎̪̟̥̥̥̖̪̦̤͇̙̖̰̮͔͎͖͖̺͇̘͇̣̪͇̗͕̦͆̉̈́͒̂̀̀́͒͒̈̈́̆̓̏͛̽͊͗̎̀͊̑̈́́̂̇̕͝͝͝͠Y̵̧̧̛͕͖̱̮̝̜͕̼̝̟̳̻̬̦͈̟̗͎̰̼͕̼̯͍͉̲͕̘͙̜͖̱̯̤̙̪͇͕̖̟̱̰̿̌̇̋̾̂͑̋͊̉̽̋͆̃̔̓̌̃̇̓̅̽̑͂̈́͐̍̄̆̒̐̋̽̍̽̊̅̐̒̒͒̓̃͗́̅̇̐̋̿̀͂̋̉͂̇̏̏͛̕̚̚͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅó̵̧̡̡̡̦̼̰̳͓̬̦̪̞̦̦̰̫̗̜̦̳̟̭͖̝̱͙͚͙̻̙͙͈͔̻̺̝̐͛͑̔̀̏̾̎̾̈́͑̅̆̑̐̉̽̑̐͊̆͛̀̐͆̅̓̐̌̎͒̎͛̋̒̔̐̏̒̈̄̒̓̕̚͘̚̚͝͝͝͝͠ͅư̴̢̧̡̧̨̡̢̛͎̠͙̰͇̳͚̱̠̜̖̟̗̫̩̜̘̟͔͉̦̳̠̱̹͕͚̗͈̱̠̖͎͉͈̟̯̠̰̹̝͕̜̪̣̼͇̞̗̣͓͕̖̹̲͇͓̙͕͉̟̪̲̝͓̝͕͎̫͍̳͈͚̹͕̩̗̟͈͍̺̒̒̌͌̅͌͗̂͐͗̄̓̀͋̅͆̋̔̊͊̽̒͑̇̿̀̈́̔̆͌̏͛̔̄̍̔͐̆͊̊͋͗̊̋͆͂̋̈́̍̌́̌̀͋̀̂͗̈́͗̒̈́̎̓̇̇͂͊̀̂̈́̀̋̇̑́̄̒̅̀̑͒̾͗͐̐̔̋͐͑̀͋̚̚̚͘̚͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅ'̷̭̝͕̫̯͔̘̒ŗ̴̡̧̧̨̡̛͙̭̞̱̞̫̻̣̪̦̲̺̞̲͚͉͓̬̼̯̟͚͕̩̪̦͚̞͕͖̺͔͖͙͇̝̘̭̣̰̰̹̤̗̟̖̳̗̺̲̪͗̑͌͐̾̄̀͌̾́̎̍͂̾͒̊̍̐͂̎͌̑̾̿̈́̔̂̽̄̂̍̑̒͑̓́̓̿̓̃͐̈́̐̎̐́̀̋͒̇̚͜͠͠͝ȩ̸̡̢̨̨̛̛̛̛͉̳̬̰̲͔̘̘̥͔̱̤͈̭̱̮͕̙͕̺͙͈̗͉͉̭͈̥̣͖̗͇̱̤͙͖͕̺̖̜͇͚̪̯̳̞͉̙̘̬̫̜̣̝̳͓̳̠̱̜̳͍̻͍̝̬̘̫̫̤͎͚̼͍̲̙̍́́͋̊̈̆͒̑̏́̇̀͐̋͌͑́͋͆͆͌͂̽̆́̎̓̐͗͋̂̃̎̔͐̎̀̈́͘͘͜͝͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅ ̸̢̨̨̢̧͔͇̳̦͍̖͓͎̟̝̫̜̳̦̘̭͙͚̗̲̭͈͓̙̹̻̱̥͈̥̮̬͂̽̂̈̋͋̿̌͝ͅh̷̡̢̨̨̢̡̧̡̡̨̢̛̛̘͓͙̭̦̱͙͕̰͍͉̯̤͍͙̞͕͖̤̮̩͍̟̭̪̖͍̦̦͚̹͔̖͚̠̯͔͍̻̠̳̺̣̞̰̟̳̠̱̻̟̝̼̭̘̲̪̠͎͉̻̭̙̗͎͉̟̰͚̗͙̖̮͕̳̹̻̖͚͍͈͉͔͇͕̦̣͗̂̋͛́͒͂̈͗͛̆̓͑͗̀͒̍̐̾͗̍͑̓̌̌͆̑̂̍̽̔̌̈́́̓̒̐̇́̅̓̅̓̀̃́̉̈́̈̅͗͒͒͒̓̈́̈́͐̈̍́̑̿̇̈́͐̓̉̌͘̚̚̚̚̕̚͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅe̴̡̡̡̨̧̧̛͈̻̘͎̜͍̫̣͉̼̟͎͖̻̟͙͈̲̣̭͈̘̣̬̣͓̠͓̣̝̩̘̫̬̥̖̠͙͎͉͎̜̹̣̰̰̿̉̊͊̉͋̏̾̑̀̀̂̈́̈́̈́̍͛͊̎̓͛͗͗͑̄̍̓̿̍̽̽̄͊͑̒́͘͘̚̕͜͜͝͝͠͠ͅͅͅr̸̨̡̢̧̡̡̢̡̮̖̙̬̝̺̗̹̣̠̣͖̤̬͉̦̳͚͉̩̳̹̱̻̬̥̲̬͚̥̖̪̜̤̙͈͍̪̣̩͇̭͍̖̤̭͔̰̗͕̖͖̼̱̜̜͈̣͍͍̘͖͔̪̤͙̥͖̠͚̪͈̩͍̝̱͔͇̙̳̥͍̞̜̺͚̙̜̟̃͛̇̋͋̔̐̓́̈́̆͑̏̑̏̓͐̑͛̈́̋̎̑̔͌̓́̐̃͋̈́̌̽̂͑̅́̏̏͆͐̊̽̈́͒̑̄͛̀̋̊̍̃̐͗̓͛͐̔̅̂͒̏̓̒̽̂̔̈́̄͆̚͘͘͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͝ͅͅȩ̷̨̢̡̡̢̡̨̢̨̛͉͈͉̼̝͓͙̰̜͍̟̺̞̻̜̬͉̪̗̪͍̦͚̥̝̫͇̳͓̹͚̮̜̲̻͈̰͚̪̥̲̮͍̥̦̺̾͐̾͐̈̽̄̈́̔̓́̾́̇̀͗̀̋̒͐̋̏̊̾̿̈́̈́̆̋͒͛̓́͐͛͐̓̑̔̀̀̓͌̀̆͐̽͑̾̏͆́̑̅͆̽͗͊̒͊̏͊͒͒̓̈́͘͘̚̕͜͝͠͝͝͠͝͝ͅ ̵̢̨̨̡̨̻̬̫̘̼͕͇̘̗̳͔̖͎̯̥̖̘̞̟̬̭͉̪͙͔̯̫̼̖̺̙̯͈̤̤͍̝̟͔̥͉͎̪͖̫̳̥̹̖̗͎̆͒̄̉͜ ̸̡̡̨̛̛̛̛̩͉̩̰̤̟͖̬͈͓̻̮͔̳̞̠̯̖̣̬̥͙̪͙͈̤͇̠̳̬̱̲͇̱̳͙͉͔̙̖̳̤̣̗̲̫̠̤͚̻͔̣̰͓̠͇̐͌̇̈́̐̓̿̽̄͗̊̐̍͊̾̿̎͌̂̎̀́̀̒̿̋͋̃̀̏͛̌̾̔̍̓̓̾͂̉̈́̏̿͑͒͂͛́̎̌̈̀̒̐͐̈̈́̈́̏̃́͋́͆͋̐̈́̓͊͋̾̽̓̍̍̎̐̃̅̍̑͒̔̂̾̈́̊͊͋͊̕͘̕̚̕̚͜͝͝͠͝☠̶̡̧̨̡̢̧͚͓̟͈̘̝͕̠̱̯̤̩̫̪̬̝̖̩͓͙̥̯͎͙̤͔̠̻̳̪̜̳̲̝͇̩̺̳̫̹̪̩̣͖̲̖͓̺̜̪͎̖̲̮̙͉͇̥̲͎̗̻̗̝͇̻̤̻̲̳͙̳͆̽̀̾̿͊͒̇̔̊̐̎̉̈́̌̈́͆̄̃̈́̍̃̿̕͘͘̕̕͜͜͝͝͠ͅͅ ̸̢̛̛̟͕͍̭͎͓͓̺͇͚̳̙̟̙͙̖͇̅̎̉́̾̇̂͋̆͋̔̉̽̐͒̌̏̋̑̀̃́̈́̓͑̃̒͐̊̉͒̇̅́͊͒̐͑͑̉̈́̅̀̀͊̇̒̋̓̃̽͒̀͗̌̋̉̋̐̀̓̋̾̐͆̄́̍͌̐̋̉̀̅͌͗̐̒̇̍̃̈́̓̈́̕̕̕̕͘̕͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͠ͅͅ⛧̴̧̢̢̧̨̧̢̧͖̣̣̙̻̘͍͍̫̹͖͎̲̻͙̲̼͍̼͙̪̦̟̺̗̳̘͖̣̯̟͓̟̗̥̪̰͓͎͈͈̟̜͈͎͔͍̹̮̱͙͚͖͕̮͎̙͈̞̮̖̯̠̱̰͖͙̫̳̭̗̣̹͖͈̖̮̪͖͖̻̻͈͉̰̱͈̪̝̫̤͚̣͎͚̟̟̲͈͈̘͕́͋͊̊̽̑͊̽͐͛͛͂̍̕̕͜͜͜͝ͅ ̵̡̢̧̢̧̛̛̗͍̯̥̝͕͔̝̲̗͇̖̱̰̰̰̙͙̣͔̖̻͎̘͉̗͉̺̠͖͉̟̣̘̘̤͖͎̝͙̼͉̭̙͉̫̦̘̯͖̺̱̟̀̋͑̌́̐̒̄͌̿͐̀͌̽͑͆̑̈̈́̒̔̀̎̽̓̊̃̀̿͌͌͋́̈́͑͊̐͊̔͆̅̽͂̈́̈̎̋͌̉̾̾̍̿̓̽͊̐͊̀͂̄̀̆́̆̍͋̃̍́̈̽̿͂̿͋͂̍̄̈́̌͐̄̕͘̚̚͜͝͠͝͠͝ͅ⛥̶̢̧̡̡̨̢̧̡̪̤̰̺̩͚̤̞̲͕͕̥̙̬̹̼͕̜̝̞̱̠̖̠̜̺͇̺̦̹͙̮̙̣̫͈̱̪̤̰̥̖̝̮͖̳̜̩̬͈͕̹̿̿́̉́̄͂͐̆͋̍̍̓̆͘̚̕͜͝͝ ̸̧̡̨̨̡̧̛̛̹̩̫̖̯̗̞͚͓̬͙̼̪̝̭̮̲̜̬̝̰̜̭̮͕̺̖̬̱̪͉̙͉͔͙̹̙̮̫̯͙̗̖̬͉̹̹͍̘̥͕̮̟̖̜͙̺̝̜̞͉̘̫̭̹͙̖̦͇̹̯̰͈̘̥̯͍̭̬̯̤̍̔͌̔̂̂̅̓̽́͑̈̋̓͑͋̀͒̃̐̉̏̈̓̅͐̑̔̔̏͛̑̀̚̕̕͜͜͜͠͠ͅ⛥̷̡̨̧̧̡̨̧̡̨̨̛̗͖̱͓̯̹̳͎̘̥̫̘̻̺̯̹͕̟̬̬̭̯̼͔͓̩̟͎͎̤͈̭̭͙̰̯̦̣̞͇̰̯̞̞̩̫͈͈͍͔͕̝͇̹͓̤̦͈̰͍͔̯̫̩̘̪͈͍̹͎̦͉̘̙̰̝̼̹̙̲͉̤̘̯̙̙̭̂͒̈́͊͐͛̀́̀̐̃̎̂̔̅́̒͊̀͂̊̽̀̍̀̓͛̇͐̈́́̃͗̅͒̂̔̀̔́̎̀̐̏͐̓̐̐̎̑͆͂͋͛͐̀͐̎̓̈́̓͌̾͊̏͗͐͒̾͋͗͌́̔͊̐͌̉̀́̌̚̕͘̚̚̕̚̚͘͜͜͝͠͝ͅͅ ψ

( A.N : Text reads " You're Here " )

Lin Lingtian turned around to see a wisp floating in the air as it floated down and sank into the roots of the tree .

The entire Goliath tree began to shake .

Lin Lingtian's mind thought of the worst that this tree would be his trial this time and he began to rip out his shirt and pants leaving him behind in an ' armour ' made of strips of bark woven together .

Ripping a few holes into his shirt and pant , Lin Lingtian quickly formed the clothing into a cape ?

Releasing a high pitched whistle , Lin Lingtian using his echolocation found a similar wooden sphere lodged into the center of the Goliath tree .

The Goliath tree began to twist and contort into a giant thousands of meters long .

( A.N : imagine this )

The Giant Goliath turned to Lin Lingtian and swung his fist and in response to this Lin Lingtian calmly spread out his arms as if he wanted to catch the fist of the monster infront of him .


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