Chapter no.91 The Mysterious Old man

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - Red Coast ]

In the southeastern edge of the Divine Continent stood the red coast .

The read coast's coastline measures at 243,042 km as the entirety of the red coast is filled with iron mineral deposits so vast that if one was to extract and refine just a 1km iron deposit then they would be able to supply a small country like Glory City a healthy amount of metal for a 100 years .

( Author Note : The reason I wrote Glory City as a small country is because the wiki categories Glory City as a small country )

People usually called this place the red coast mostly because of three reasons . One was the reddish land formed from thousands of years of rust , one was because of it's inhabitants and the last one was because of a strange phenomena that occurred during the night of the full moon .

( ~ Boom ~ )

A shockwave could be felt throughout the land as a massive titan of a beast stood near the sea with it's claws embedded into something .

From above no one would be able to see anything as the creature's red shell perfectly camouflaged it .

Light shined upon the inhabitant of the red coast as Blood Iron crab's beautiful dark red or orange red shell coat could be prominently seen . The Titanic beast had squarish carapace distinguished by its five spines and long, thin walking legs with two claws of roughly equal size.

( A.N : Imagine this )

( ~ Slisssh ~ )

The entire body of the Blood Iron crab which couldn't be damaged by a peak Legend rank was bifurcated by as single hit .

As it's carcass hit the ground , the humanoid figure of Izabel was seen grabbing the demon spirit of the beast .

Izabel immediately jumped into the sea as he began floating in a single place waiting for the full moon to emerge in the sky .

No one knew why but the sea near the red coast evaporated into a blood mist during the night of the full moon .

Izabel was waiting for that Blood mist as the isolated island of the starlight tower could only be accessed to on the night of the full moon .

Lin Lingtian had told Izabel that he would know the path to the island when he stayed underwater .


[ At Night ]

As the moonlight shined upon the beautiful waters of the sea , a blood red gas began to emerge and envelope the entire sea .

A container with steampunk aesthetic floated to the surface of the sea . It was the same container Lin Lingtian had used to contain the volatile draconic tongue herb . Inscription Runes began to lit up on the surface of the container as the surrounding blood mist began to be absorbed into it . This blood mist had peeked Lin Lingtian's interest when he first saw it through the memories of the old man as to what it was and what it could be used for .

Underwater a whole new world seemed to have formed the moment the blood mist stared emerging . The entire sea was lit up by a unique light that had spread throughout the surface of the sea like an aurora .

Izabel knew which path he should take to get to the isolated starlight tower island.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Leaving behind a sonic boom in his wake , Izabel traveled at hypersonic speeds to get to the starlight tower.


Turning back time to when Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er separated with Xiao Ning'er going into the spatial portal of the Abyssal Prison Realm .

[ Abyssal Prison Realm ]

[ Xiao Ning'er's POV ]

Infront of my eyes each inscription pattern lit up one after another, unleashing beams of light that settled on the barrier. Once the final light settled onto the barrier, it emitted a mysterious shine and formed into brightly coloured light spots, like an endless nebula. And as I entered through the barrier it felt like I was falling into an endless space.

Woosh! Woosh! Woosh!

Rays of light flashed all around me and then appeared in the middle of a worn out ancient array. The middle part looked similar to a teleportation array. The surroundings are covered with stone pillars and carved with mysterious inscription patterns.

A cold rain was dripping onto the ground. Ahead of her was an endlessly dark wilderness. The distant mountains were vaguely seen. Above them was an infinite sky.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The sounds of monsters could be faintly heard from far away.

Regaining my composure I paused and began to think of a plan to get that silver thunder phoenix heart . Lin Lingtian had emphasized that I can't just go and take it mostly because he was sure that someone dangerous lied inside this place .

I had told him that he was just being paranoid but he was dead set on the fact that I should at least be cautious and not go in Guns blazing ..... whatever that means .

Suddenly I stopped as a thought filled my head ,' You had to be always right .'


[ ???? POV ]

How many years has it been that someone came into this place ?

First was that arrogant brat who dared to damage Master Kong Ming's monument .

Then a group of children came , out of these children one was something else as I couldn't see through him even with my Cultivation level .

A smile broke out on my face when I considered that he might be one of those destined to gain Emperor Kong Ming's inheritance and I was right as I looked at the brat comprehending the chant of Emperor Kong Ming .

Suddenly feeling someone else enter , I looked and saw someone powerful for this World's standards .

A young woman who was contemplating about something . Suddenly the girl stopped and looked in my direction .

No way should that be possible .

I tried to gaze into her soul and my entire being shook as I found my self standing before something else ... something dangerous .

Infront of me was a being who was sleeping but it's aura shook by very being .

Smooth Scales of Purple colour covered the majestic body of Wuji as the designs if the cosmic worlds decorated it's scales . Shining like stars of the night sky .

' Dangerous .... too dangerous '

I found myself back to where I was as I retracted all my aura .

Someone had entered into the Abyssal Prison Realm , someone that I can't afford to offend .

The mysterious old man stood up from the side of the road as his figure disappeared .

I need to hide .

I need to hide .

While the mysterious old man was normally quite bold which can be seen when he dragged a Qilin into the Ninelayered deathlands it was all because of the fact that he was above this world as a Martial Ancestor realm expert but his brief encounter with the aura of the Wuji reminded him of the fact that their is always a mountain bigger then the last .

{ A.N : For those of you who may be confused as to why the old man sensed Wuji's aura ( not Lin Lingtian's aura but the aura of the bloodline ) from Xiao Ning'er is because of the fact Lin Lingtian's soul shard resides inside Xiao Ning'er and for the behaviour of the old man , he sensed the aura of Wuji that had even shook the Sage Emperor }


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