Chapter no.100 Yang Dao Scripture

[ Fire Cloud Manor ]

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

Entering into the Fire Cloud Manor , I thought of the plan that would allow me to break into my version of the Heavenly Fate Realm but the question remained .

If I had the ability to form my own version of the Heavenly Fate Realm as the only thing I knew about the Heavenly Fate Realm was that one had to form a fate soul to absorb Heavenly Energy .

Suddenly stopping , I gazed upon the interior of the Fire Cloud Manor . It was a sea of floating shelves filled with books written and collected by the Supreme Realm Expert { Confucius Xia } .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Taking a deep breath I knew I tried to remember which book that old man chose as each book contains a subsidiary realm but then I paused as I knew I didn't have time for this .

I should try to breakthrough to the Heavenly Fate Realm .

Glancing at the books , I smiled as I remembered a Technique that I had unlocked after the Trials of Law .

Clapping by hands together I exclaimed .

" Yang Dao Scripture : Mirror Substitution "

Rings made out of the Law of Yang wrapped around my entire body .

I could feel everything as my body began to split in two using Binary Fission induced by using the Yang Dao Scripture .

( ~ Pop ~ )

( ~ Thud ~ )

Standing infront of me was ... me .

With The Yang Dao Scripture , I had formed a sentient clone of myself .

The clone and I were indistinguishable from one another as the sensory nodes in my body assists me by connecting into o a sensory web that connects all my clones to me like a hive mind .

The clone nodded his head to me as he began to clone himself more and more while I left the only two rooms in the Fire Cloud Manor " The Room of Knowledge " towards the other room " The Room of Stillness "

Last time the old man came to this place , he had discovered the Divine crystals and the device that artificially creates Spiritual flames and the knowledge on the Spiritual flames inside the subsidiary realm inside of a book inside the Room of Knowledge and after that the old man immediately left as soon as he created the Lævateinn as the knowledge held within these books was less than testing out his magnum opus , his masterpiece .


[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - The Toxic Forest ]

[ The Reverse Pagoda ]

It has been a few days since the Pill Competition had ended yet many people still stood outside of the reverse pagoda waiting for Yang Xin to come out .

Many clans and families wanted to form a connection with Yang Xin as she had left such an impact on the minds of several Alchemists that many families were willing to serve Yang Xin as their master .

The people waiting outside of the pagoda were mostly patriarchs of respectable families and clans as the current situation was causing them to become more and more excited .

Since these last few days with Yang Xin not walking out , it meant that she was currently battling with the Grandmaster Alchemists . While some people had doubts that Yang Xin was equal to an Alchemist Grandmaster even with Gu Yuan giving her his Talismans, this doubt was quickly being erased as Yang Xin showed she lived up to her hype .

[ Reverse pagoda - 2nd Last Floor ]

In this floor filled with many Spiritual herbs thought to be extinct by all , one could see many men wearing similar clothes to Gu Yuan slumped over as traces of the Law of Death could be sensed from their bodies .

Each one of these Alchemical Grandmasters had lost to Yang Xin in terms of everything from knowledge to practical experience as Yang Xin was experiencing a growth in her abilities as an Alchemist with the help of Euronymous .

At first , Yang Xin didn't want to compete with Alchemist Grandmasters but after she had checked out the jade slip that Euronymous gave her which contained the memories of the Alchemist Grandmaster Xiao Yan .

Through these memories , Yang Xin realized something . She was underrating her own abilities as with the knowledge and resources that Lin Lingtian had given her , she had long since raised her skills and knowledge to the level of an Alchemical Grandmaster .

With a new boost in confidence , Yang Xin challenged each of the 17 Alchemist Grandmasters remaining . After each win , Euronymous would knock out the individual and extract the knowledge right out of them and give it to Yang Xin . With each win , Yang Xin's skills and knowledge increased exponentially as every individual Alchemical Grandmaster specialized in one specific category of Alchemy from medicinal alchemy to poison alchemy .

Sitting on the side , Yang Xin couldn't help but smile as a few tears flowed down her face when she remembered that .... she had done it ... she had achieved her ambitious dream of becoming an Alchemist Grandmaster .

" Miss Yang Xin , Are you ok ? "

Hearing Euronymous's voice , Yang Xin wiped off her tears as she continued to walk into the first floor of the Reverse Pagoda .


( ~ Creak ~ )

The doors of the first floor opened as Yang Xin smelled the Heavenly aroma in the air .

Gazing onwards she saw a gigantic 100 ft tall skeleton of a dragon with many of its bones missing . Even as a skeleton , the aura of something beyond Legend rank exuded out of it making Yang Xin nervous .

Just below the skeleton was a giant 10ft cauldron that was continuously stirred by a hunched figure .

The figure turned and Yang Xin's heart almost skipped a beat from surprise as the figure appeared in front of her .

An extremely old woman with so many wrinkles that she could be seen by many as a woman that was half step into her coffin , she smiled creepily as the ala of her giant nose expanded as she gazed at Yang Xin while floating on an iron mortar .

" Did you come on your own will ? ..... or were you sent here ? "


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