Chapter no.102 Silver Thunder Phoenix Heart

[ POV Change ]

[ Abyssal Prison Realm - Silverwinged family ]

" Well it's nice to meet you Hongyue , my name is Xiao Ning'er . I have some business with your family . May I ask you to conduct a meeting between the Patriarch and I "

Hearing the words of the mysterious expert , Hongyue's eyes lit up .

" It would be my honour , I will immediately inform my father of this "

Hearing the respectful tone of Sikong Hongyue , Xiao Ning'er didn't react as she could see through the woman like she was an open book . This kind of act , bowing to the strong and bullying the weak was a common practice that she ultimately didn't care for as long as she gets the silver thunder phoenix heart .

Xiao Ning'er silently sighed as she looked at her dress while thinking ,' Why did I even agree to this ? '

Just then a memory of Lin Lingtian's words rang through her mind.


Those words were spoken with an unwavering confidence when she asked why she had to wear the costume and the makeup ?

Lin Lingtian had ended the telepathic call when she was about to tell him that the costume was unnecessary for a disguise as she could just steal the phoenix heart .

She tried a few more times to telepathically contact him but he didn't pick up .

' What a jerk ? The least he could do was compliment my costume ..... wait , can he even see it ? '

Xiao Ning'er gazed at the knocked out slaves and snapped her fingers as the soul force in the environment covered their bodies in a thin layer .

Turning around , Xiao Ning'er followed Sikong Hongyue .

Looking back at the ground one could see that the knocked out slaves disappeared and were replaced by a illusion formed from the bending of light as it showed Xiao Ning'er's terrifying control over the element of lightning as she had actually used the light produced by her Heavenly Lightning to create illusions of the slaves while her invisible marionette the Nether Titan Fish formed a net to capture the slaves .

Xiao Ning'er could see that all the slaves had an imprint on their bodies which would cause great pain the more distance is made between it and its caster . To others this might be a complicated inscription array but to Xiao Ning'er it was mere child's play as with flick of her finger , the blood imprint instantly shattered as Heavenly Lightning entered and eroded through the central core of the Blood imprints .

As soon as these slaves wake up , they would find that they had been free thanks to a mysterious benefactor which would later on spark a legend of the Celestial Goddess of Red .


A moment later, a magnificent palace attracted Xiao Ning'er's attention.

This palace is held up by several huge trees. The walls of the palace reached a height of dozens of meters, the towering structure gave off a heavy pressure.

Xiao Ning'er followed behind Sikong Hongyue and entered the palace. After passing through many corridors, they finally entered into one of the spacious halls.

Above the hall, a fat middle-aged man was sitting on his tall throne with his eyes half closed. He has a gloomy facial expression filled with chills. The luxurious robe gave him a little more of a noble aura. There are three beautiful girls by the side, helping him massage his legs and back. These three girls wore revealing clothing, their curvaceous bodies could be vaguely seen.

Xiao Ning'er could see the middle aged man's deep eyes with a glance. His eyes had a hint of ash grey in it. Feeling the aura emitting from the man, Xiao Ning'er couldn't help but smile a little as she thought of her younger self who would be shell shocked at the concept of meeting a Legend rank but now look at her , she had so many subordinates that made Legend ranks look like mere ants . The man should be a Legend rank expert. However, from the looks of it, he doesn't have much time left and was barely continuing his life with elixirs.

This man is the Patriarch of the Silver Winged Family, Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi's eyes opened wide as he felt the bloodline of the Silver Thunder bird inside his body instantly suppressed . Feeling the hands of death wrap around his neck , Sikong Yi's entire body froze in fear .

" Respects to Father .... " Hearing the familiar voice , Sikong Yi's body became normal as if everything that had just happened was an illusion .

Sikong Yi's eyes glanced at Sikong Hongyue but the moment his gaze landed on Xiao Ning'er , he knew why his bloodline froze in fear .

That woman was so above him in power that it was like comparing a speck of dust with a diamond .

Sikong Yi stood up under the shocked eyes of everyone of the Silverwinged family .

Sikong Yi floated down and bowed to Xiao Ning'er ," It is a blessing to my silverwinged family to be in your presence , senior sister ."

Following Sikong Yi's words , a pin drop silence enveloped the room as Sikong Hongyue , the concubines and guards everyone was left dumbfounded as their invincible and powerful patriarch was wagging his tail like a dog to someone else .

Truly this is the difference between the treatment to the strong and to the weak in the Abyssal Prison Realm .

" Patriarch Sikong , you don't have to be so polite to little old me but I do have a request that would trouble you ."

Sikong Yi smiled politely ," It is no problem at all , as long as it is within my power the silverwinged family would do everything to accomplish your task ."

" Hahaha , patriarch Sikong then I would have to be a little impolite and ask you that I had been informed that your silverwinged family is in possession of the Silver Thunder Phoenix Heart and if it's alright with you I would like to have it ."

Sikong Yi's smile froze as he heard Xiao Ning'er's request as his mind raced a thousand miles per second .

The Silver Thunder Phoenix Heart was one of hidden treasures of the Silverwinged family that was left behind by the first patriarch who had implanted the wings of the Thunder Bird into his children but had implanted the wings of the an immature Silver Thunder Phoenix that he had hatched into himself .

Any member with the blood of the patriarch can try to awaken the phoenix bloodline but till this day none have ever succeeded .

Sikong Yi's mind raced on what he should do next. If he denies the claim that they have it then it could potentially offend the senior which may spell the doom for the Silverwinged family . What should he do ? If he gave it away then the possibility of a phoenix ever emerging from the family would be gone .

Xiao Ning'er smiled as she gazed into the heart of Sikong Yi .

" Patriarch Sikong , I know my request may sound unreasonable but I am willing to pay for it . Seeing as the body of the Silverwinged family is rejecting the Silver Thunder wings , I can give you a cure for it ."

Sikong Yi frowned as while that might have been a problem in the past , it was not something they had to worry about for the time being since they had a nephew Lei Zhuo ( Nie Li ) that was bringing the medicine from the outside world .

Xiao Ning'er frowned as she read Sikong Yi's heart and wondered ,' Was this Lei Zhuo that had opened the Abyssal Prison Realm before she came here ? '

Xiao Ning'er exclaimed ," Patriarch Sikong , I would like to add that I would also eliminate that poison that is running through your body , weakening your bloodline ."

Sikong Yi's eyes widened as he heard Xiao Ning'er's words since nephew Lei Zhuo left , he was feeling this weakness all over his body and now it clicked in his mind as an immense hatred bore out of his heart for Lei Zhuo .

Sikong Yi looked at Xiao Ning'er and exclaimed ," Your request ... "


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