Chapter no.104 The Celestial Realm

[ POV Change ]

[ Abyssal Prison Realm - Silverwing Family ]

The stars were sparkling in the sky.

There were huge demon beasts occasionally flying in the sky and the lights from fires were flickering in the mountains. Those are signs that humans are fighting against demon beasts.

The Silver Winged Family has, as usual, guards patrols around. This is a ten thousand man family. This place has existed for thousands of years, and is one of the leading existences in the Abyss Prison realm.

Two figures appeared within the forest.

"It's beginning." said Nie Li, lightly smiling. Everything that he has arranged will soon give the Silver Winged Family a huge shock.

At the treetop palace, Sikong Yi was quietly enjoying wine and beauties. Since Xiao Ning'er had already cured him , Sikong Yi was currently enjoying himself waiting for the disguised Nie Li to come back.

"I wonder when that brat, Lei Zhuo, will be back." Sikong Yi said as a viscous grin formed on his face

A maiden that was massaging his leg suddenly felt a little tired and carelessly knocked over a glass. The glass fell onto the ground, breaking into fragments and wine spilled all over the floor. Immediately, she was scared as her face ashened.

She immediately knelt down and pleaded, "Lord Patriarch, I did not do it on purpose. Please, pardon me!"

"Bitch, you actually dare to ruin my mood!?" Sikong Yi's face turned dark as he slapped the maiden. The force from the slap made the maiden into a bloody mist .

Ever since Xiao Ning'er cured Sikong Yi , she had accidentally awakened the small trace of phoenix bloodline inside Sikong Yi and Sikong Hongyue increasing their power by several folds .

When Sikong Hongyue walked in and smelled the unpleasant traces of the bloody mist , she frowned for a moment, bowed her body and asked, "Father, why has your mood been bad lately?"

"Hongyue, do you think that brat would come ? " Sikong Yi said a little furiously.

"Probably ; after all, his friends are still in our hands!" Sikong Hongyue frowned for a moment and said, "Father, you don't have to worry so much. Lei Zhuo will definitely pay for tricking us ."

Sikong Yi remained silent as he remembered that the truly didn't know how powerful was Lei Zhuo but Sikong Yi's confidence in new power was overwhelming.

" Hongyue , Has the senior received the Silver Thunder Phoenix Heart ? "

Hongyue nodded in response to her father's question but frowned as she didn't get why her father despite his new power was so respectful towards that mysterious woman .

What she didn't know was for Sikong Yi , Xiao Ning'er's true power was visible and it genuinely scared him to his core that he had decided to not do anything that would even remotely anger Xiao Ning'er .

A huge explosion was heard and the entire tree palace began to tremble.

"What's going on?" Sikong Yi suddenly stood up. That horrifying explosion was like thunder. It could cause the ears to sting from the sound alone.

"What happened?" Sikong Hongyue's face also changed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions were happening everywhere within the Silver Winged Family's territory. One explosion was followed by another in an endless cycle.

Rumble! Rumble!

The treetop palace shook so much, it felt like it would soon collapse.

"Not good, let's go!" Sikong Yi's face changed and together with Sikong Hongyue, they flew out of the palace.

The terrifying explosions covered the entire sky followed by dazzling lights that caused the entire sky to light up. Even the other thirteen families, who were living far away, could see this scene.

Many members from the thirteen families were awakened from their dreams and looked at Silver Winged Family's direction while discussing with one another.

"What happened in the Silver Winged Family's territory?"

"Probably some joyous occasion and are putting on a firework display!"

"These fireworks are really frightening! They can be heard from very far away."

Some kids clapped and excitedly cried out, "What a nice view!"

In the Silver Winged Family's territory, the entire place became a total mess. There were guards running in all directions, unable to understand what was happening. Some of the guards had fire on their butts and were screaming as they ran to a pool.

Pshhh! Pshhh!

The pool was packed with guards. Heads were popping out of the surface of the pool. When they stripped their clothes off, they would see patches of black on their bodies. Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded and a surge of heat soared to the sky from the depths of the water.

Huge waves threw the guards out from the pool. Some of the guards were holding onto their black butts as they madly ran around in the grasslands, screaming.

"Who placed a damn Divine Explosion inscription pattern at the bottom of the pond?"

"My butt is going to be charred...!"

These guards were screaming as they ran around.

At this moment, when Nie Li, who is hiding in the grass, heard those words, he wouldn't help smiling. Even the emotionless Duan Jian laughed.

While all of this was happening in a far of corner of the Silverwinged family sat an expressionless Xiao Ning'er as she just glanced towards the explosions before her attention went back to the silver thunder phoenix heart in her hands .

In actuality a phoenix's heart can't be carved out since a phoenix immediately turns to ash when it dies hence why the silver thunder phoenix heart in Xiao Ning'er's hands was the soul of an immature phoenix trapped inside a shard of Yin Jade .

Xiao Ning'er tried contacting Lin Lingtian to ask where they should meet ?

But for some reason , the soul shard of Lin Lingtian inside her dantian was changing into something else .

Feeling the turbulence around the soul shard of Lin Lingtian disappear , Xiao Ning'er again tried to contact him .

{ Lin , Ah ! Finally I got through . }

{ ..... }

{ Hey , I got good news I was successful in getting the silver thunder phoenix heart . }

{ ..... }

Feeling that Lin Lingtian was abnormally quiet , Xiao Ning'er couldn't help but exclaim.

{ Lin , is something wrong ? }

And then finally , Lin Lingtian's voice was heard but it was different as his voice cared about pressure that was unlike anything she had ever felt .

{ Nothing is wrong , Beautiful 💕 ; I just wanted to hear your voice }

Xiao Ning'er lightly chuckled as she heard him .

{ Miss me , hehehe }

{ Yes }

A blush covered her face as a beautiful smile made her even more enchanting .

{ Well , it's only been a few days since you last saw me }

{ For me it has been 40 years }

Xiao Ning'er's Blush increased as she heard Lin Lingtian's words which were interpreted in a romantic sense in her mind rather than a literal sense .

{ Well ; I am going to transfer a Cultivation Technique I made for you . }

{ Hmmm, a new one ! }

{ Yes , this took me 10 years to create }

{ Wait , what ? }

Before Xiao Ning'er could even question , what Lin Lingtian meant ? A Technique so vast and profound that it sent chills down Xiao Ning'er's spine as she continued to read more and more . Her mind wouldn't stop reading as she was subconsciously using the new Cultivation Technique Lin Lingtian gave her .

" The Thunder Goddess Domain " was the name Lin Lingtian had given this Technique .

Using the soul shard inside Xiao Ning'er's dantian , Lin Lingtian felt that Xiao Ning'er was beginning to breakthrough to the " Celestial Realm " his own version of the Heavenly Fate Realm but in Lin Lingtian's mind that shouldn't be possible since the restriction around the Tiny World would stop Xiao Ning'er from breaking through .

Sensing the changes in Xiao Ning'er's soul sea as she became more and more closer to breaking through , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but exclaim .

" Well , SHIT ! "


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