Chapter no.111 The Stereo Nile and Blooming Sun Painting

[ POV Change ]

[ Abyssal Prison Realm ]

People below the Legend rank all over the entire Abyssal Prison Realm were knocked out ignorant to the fact that the space that once was the sky had been torn open and replaced by patches of dense soul force manipulated by Lin Lingtian from the Fire Cloud Manor .

Nie Li could only gaze at the sky as he stood near Ye Ziyun intending to protect them if this being ever attacked them but even with all his pride , Nie Li knew that he didn't have the ability to protect those he cared about if such a being ever chose to attack them .

Similarly the old man hiding within a cave inside the Abyssal Prison Realm was absolutely terrified since he could sense that the being that was tearing apart space wasn't even present in this realm which meant that the being was tearing apart the Abyssal Prison Realm from within the void which increased the old man's anxiety more and more .

Surprising the most closest to Xiao Ning'er's position was the heavily damaged Sikong Hongyue who had at first crawled with her hands but as she came closer and closer the pressure around her had increased so much so that she had to use her chin to crawl knowing that her only way of getting revenge was to cross this pressure and beg the senior for her help .

Suddenly the pressure around her increased so much that she could hear her bones cracking , her organs rupturing from within but her one track mind didn't give up as it fought through the pain with her crawling towards Xiao Ning'er's position with her chin .

Lin Lingtian ignored Sikong Hongyue as he tried to disguise Xiao Ning'er's breakthrough into the Celestial Realm so as to not alert the Heavens .

Lin Lingtian smirked as he gazed through the tears in space at the anticyclonic brick red storm that was covering the land all around Xiao Ning'er .

( A.N : Imagine this )

It took Lin Lingtian 20 years in order to create the pathway of the Celestial Realm and onwards .

The Celestial Realm was a true cultivators version of the Heavenly Fate Realm but unlike in the Heavenly Fate Realm in which one just creates a mere Fate Soul , in the Celestial Realm one has to create a celestial body such as a star from their soul intent . Comparing the power and benefits provided by the Heavenly Fate Realm to a Celestial Realm was more of a fool's task as the difference in power and benefits between the two was so vast that the only reason the two realms could be talked about in the same way was that the Celestial Realm was a true cultivator's version of the Heavenly Fate Realm .

Lin Lingtian immediately summoned " The Stereo Nile and Blooming Sun Painting " as Xiao Ning'er's momentum didn't decrease due to the lack of Heavenly Energy .

Lin Lingtian's smile increased as he felt the soul intent of Xiao Ning'er condense into a solar storm with solar winds generated using purified Heavenly Energy struck against the magnetosphere of Xiao Ning'er soul .

Lin Lingtian snapped his fingers causing a drop of blood essence to emerge from " The Stereo Nile and Blooming Sun Painting "

This blood essence was absorbed into Xiao Ning'er's body as she broke through to the Celestial Realm .

( ~ Roar ~ )

The Ancient Qilin bloodline inside Xiao Ning'er's body released an aura that swept across the entirety of the Abyssal Prison Realm freezing all those who were awake as the Ancient Qilin bloodline with the help of blood essence of the Stereo Nile and Blooming Sun Painting advanced to the Primordial Qilin bloodline.

Xiao Ning'er opened her eyes as she was left dumbfounded at her own power .

The difference between her power as a Spiritual Goddess and as a Celestial Realm was so vast that she could only wonder . Just how powerful was her new found strength in the Celestial Realm .

Still floating in the air , Xiao Ning'er with a mere glance could see the entirety of the Abyssal Prison Realm like the back of her hand . Looking up at the tears of space that were being repaired , Xiao Ning'er smiled knowing fully well that Lin Lingtian was there to protect her from the Heavenly Tribulation .

But that smile immediately turned into a frown as she felt his fury through the Law of love .

{ Lin , Is everything ok ? } Xiao Ning'er's concerned voice called out to Lin Lingtian telepathically .

{ I'll see you soon } With those words the telepathic communication disconnected but Xiao Ning'er through the law of love could still feel his fury . It saddened Xiao Ning'er that he wasn't sharing his problem with her but she fully trusted him to have the capability of solving his own problem .

Xiao Ning'er's body disappeared and appeared in front of Sikong Hongyue who was barely through her sheer will was still conscious .

" S... Se...nior...! "

Sikong Hongyue tried to get up but couldn't muster up the strength as Xiao Ning'er's eyes narrowed . As if she was reading an open book , Xiao Ning'er read through all of Sikong Hongyue's memories .

" My condolences ! "

Hearing those words from Xiao Ning'er's mouth , Sikong Hongyue just grabbed her ankle and with all the strength that her body could muster she exclaimed ," Pl...ease ...."

No other words needed to be said as Xiao Ning'er instantly understood that Sikong Hongyue wanted her to get revenge against Nie Li and the others.

Seeing a little bit of herself in Sikong Hongyue as they both had been victims to their circumstances as she tried to escape from the chains of that forced marriage while Sikong Hongyue was forced to get the realisation that the one individual she cared for in her life , her father was gone and she didn't have the power to enact her revenge against the one who took her father's life .

Xiao Ning'er took a deep breath as she knew that if she left Sikong Hongyue to her own devices that she would most likely find a way to get out the Abyssal Prison Realm and wreak havoc in the Tiny World . Killing Sikong Hongyue didn't appeal to Xiao Ning'er as she knew that like her , Sikong Hongyue needed someone in her life to show her a pathway that didn't lead to absolute destruction . During her breakthrough to the Celestial Realm she had absorbed the memories of her alternate self Xiao Ning which showed her the path of destruction if Lin Lingtian wasn't a part of her life . Even with the memories of Xiao Ning , Xiao Ning'er's love for Lin Lingtian had increased more and more as she now had something to compare her love to . Glancing to the side Xiao Ning'er frowned as she saw Nie Li and the others .Gazing at Nie Li , Xiao Felt absolutely nothing because she knew that what Xiao Ning felt for Nie Li was not love , it was more of a connection to someone from the same hometown and Xiao Ning in her loneliness and despair interpreted it as Love till her death but the memories of Xiao Ning were just a reminder to Xiao Ning'er of the horrible life she would have led if Lin Lingtian was not there for her .

Xiao Ning'er smiled at Sikong Hongyue and exclaimed ," I could easily get your revenge for you but don't you want to get your revenge with your own two hands ."

Sikong Hongyue clenched her teeth as she knew that her power was not enough .

A warm feeling wrapped around her body as injuries riddled all over her body began to heal as Sikong Hongyue heard Xiao Ning'er exclaim ," If it's power you want , then why don't you become my subordinate ? "


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