Chapter no.113 Spiritual Origin Fruit

[ POV Change ]

[ Abyssal Prison Realm -Teleportation array ]

Xiao Ning'er happily walked towards the teleportation array while a fully healed Sikong Hongyue walked behind her as she kept her gaze on her master .

Sikong Hongyue placed a hand on her head while feeling a migraine as she remembered that just a few hours ago her master had ripped out Dragon Ore Mines along with a few more directly from the ground by just raising a finger and that was not the most craziest thing as Xiao Ning'er had eviscerated a mountain range out of existence with a single palm attack to directly get to a Soul Vein hidden within .

Xiao Ning'er placed the Stones of Light into one of the stone pillars, one by one. The stone pillars lit up, and a surge of spatial energy was constantly twisting the surrounding space.

" Are you ready to get out of here ? "

In response to Xiao Ning'er's question , Sikong Hongyue just looked at the dark sky with a complicated look on her face. In this Abyss Prison realm, she had spent her happy childhood here, and her most bitter memories of her foe, which she still can't kill with her current strength.

" Sikong Hongyue , if you want to stay, I won't stop you from doing so. After all, this is your homeland." Xiao Ning'er said, looking at Sikong Hongyue who firmly shook her head and said, "From the moment my father died, my homeland was already gone. I only have the blood feud left. Master gave me a new life, gave me the hope for vengeance. I'm willing to follow my master !"

After speaking, Sikong Hongyue stepped into the teleportation array.

Xiao Ning'er sighed as she had sensed that the girl deep down didn't want to leave but forced herself to embark on her journey of revenge .

Walking out of the Teleportation array , Xiao Ning'er immediately sensed a feral anger radiating out of her subordinate and before Sikong Hongyue could go on a rampage , her body stopped listening to her .

" Hongyue , explain yourself ."

Sikong Hongyue immediately stopped struggling as she heard her master's voice .

" Master I ...."

Xiao Ning'er just turned to the side and saw that Lu Piao was on a date with a red headed girl . Through the Law of love , she could sense a true bond between the two .

" Hongyue , I know you want your revenge but what does killing Lu Piao accomplish in your mind ? "

Sikong Hongyue tried to think of a valid excuse but Xiao Ning'er beat her to it .

" You're thinking of inflicting the pain you felt onto Nie Li by killing his friend ."

Sikong Hongyue opened her mouth and then closed it as a sigh escaped from her.

" Yes ! "

Raising an eyebrow at Sikong Hongyue statement Xiao Ning'er exclaimed ," Sikong Hongyue , tell me who do you want to get revenge on ? "

" Nie Li ! "

" And where does Lu Piao come into your revenge plan ? "

Sikong Hongyue didn't have an answer to Xiao Ning'er's question .

" Let's just go ."

The invisible force that was moving Sikong Hongyue's body like a marionette finally ceased as she became obvious of her master's power .

" Master ! "

" Yeah ."

" Why are you scared of Nie Li ? "

Xiao Ning'er paused before bursting out laughing .

" Pfft , hahahaha ... That is a good one .Who knew , you were such a comedian."

Sikong Hongyue was left dumbfounded as she looked at her master laughing like a fool at the idea of being scared of Nie Li . Then why was she so adamant in stopping me from inflicting pain on Nie Li ?

Xiao Ning'er while sensing her subordinate's confusion said ," You became my subordinate for power right ."

Sikong Hongyue had the decency to look away while blushing as Xiao Ning'er continued ," hence why I am guiding you towards becoming truly powerful ."

" What does that mean ? "

In response , Xiao Ning'er just pointed at her heart and said with a wink ," The day you become truly powerful is the day you'll know the meaning behind what I just said ."

Sikong Hongyue gazed at her master who was clearly waiting for something as she immediately jumped in front of her master as the space around them bent into a portal .

Xiao Ning'er just tapped her shoulder and continued to walk into the portal .

" Let's go ."


[ Divine Continent - The Toxic Forest ]

Two portals appeared in the Toxic Forest or the crater that used to be the Toxic Forest .

Yu Yan floated out of these two portals with a fruit as pure as snow in her hands . She had been lucky enough to find a Spiritual Origin Fruit in the Nine-Layered Deathlands .

Yu Yan glanced at Xiao Ning'er coming out of the other portal and her eyes widened as she sensed the astronomical increase in Xiao Ning'er's power .

" Sister Yu Yan ! "

In an instant , Xiao Ning'er appeared in front of Yu Yan and hugged her . With Yu Yan reciprocating the hug .

Sikong Hongyue while looking at everything around them in wonder like a child coming to a different place than what she was used to .

" Hmmm ! "

Hearing the sound behind her , Sikong Hongyue immediately turned to find no one behind her only thin air .

" Congratulations on getting your first subordinate ."

Sikong Hongyue turned again and froze as she felt like an ant gazing upon the star filled night sky . In comparison to the vast universe , the ant meant nothing .

Blinking a few times , Sikong Hongyue's vision disappeared as she gazed at the extremely handsome man being hugged by her master .

Her master let go of the man and glared at the female beside her .

The female was Yang Xin who huffed at Xiao Ning'er's glare and boldly grabbed Lin Lingtian's other arm .

Xiao Ning'er and Yang Xin had a stare down with Lin Lingtian slipping past the two to greet Yu Yan who just exclaimed ," So you got another general ... eh ! Lin ."

" Yep ."

Lin Lingtian caught the Spiritual Origin Fruit that Yu Yan threw at him and in a single bite he ate it .

[ Spiritual Origin Fruit has been eaten . ADDED STATUS : Spiritual Origin Strands ]

[ Spiritual Origin Strands : The Body and Soul Sea is tempered by strands of Yin and Yang of fallen warriors in the battlefield . Absorption of 1,000,000 soul force per second . Increase in physical strengthening ] [ Duration : 5 seconds ] ( + - )

Even if this status ultimately amounted to nothing as he had his own fusion generators in the form of stars inside his dantian , he still thanked Yu Yan for the fruit who just smiled and pointed at Yang Xin and Xiao Ning'er who were close to fighting with another after a heated argument . Sikong Hongyue just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do .

Yu Yan and Lin Lingtian looked at each other and started laughing .

For Yu Yan and Lin Lingtian, this was their family that they dearly missed during the time they spent in the Nether Realm and Temporal Stagnation respectively .


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