Chapter no.132 The Void of Slaanesh

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - Glory City ]

The sudden spike of soul force immediately caught the attention of everyone in Glory City as no one in the Tiny World could sense the World Destroyer's power as they lacked the power of madness.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Ye Ziyun couldn't believe it as she saw her fiancee, a peak legend rank demon spiritualist being bullied.

The World Destroyer smiled as he walked through the beam of the Law of primal chaos, not even being fazed one bit.

( ~ Whoosh ~)

" No! " Ye Ziyun screamed as she saw the monster impale Nie Li through the stomach in one swift motion.

( ~ Cough ~ )

Nie Li barfed out a mouth full of blood as his gaze met that of the World Destroyer whose face was engulfed by a beam of ice.

The mist cleared showing a fine Ashura who just smiled and turned towards Ye Ziyun.

Nie Li felt his heart almost stop as the monster slashed at Ye Ziyun.

A crimson crescent wave headed in her direction.

The image of Ye Ziyun dying in his hands flashed in Nie Li's mind.

A pillar of Law erupted from Nie Li's body.

The World Destroyer turned back as a fist embedded itself into the World Destroyer's face.

Nie Li emerged in a form as he had combined all three of his demon spirits into one.

Nie Li's body turned into a streak of light as he used the soul stream technique to arrive before Ye Ziyun.

He knew very well that soul force attacks don't work on this type of energy.

Nie Li hugged Ye Ziyun as he chose to protect her with his body.

" Nie Li!" Ye Ziyun could barely say as the two were engulfed by the crimson crescent wave.

Meanwhile, in the sky, Ye Mo, Ye Zong and everyone else flew at high speeds toward the area of commotion before they stopped as the World Destroyer casually floated towards them.

Even though no one could sense the World Destroyers' power they all felt their instincts scream at them to run.

Ye Mo erupted in the Law of Snow and Wind as he launched giant shards of ice at the Ashura who smiled and in one swift motion waved his hand.

Everyone only saw crimson.


[ Ashura World: Void of Slaanesh ]

( ~ Huff ~ )

( ~ Huff ~ )

( ~ Huff ~ )

An extremely sweating Lin Lingtian squeezed the head of a Dao of Dragon Ashura and popped it like a pimple.

It has been 6 months since his fight with Slaanesh started and inside the void, the Chaos God keeps throwing Dao of Dragon level Ashura at him.

This continuous wave of battles didn't allow Lin Lingtian to try to think of a plan to get out of the Void of Slaanesh as he had realized. This void was Slaanesh's domain as long as he stayed here, beating the Chaos God is nothing more than a pipe dream.

Lin Lingtian jumped as a wolf-like Ashura tried to bite his body. Turning the Læveteinn into a nodachi, Lin Lingtian channelled the purifying power of madness into the edge of the blade.

Lin Lingtian manipulated the energy to be as thin as a strand of hair.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

In one motion, Lin Lingtian's attack bifurcated the Dao of Dragon.

In these last 6 months inside the void, Lin Lingtian's battle prowess has increased to such a terrifying degree that it was unfathomable.

Lin Lingtian never had to struggle against any of his opponents but inside the void, the longer he fought, the longer Slaanesh adapted to his style and began to overwhelm him so Lin Lingtian had no choice but to adapt as well.

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath as he knew that Slaanesh wasn't going to let him find her. These Dao of Dragon puppets will keep coming at him and this cycle of continuous fights will never end.

A thought filled Lin Lingtian's head as he twisted and sliced an arachnid Ashura.

' That could work! '

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath as his body was covered by a cocoon made of læveteinn.

He knew that he would get at most 30 seconds before hundreds of Slaanesh's Dao of Dragon puppets ripped the cocoon apart.

Channelling the Yin and Yang Dao Scripture, Lin Lingtian began to split his mind into two.

One side of his mind was the same as before but the other mind had its emotions stripped. It was created for one purpose and that was to support Lin Lingtian using the enlightenment status without any delay. His human mind couldn't fully utilize the full extent of the enlightenment status to its maximum potential but what about a mind which didn't have a human mind's limitations, could it utilize the enlightenment status to its maximum potential ?

The answer was yes.

As the piece of Lin Lingtian's mind was like a cosmic computer AI where the full effect of Lin Lingtian's insane level of enlightenment increases could be seen perfectly.

The AI / Second mind calculated the best course of action to take and relayed it to Lin Lingtian.

Outside of the cocoon, hundreds of Dao of Dragon puppets charged at the cocoon which glowed as the purifying power of madness shaped into spikes lining the sphere.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The spikes shot out and turned into thin hair width needles.

The puppets couldn't do anything as the needles tore through them like a hot knife through butter.

Lin Lingtian walked out of the cocoon with a smirk as he knew this time with the help of the AI/ his second mind he will have no trouble finding Slaanesh inside this void.


[ Divine Continent - Abyssal Prison Realm ]

( ~ Ahhh ~ )

Screams of terror broke out all around the Abyssal Prison Realm as the World Destroyer ran rampant throughout the realm.

The old man frowned as he stared at Ashura.

These creatures dared to run rampant in his territory.

Gritting his teeth, the old man appeared in front of the World Destroyer who smiled and swung his blade arm but the old man held the blade arm with two of his fingers.

Feeling his heavenly energy eroding, the old man clenched his fists and executed a technique.

" Martial Fist: Heavenly Elephant Foot. "


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