Chapter no.134 Shock to Glory City

[ POV Change ]

[ Abyssal Prison Realm ]

Nie Li and Ye Mo flew at high speeds towards the battlefield as they saw a peculiar situation .

The old man was fighting hundreds of World Destroyers and suppressing all of them as he had realized the broken ability of these creatures after a few physical altercations .

The Old man clenched his fists as he punched out . This punch didn't have any flashing moves as it was a basic punch yet space began to bend as it created a cannon of pressurised air which bore the appearance of an elephant's leg, causing devastating damage to the World Destroyer but no blood was spilled as the entire cannon of pressurised air had bound the World Destroyer in one place .

Nie Li and Ye Mo came onto this scene as the old man channeled Heavenly Energy in one hand and manipulated it to form a barrier all around the World Destroyers . Inside the barrier was a vacuum that froze the Ashuras in one place . While the Ashuras were capable of negating soul force and Heavenly Energy , they didn't have the ability to negate the pure physical force that the old man was using through his thousands of years of battles and cultivation .

The Old man looked at Nie Li and Ye Mo who both bowed in respect to the senior while Nie Li was screaming in his mind as to how a martial ancestor realm expert existed in the Tiny World .

" What do you want ? " The Old man exclaimed .

Nie Li was deep in his thoughts as Ye Mo stepped up and said while bowing .

" Esteemed senior , I , Ye Mo would like your permission for me and my people to stay in your territory as our homes had been ravaged by these monsters ."

The old man didn't even spare Ye Mo a glance who while displeased didn't have the ability to say anything to the mysterious beggar .

Nie Li gritted his teeth as his mind raced . He needed this expert's help to protect everyone .

Taking out a parchment paper , Nie Li used an ancient technique to write down Emperor Kong Ming's intent on it .

Nie Li handed the paper to the old man who was surprised and extremely pleased with the intent and said ," Pleased to meet you , fellow disciple ."

Nie Li raised an eyebrow at that and then he thought that since they both were taught by Emperor Kong Ming , they could be considered fellow disciples.

" Fellow Senior , do you know what these creatures are ? " Nie Li asked as the old man shook his head meanwhile everyone else landed behind them.

" Then do you have some way to view the outside world ? "

In response the old man snapped his fingers as space tore open and projected an image of Glory City .

Nie Li , Ye Mo and everyone else could only look in shook and horror as they say the entire Glory City was reduced to ruins with battles between people they had never seen before fighting against trillions of Ashura .

The old man snapped his fingers and more projections formed . In these projections they saw battles that left even the old man speechless .

" Bezalel " in his humanoid armour form trapped millions of World Destroyers inside metal cubes as with a command of Izabel these cubes shrank to the size of a marble as the power of the law of metal enhanced by heavenly energy of a peak Heavenly Axis Realm Expert was on full display .

Bezalel and Xander used the combined might of enhanced Law of Nether and Wood to mimic Lin Lingtian's Wood Dao Scripture : Pholeo's Forest trapping hundreds of thousands of World Destroyers in an illusion of their desires.

" The Snow Queen " Éowyn unlike the others was using hand to hand combat as her hands and legs were covered by the enhanced Law of Ice but as she one inch punched the World Destroyer in front of her , a weird phenomenon occurred as the World Destroyer's body froze . This was Éowyn's way of killing an Ashura that she had developed during her time in the Fire Cloud Manor . She used the enhanced Law of Ice to lower her fists and Arm's temperature to near absolute zero and when she hit the World Destroyers her freezing temperature would transfer to the Ashura freezing their molecules to such a degree that they were essentially dead .

" Cadmus " The Blood Alligator had killed 7 billion World Destroyers along with destroying the entire Saint Ancestral Mountain Range as he had essentially compressed dust particles in the air to such a degree that thousands of micro black holes ripped apart the Ashuras and with the control over these black holes , Cadmus had combined everything into black sphere that ripped apart the Saint Ancestral Mountain Range .

Nie Li and everyone's jaws dropped as they witnessed Cadmus's show of power as he was one of the few Dao of Dragon Realms on the battlefield .

" Look ! " Lu Piao pointed at a projection as everyone turned while still shaken to their core .

" Euronymous " The Shadow Devil had covered the entire land with the Law of darkness but something weird was happening as the power of madness and the power of soul force combined into one during the darkness domain as Euronymous had figured out his own way of making the purified power of madness and made it his own strength as

a giant spherical mass of chains towered above both Euro and the billions of World Destroyers . From this mass rained a seemingly infinite number of chains that surround and wrap around the necks of Euro and the targets , tethering them all to each other and to the mass itself. Regardless of an opponent's strength, these chains began to drain the power of everyone and used it to heal any damage inflicted upon Euronymous while they are connected to each other. Barring a premature release of this technique , Euro had studied the cycle of death and rebirth inside the Valley of the Dead as inside his domain a continuously infinite cycle of Samsara was occurring , this technique was inescapable, and any attempts to flee resulted in the escapee forcefully being dragged back to the mass of chains.

Euronymous's regeneration from this technique rivaled the broken regeneration of the Ashura as the Ashuras underwent thousands of cycles of Samsara , their minds and instincts began to numb more and more with each cycle . Their desires were being released as the darkness , the abyss was tainting their entire being in blackness of the abyss

No one could tell what was happening inside the domain but everyone felt their very being screaming at them to run from the Heavenly Axis Realm " Euronymous " .


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