Chapter no.149 Holy Maiden

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - Nether Realm ]

A wave of aura spread out throughout the nether realm causing everyone to immediately be knocked out.

But that wave of aura lasted only for a second before disappearing if not then every creature in the Nether Realm would have died.


In the Nine layer Deathlands , Yang Xin could be seen hugging a crying Xiao Ning'er who had snapped after learning that they had no way of escaping from the Tiny World.

Yang Xin was trying to calm her down while Yu Yan felt some kind of change inside her soul sea.

{ Gi..rls ! }

Yang Xin , Xiao Ning'er and Yu Yan froze as they heard Lin Lingtian's voice.

Immediately holding each others hand, Xiao Ning'er, Yu Yan and Yang Xin found themselves floating in their astral forms infront of the soul shard of Lin Lingtian.

The soul shard twisted into a ethereal projection of Lin Lingtian who said ,

{ Girls , I am fine. Currently I am in the Draconic Ruins Realm but I can't seem to find a way back to the Tiny World since the battle with the Ashura World not only shifted the axis of the world but also destroyed the entire connection between the Tiny World and the Draconic Ruins Realm. Don't bother trying to send a message to me since the Supreme Realm Seal has essentially destroyed the telepathic connection between the soul shards , I can send messages but I can't receive them due to the fact that the supreme realm seal is hiding the location of the tiny world . Ning'er , Xin , Yan I want you to stay strong , I am safe and I promise I will find a way to get back , I promise.}

Yu Yan , Yang Xin and Xiao Ning'er found them self back in the Nine Layered Death lands.

" What now ? " Yang Xin asked.

" We wait and get more powerful since the only way Lin Lingtian is going to get to the Tiny World is that either he ascends to the level comparable to that of the Supreme realm which would result in the conflict with the Sage Emperor."

In response to Yu Yan's words , Xiao Ning'er asked ," Who is the Sage Emperor ? "

" The Sage Emperor is a demon beast that had sealed the endless Time and Space, intending to refine the few hundred realms, with the Draconic Ruins Realm included.He controls the three worlds within the Draconic Ruins Realm completely and when someone emerges with the potential to go against his absolute authority, he kills them. In the hundreds of thousands of years, there have been countless numbers of people who've divinated fate and fought against time and space just to confront him."

Yu Yan's words caused Yang Xin and Xiao Ning'er's eyes to harden as they knew that conflict with the sage emperor was inevitable.

" How do you know so much about the draconic ruins realm ? " Yang Xin curiously asked.

Yu Yan closed her eyes and exclaimed ," Because I originate from the Draconic ruins realm , I used to be the Holy maiden of the Ancestral God Land or I should rather say I am the current holy maiden of the ancestral god land. I don't remember how but I somehow crossed time and space into the Tiny world of the past from the future with no memories but as my cultivation is getting stronger and stronger , those memories are coming back."

Yang Xin held her held as a migraine was forming since finding out her fellow sister's origin.

Xiao Ning'er meanwhile wasn't fazed with Yu Yan's time traveling origins as she was used to it.

" So is there a chance that there exists a Yu Yan that's not from the future in the Draconic Ruins Realm."

Yu Yan shrugged in response to Xiao Ning'er's question who turned and said ," How long do you intend to keep hiding ? "

The ground rumbled as lightning shot out with the aura of a Dao of Dragon covering the entire Nether Realm.

Appearing in front of the 3 war god generals was a Qilian that Wong Fei had trapped inside the infernal flame tower.

Xiao Ning'er's eyes narrowed as she felt the Qilian's arrogant gaze.

" Humans....."

That was all that the demon beast could say before the entire world shifted backwards.

' Is that my body ? '

The head of the Qilian thought as it say its headless corpse before darkness enveloped it.

It couldn't even precieve Xiao Ning'er attack yet it dared to act so arrogantly in front of the pissed off War God's General.


[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Divine Feather Sect ]

Lin Lingtian sat on Ying Yueru's porch as he contemplated what he should do now ?

He needed to find the Tiny World which could only be accessed if he had power rivaling a Supreme realm but there were some problems.

The Sage Emperor and the Heavens.

Neither were going to let him peacefully increase his power.

He could enter into his inner world to cultivate but that is going to mask his presence for only a short period of time.

Ying Yueru opened the door as she walked out while wearing a beautiful lavender dress.

" You look beautiful ."

Lin Lingtian casually said as if he was stating the weather.

In response Ying Yueru just smiled and said ," Are you ready ? "

" Do I really have to register as a member of the Divine Feather Sect ? "

" If you want to stay in this place without any trouble coming your way ."

Lin Lingtian grumbled as Ying Yueru just chuckled at his actions before the two of the them began to walk towards the registration area of the Divine Feather sect.


[ Draconic ruins realm - Ancestral Demonic Saint Land ]

The Six Deity Spirit realm experts bowed towards the awakened master , the sage emperor.

" I have a new mission for you. Through my calculations of a fate , something unknown has entered into my domain. The heavens are furious towards this variable , my friends I have been offered the position of the ruler of these heavens if I can kill this variable so begin your search. I want you to look into every inch of space and time . Find me this variable and bring me his head."

The Words of the Sage Emperor sent chills down the spines of the Deity Spirit Realm Experts who felt that the Sage Emperor was close to his break through into the Supreme realm.

" But before that , the Ancestral God Land.....


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