Chapter no.153 Divination technique

Enforcer Gu's voice trembled. "8-grade… Heaven Spiritual Realm, to the West District." He'd tested so many students before, but Lin Lingtian was the only "8-grade Heaven Spiritual Root" who he'd ever met.

The surrounding students were in an uproar. An 8-grade Heaven Spiritual Root! Their expressions carried shock and fear when they looked at Lin Lingtian.

This kind of talent was something others could only admire from afar!

Lin Lingtian meanwhile was deep in thought as he met up with Ying Yueru and left.

" Quite the powerful spiritual roots you have there." Ying Yueru said in a quiet tone before shocking Lin Lingtian," Was this due to being a cultivator that ascends through the unconventional path of the Dao ?"

Lin Lingtian's eyes widened for a microsecond before he figured out how Ying Yueru knew that he was a true cultivator.

The Divination technique.

Ying Yueru smiled before Lin Lingtian smacked her butt.

Flushing red , Ying Yueru huffed as she walked away alittle faster but with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile Lin Lingtian looked back at the crystal ball.

This could be useful.

Appearing beside the fast walking Ying Yueru , Lin Lingtian asked ," So where can I get a crystal ball like that ?"

Ying Yueru answered ," you can purchase them from a shop in the market ."

Ying Yueru sped up and she glanced at him and whispered ," pervert ."

Lin Lingtian made a pinching motion with his hands as Ying Yueru erupted in a blush and sped up even more.

Shaking his head , Lin Lingtian continued to walk as he passed by a sweating Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was left flabbergasted as she found herself in the outer division of the Divine Feather Sect.

What in the world just happened to me ?

Just as she grazed past Lin Lingtian who saw through her.

Interesting , so two soul shards have been sealed inside her blood.

The two soul shards should be on the level of a supreme expert but they couldn't be compared to Ba Xia.

Either the two abruptly broke through to the Supreme level but died or they broke through to the supreme realm near their deaths.

Interesting indeed.


" Does anyone have an Excellent growth rate demon spirit? I'm willing to exchange it for two spiritual stones!"

"Grade 2 Artifact for nine spiritual stones! Who's willing?"

All kinds of voices rose from here and there as Lin Lingtian and Ying Yueru entered the market place.

Lin Lingtian briefly strolled through the area. The artifacts, demon spirits, and various other items that these students were bartering were all ordinary things. A few items like the seed of the Scarlet Flower and a mysterious purple metal, among a few others, attracted his attention as took out some lesser spiritual stones to pay for them.

For the others in the Draconic Ruins Realm, Spiritual Stones were a precious treasure but to Lin Lingtian , they had no value due to the fact that he had an unimaginable amount of spiritual stones inside his inner world.

The amount of the spiritual stones that the Deity's Lakes inside the Nightmare Demon Pots inner dimensions produced was so much that to Lin Lingtian the value of the Spiritual Stones was equal to that of the dirt he was standing on.

If the disciples of the Divine Feather Sect knew of Lin Lingtian's thoughts they would try to beat him up and be more then likely the reason that there would be no Divine Feather Sect if that had happened.

Lin Lingtian looked at a collection of flowers as a pink lotus flower caught his attention.

[ Appraisal level 20 ]

[ Item : Yang Dao Lotus ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Disclaimer : Inactive ]

[ Description : A Flower formed on the edge of the valley of Yin , through extreme yin it produce Yang ]

[ Effects : Body Strengthening ]

[ Life : 1650 years ]

Lin Lingtian purchased the flower as Ying Yueru smiled and turned with her eyes closed.

Lin Lingtian sweat dropped as he saw Ying Yueru knew of an event that is going to occur to her.

Was this the passive ability of using a divination technique ?

Or was it something like what Yang Xin always told him ; Womanly Instincts?

Lin Lingtian placed the Yang Dao Lotus in Ying Yueru's hair as everyone from the surrounding market stopped to gaze at her fairy like beauty.

Ying Yueru playfully twirled and asked ," How do I look ? "

" Your asking the guy with the blindfold how you look ."

Ying Yueru pouted and punched Lin Lingtian's arm before smiling.

" Let's go , the shop will be near us ."

Lin Lingtian nodded as his fist disappeared and reappeared after a millionth of a second had passed.

" Kyaa ! What happened ? "

People immediately turned to the commotion as they saw a few naked men in the 3 to 5 star Heavenly Fate Realm with their heads sticking in the ground.

Everyone of them had been knocked out as they wanted to find trouble with Lin Lingtian for daring to walk alongside such a fairy.

Ying Yueru glanced to the side where people were trying to pull the men out of the ground and back to Lin Lingtian who just smirked.

" Ying Yueru , I wanted to ask since I am fateless; how did you find me ? "

" Well , through the Divination technique I can get many answers through the calculation of plausibility and causality. I found that my original fate of dying at the hands of the one of the general's of the Sage Emperor was changing and my fate was disappearing entirely. I just retraced my steps to the starting point from which my fate started disappearing and I found you."

" Nice ."

" Thank you ."

Ying Yueru curiously asked ," Why are you even purchasing the Heavenly Crystal Ball ? "

" Well if my assumption is correct then the Heavenly Crystal Ball will help me greatly in increasing my power."

" How so ? "

" Why don't you try to find out with your divination technique ? "

Ying Yueru huffed at Lin Lingtian's quip who just chuckled before explaining his hypothesis on how the Heavenly Crystal Ball could help in one's cultivation.

Ying Yueru was left dumbfounded by the way that the Heavenly Crystal Ball could help in one's cultivation.

Looking at Lin Lingtian's back , Ying Yueru could help but smile.

If your the one who is going at Sage Emperor then I know that the Draconic Ruins Realm can finally be free.


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