Chapter no.167 Xiao Yu's parents

[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Divine Feather Sect ]

[ Xiao Yu's Courtyard ]

In Xiao Yu's Courtyard, Huang Yu was approached by a youth.

" Ying'er, so you're here! After hearing of Xiao Yu's return, I guessed that you'd be here!"

"Yan Hao, why do you care?" Huang Ying pouted her lips in displeasure.

"Huang Ying, what's so good about Xiao Yu that you're always thinking about him?" Yan Hao said with indignation. In terms of family endowments, he was several folds better than Xiao Yu. In terms of looks…fine, he admits that his looks were slightly inferior to Xiao Yu's, but he wasn't far away either.

"I'm happy. I like to do it. Why do you care?" Huang Ying snorted as she appeared to dislike Yan Hao.

"What are you doing on private property?" Just as Yan Hao's words left his mouth, Xiao Yu's voice came from outside the room. His figure appeared and he looked very elegant in his white clothes. His cheeks were fair and a heroic aura emitted from the centre of his brows. His gaze was sharp and piercing. In an instant, he made Yan Hao seem inferior.

Although Yan Hao could be considered handsome, compared to Xiao Yu, he was far inferior. Indeed, it was impossible to compare the two. Just trying to size up could make him die from excess anger.

At the sight of Xiao Yu, Huang Ying's face turned slightly red as she looked at him with a star-filled gaze and shyly said, "Big brother Xiao Yu, you're back!"

"Yeah," Xiao Yu calmly replied to Huang Ying. He didn't seem to care that much about Huang Ying as he walked toward his house.

"After so many years, you still haven't made any progress and are still stuck in the Earth Fate Realm. How laughable," Yan Hao sneered.

Xiao Yu swept his gaze over Yan Hao and Huang Ying. "This is private property. Could you please leave?"

Yan Hao eyed Huang Ying, who stood next to him, as he said, "Ying'er, don't you get it? Even Xiao Yu doesn't welcome you here!"

Huang Ying's eyes were fixed on Xiao Yu's face, unmoving. She appeared to be infatuated with him. She loved the way Xiao Yu was, even though he was a little cold. It carried a unique charm.

Yan Hao was extremely furious. He couldn't figure out in what way he was incomparable to Xiao Yu, aside from the fact that Xiao Yu's looks were slightly better. Are all women infatuated with pretty boys?

Suddenly, two girls walked in. One wore a white dress and had a graceful figure. The other one had a tall and curvy figure.

"Big brother Xiao Yu, you're back…" When the girl in white looked at Xiao Yu, a faint pink swept across her face.

The girl with the tall figure gave Xiao Yu a flirty and coquettish glance.

The girl in white pursed her lips as she smiled. "Big brother Xiao Yu, I've got some herbs. They have strong effects that could greatly enhance one's cultivation!"

At the appearance of the two girls, Huang Ying's face turned black. These girls, why are they everywhere?!

Suddenly everyone stopped as they sensed something off.

Huang Ying pointed upwards as everyone saw a black dome-like curtain engulfing Xiao Yu's Courtyard.

" It's so troublesome." A voice that sounded like a mixture between a man and woman both young and old called out.

Everyone turned towards the voice as they saw floating sets of purple robes decorated by golden ruins.

The Body of the individual seemed to be distorting as if their mortal eyes weren't worthy of gazing upon it.

Yan Hao stepped forward to say something just the disguised Lin Lingtian just tapped his finger forward and the air pressure launched everyone back knocking them out except Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's body was frozen in fear as she exclaimed," S...Senior, may this junior ask why you are here ?"

Xiao Yu politely asked as Lin Lingtian answered," I have some words I want to say to the two experts that are hidden within your bloodline."

Xiao Yu froze as his mind was racing a thousand miles per second.


Did this senior have some kind of connection with the two entities that had always helped him?

Suddenly, she sensed two mysterious auras flowing together within her soul realm, which then rushed through her four limbs and all her meridians. These two auras had some sort of connection to the ring on her right hand.

Xiao Yu had always been aware of those two auras inside herself, protecting her. Whenever she suffered a setback or encountered difficulty in her cultivation, they would always appear to her aid.

She didn't know where they were from, but she sensed that they were related to her origins. They were a part of the reason she pursued the origins of her birth.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow as he sensed Xiao Yu's Cultivation growing.

' If you're not going to come out then I will make you come out.'

Lin Lingtian casually punched out as the air pressure shaped like a fist induced a sense of dread and death into Xiao Yu's body.

Suddenly the Void Spiritual Array glowed as an ethereal aura covered Xiao Yu's body protecting her.

The dust cleared revealing an absolutely fine Xiao Yu as ripples in time and fate began to form over her body.

Lin Lingtian sensed a powerful intent permeating the surrounding space.

A deep and hoarse voice sounded from the endless time space. " What do you want, you monster ?"

" Monster is quite the harsh word don't you think so." Lin Lingtian answered in a playful voice as he could sense that the opponent in front of him trying to calculate his fate with the Divination technique.

".... "

" So Mr expert, how are you progressing with calculating the Fate of a Fateless Entity? "

" ..... "

" So why don't you two come out, I want to talk."


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