Chapter no.169 Temporality

[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Divine Feather Sect ]

Multiple Elders stood outside Xiao Yu's mansion as they gazed upon the dome.

Venerable Redsoul, Ming Fei and a few elders were discussing amongst themselves.

" Have the Hierarch Skycloud been informed of this? "

" Yes, Elder Long Zhou ."

" Venerable Redsoul, have you any clue as to what this dome is ?"

" My apologies, Elder but I don't know."

" Enforcer Ming Fei, did your son have something that attracted some attention from the outside ?"

Elder Long Zhou exclaimed while Ming Fei just shook his head while deep down his mind was wondering.

' Did someone discover that cultivation hidden within Xiao Yu's bloodline? '

Suddenly the sky split open as the Patriarch of the Divine Feather Sect Master, Hierarch Martialsky appeared before everyone.

Sensing the 9-stage Martial Ancestor Realm expert, everyone bowed to the Divine Feather Sect Master who just nodded before his eyes narrowed at the dome that covered Xiao Yu's Mansion.

Raising his palm, Martial Sky attacked with an artefact, the sky divider. A spear that amplified one's power by a hundredfold.

Channelling his Heavenly Energy into the spar, The Divine Feather Sect Master exclaimed," Heavenly Mountain Fall ."

The surrounding Heavenly Energy warped around the spear making an illusionary mountain in front of the dome as the spear slashed apart the mountain while making its way towards the dome.

Hierarch Martialsky believed that his attack would pierce the dome and reveal the person who dared to run amok in his territory but the moment the spear touched the dome it shattered on contact showing everyone watching that the strongest in the Divine Feather Sect couldn't even leave a scratch on the dome.

Suddenly everyone clenched their sweaty palms as they realized the implications.

The being who erected this barrier was stronger than the Patriarch but what could attract the attention of such an entity to their territory?


Inside the dome, Lin Lingtian smiled as the AI informed him that his trick of changing causality worked.

Outstretching his palm, Lin Lingtian casually said," Chaos Dao Scripture: Devastation "

The surrounding Heavenly Energy began to form into a vortex and rushed towards Lin Lingtian's hand.

Lin Lingtian had done this so that the temporal Nord didn't have a way of using that annoying spatial amplification technique since it could only open space using Heavenly Energy as a medium, not the actual space itself since it was the property of the heavens and only true cultivators had the power to go against the heavens.

The Temporal Nord left with no choice had to take a stance with the 7-branched sword.

As Lin Lingtian draws two tantos as the two charges forward with sword intent coating their blades.

A ring sound tore apart the surroundings into dust as the Sword intent of the two God Like entities clashed with one another.

The 7 branched sword and the two tantos weren't even touching as the sword intent clashed mid-air.

( ~ Tick ~ Tick ~ Tock ~ )

The Temporal Nord accelerated his own time as he disappeared while skipping forward while landing a punch on Lin Lingtian's body which the Temporal Nord immediately realized was a mistake as the Lin Lingtian softly exclaimed," Snow Dao Scripture: Ice Age ."

The moment the temporal Nord's fists even grazed at Lin Lingtian through conduction a cold of Zero Kelvin transferred over and due to accelerated time, it spread fast so fast that in the moment of a heartbeat, the temporal Nord's right arm along with the 7 branched sword was frozen.

Lin Lingtian causally swung his sword as the temporal Nord could see that if it doesn't dodge then it would have to say goodbye to its right side.

( ~ Tick ~ Tick ~ Tock ~ )

Time all around them froze as the Temporal Nord escaped from there and thawed out the sword and arm by decelerating time.

Gazing at Lin Lingtian, Li Qiye and Bu Qiye couldn't help but gulp.

Even with the advantages of temporality, they couldn't see themselves winning against this monster who seems to have been a step ahead of them throughout the fight. It was as if he had someone else predict what they were going to do and relay that information mid-fight.

The Temporal Nord turned and got ready to escape as it knew that continuing this fight would only result in the death of both of them ( Li Qiye and Bu Qiye ) and that wasn't an option on the table as they had to guide their daughter until she is ready to face against the Sage Emperor.

( ~ Tick ~ Tock )

Sensing a temporality change, the temporal Nord turned and saw a fist crash into their face.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Lin Lingtian continued his momentum by throwing a few jabs before landing an overhead right and then an uppercut.

The Temporal Nord could feel the purifying power of madness entering into their soul.

Their senses told them that the time all around them was still stopped yet Lin Lingtian was moving.

It took a few seconds before they figured it out.

Lin Lingtian was using them to increase his prowess in temporality.

The Temporal Nord tried to fight back but it couldn't move as Lin Lingtian had chains of the law of infinity beginning to bind them.

Lin Lingtian landed a Haymaker on the Temporal Nord as he suddenly felt that surrounding space was beginning to warp into one point.

Immediately figuring out the Temporal Nord's strategy that they were trying to send them into another pocket dimension while thinking of escaping.

Lin Lingtian didn't do anything as the purifying power of madness coated his body which immediately nullified the temporal Nord's attack.

Lin Lingtian placed his palms on the temporal Nord's body before the land under them erupted into shadowy flames.

" Yin Dao Scripture Abyssal Chain Prison "

The Shadowy flames rose before everyone around the two was engulfed in pitch black.

Like they were flaming within the abyss, Li Qiye and Bu Qiye couldn't do anything as they found the connection between their souls disappearing.

Suddenly the abyss broke as Li Qiye and Bu Qiye found themselves in a green meadow.

Surrounding all of them were houses they recognised where they grew up.

" Mom ! Dad !"

Li Qiye and Bu Qiye froze as they heard that voice, turning they saw a light girl running towards them at high speeds.

Recognising their daughter, Li Qiye and Bu Qiye looked at each other as they heard houses open up revealing their once fallen comrades.


The higher-ups of the Divine Feather Sect gathered around the Dome with hardened eyes as they gazed at the dome.

Everyone was waiting for the expert to come out as they planned to greet the senior with respect and if all goes well they might even get to form a connection with a powerful expert.

Before anyone could react, the dome shattered revealing an absolutely fine mansion and garden which if one looked closer had traces of temporality around it but to even senses these traces was something beyond the expertise of the people of the Divine Feather Sect.


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