Chapter no.173 The Strongest

When Long Yuyin was about to enter her room, a figure suddenly appeared in her courtyard. This person was as beautiful as herself but also had the trace of an ethereal aura that made her seem like a fairy. It was Ying Yueru. She showed a meaningful smile from the corner of her mouth.

Upon seeing her, Long Yuyin immediately wiped the tears from her face and put on a cold expression. "Why have you come?"

Ying Yueru smiled with a gentle expression. "Junior Sister, it's been a long time since we've met."

Long Yuyin stared at Ying Yueru with a frosty expression. A murderous aura emanated from her, even though she understood that she wasn't Ying Yueru's match. "Demoness! You were the death of our Master! And you still have the face to come to see me? If it wasn't for Master's dying wish, I would've killed you already!"

"I've said this before. It wasn't me who killed our Master; her fate had arrived. Destiny only borrowed my hand to put it to an end." Ying Yueru's voice was ethereal as she continued, "Master had received the teachings of Ancestral Master Phaseless. Although her cultivation was only in the Heavenly Axis Realm, she held a powerful position in the Divine Feathers Sect. She was tasked with performing divinations and selecting the Divine Feather Sect's Master. Because of that identity of hers, she was fated to die!"

Long Yuyin furiously glared at Ying Yueru. "Demoness! I don't care what explanation you try with that glib tongue of yours! I'll never believe you!"

At Long Yuyin's reaction, Ying Yueru shook her head and sighed. "Yin'er, in this world, you're one of the two people who are close to me. You have a hard-headed personality and you will face heavy trials in the future. By the time you realize it, some things will have already become lost to you. And when you yearn for them again, they will be forever out of your reach. So why bother?"

Long Yuyin coldly stared at her Senior Sister. "Ying Yueru, are you trying to put a curse on me?"

"This isn't a curse, but a divination." Ying Yueru shook her head and continued, "There are too few who can truly alter destiny…" Suddenly, she thought of a specific person, and the corner of her mouth twitched upwards.

"You learned the [Heaven's Divination] technique from Master?" Long Yuyin's face changed as her voice trembled, "You'll die!"

"Everyone will die in the end!" Ying Yueru smiled as she continued, "Only after learning the [Heaven's Divination] technique did I understand Master's thoughts! Ancestral Master Phaseless once said, 'virtuous like water, for water does not compete. In the past, I couldn't understand those words; only after I learned the [Heaven's Divination] technique did I figure it out. Everything we know is but a fabrication, an illusionary blink of the ancient past. Only by shattering the illusion can we turn everything into reality. But my fate is slowly intertwining with someone else's fate so even if the heavens wanted, my death is not in its hands."

Long Yuyin once held extreme hatred for Ying Yueru. But now that she knew that Ying Yueru had learned the [Heaven's Divination] technique, the hatred within her heart lessened. Ying Yueru's life and death were in her hands; if she told anyone that Ying Yueru had learned the [Heaven's Divination] technique, Ying Yueru would die!

However, Ying Yueru had still told her. At the very least, it proved that her heart is still open.

Perhaps the death of their Master was just like Ying Yueru had said. Was there a story behind it? but what did she mean by her death is not in the hands of the heavens.

Seeing Ying Yueru standing there, Long Yuyin asked," So what do you want ?"

" I wanted to give you a divination, no, more of a warning."

Long Yuyin's guard increased as her focus was entirely on Ying Yueru's words.

" You and the Dragonseal family are plodding along a path that could only lead to destruction."

" What ?!"

" Lin Lingtian, I am sure you know him."

" Yeah ." Long Yuyin wondered what Lin Lingtian had to do with this ominous divination.

" Lin Lingtian isn't someone the Dragonseal seal family should offend, an ant can be ignored by the strong but if an ant keeps getting more and more annoying then putting it down isn't that hard."

Long Yuyin's mind raced a thousand miles per hour. Ying Yueru knew how strong the Dragonseal family was and yet she compared them to an ant.

Did Lin Lingtian have some kind of backer that the Dragonseal family should worry about?

Seeing through the thoughts of Long Yuyin, Ying Yueru said," Junior sister, Lin Lingtian doesn't have a backer that the Dragonseal family should worry about, he is the entity that the Dragonseal shouldn't offend or else the name of the Dragonseal family isn't going to exist anymore. Just because you can't sense his cultivation and that you managed to launch an attack while Lin Lingtian was sleeping, doesn't matter if Lin Lingtian wants, the Dragonseal family would be wiped out.."

Ying Yueru ended her words with a snap of her fingers.

Long Yuyin meanwhile sat down as she digested the new information.

Ying Yueru saw that her words affected her junior sister so she turned and began to stroll away.

She had calculated fate to see that her junior sister's path could only lead to the destruction of her and the Dragonseal family at the hands of some faceless entity that she immediately figured was Lin Lingtian.

Hence why she intervened as she didn't want the annihilation of all her junior sisters and the Dragonseal family.

Seeing Ying Yueru stroll away, Long Yuyin asked," How powerful is Lin Lingtian?"

Ying Yueru stopped and answered," He is currently the strongest in the Divine Feather Sect."

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