Chapter no.179 The Creator of Heavens

[ POV Change ]

[ Yin Valley - Soul Gu Chamber ]

Lin Lingtian and the patriarch of the Sun family, Sun Bolin stared at one another.

" I didn't bethink the art of true cultivation wouldst liveth one aft'r the heavens did attack."

" I didn't think any of you old fossils would live after the Heavens attacked."

Sun Bolin smirked as he heard Lin Lingtian's rude words but Sun Bolin could see that Lin Lingtian was examining his boundaries, how he reacts to rude words?

' Cunning !' Sun Bolin thought before outstretching his hand as the surrounding reality shifted revealing hundreds of billions of treasures that the Sun family had collected during the era of true cultivation.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow before figuring out that the patriarch of the Sun family was also checking out his boundaries by showing him treasures that would leave any cultivator speechless.

Lin Lingtian didn't even spare a glance at the treasures before Bolin snapped his fingers causing all the treasures to disappear.

" Thee art diff'rent from a n'rmal cultivat'r. T is a shame thee has't been b'rn in this 'ra wh're the heavens has't dominant ev'rything. If 't be true thee hadst been b'rn in mine own 'ra , i wouldst has't did love to meeteth thee on the battlefield."

Lin Lingtian nodded as even though he had just meet the guy , he felt respect for the partriarch whose aura which was overbearing but the AI managed to read it completely which gave everything about him as someone who had been born and raised in the battlefield. Craving out a bloody path to the top.

" So what now ?"

" I has't been waiting f'r someone to cometh to this lodging f'r eons. A few far between cameth but those gents w're not to mine own liking but thou art diff'rent. Thou art w'rthy."

" Worthy for what ?!"

" Thou art w'rthy to inh'rit the legacy of true cultivat'rs."

Sun Bolin exclaimed as a golden scroll appeared in his hands.

The golden scroll floated towards Lin Lingtian who caught before using appraisal on it.

[ Appraisal level 22 ]

[ Item : Scroll of Blue Bird ]

[ Rank : Unquantifiable ]

[ Creator : Sun Bolin ]

[ Description: Made from the bodies of the top experts of the Era of Saints. It contains the knowledge of the every faction of that era.]

[ Disclaimer : Hundreds of Millions of soul intents are hidden in the words carved out in the scroll ]

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow before narrowing his eyes as he looked at Sun Bolin who had suddenly gone quiet.

" Partriarch Bolin , I respect you as someone who lived through the Era of old but don't absue my respect for you with such malicious plays."

Sun Bolin smirked as he snapped his fingers causing the scrolls to engulfed in an ethereal violet flame which caused Lin Lingtian's eyes to widened since the soul intent left behind those old foxes was disintegration.

" Mine own apologies, but didst thee very much bethink i wouldst giveth thee such an imp'rtant inh'ritance without any tests."

" Fair enough."

" Thanketh thee f'r patiently holding on despite by schemes. Bef're i moveth on , i shouldst at least giveth thee this."

Sun Bolin outstretched his hand as the golden skulls on his throne began to bleed with blue blood which flowed in such a way that it looked like a dam had been opened.

A delta of blue blood formed as a giant runic array formed below Lin Lingtian whose felt his astral form begining to receive some kind of information.

" As a true cultivat'r , thee shall eventually visage off 'gainst t but f'r thee to em'rge vict'rious thee shouldst knoweth the way the heavens w're did create by Man."


Lin Lingtian in his astral form found himself floating through a void like realm before Sun Bolin voice entered his ears.

" At which hour suff'ring so profound as to maketh someone rip themself apart is confronted, a heart is frozen. " Additionally, the voice of Bolin says "droplets of ideas yond has't spill'd from this flote to et'rnity," and "summons to the oth'r w'rld. "

" What ?!"

" Mine own success'r heareth me , f'r what i am going to showeth thee is the true f'rm of heaven."

Lin Lingtian in his astral form nodded as his eyes widened when saw a giant black beating heart with eyes covering it.

From the atrial and ventricles of the heart , heavenly energy poured out.

" Is this the heavens ?!"

" Mine own success'r, this is the c're of the heavens."

Lin Lingtian blinked a few times as he couldn't believe Sun Bolin's words.

How could this be the heavens ?

The last time he encountered the heavens , his mind couldn't even comprehend it as he had to seal away those memories.

"Looks liketh thee believeth not me. Behold 'round yourself , these streams of heavenly en'rgy art coming from t."

" Mine own success'r,gaze furth'r and thee shall seeth yond this is an ocean of human feelings, deep in their souls an ingraft consciousness yond transcends individuality

its dark side is this swelling ocean

as the ego of man and their collective consciousness as a species. Born from these swells of darkness was the idea of evil , the idea of a ruler , the idea of god was born.

Man at its c're is evil , t distrusts oth'rs of t's owneth kind due to some rules man madeth up , the evil of man conceiv'd the idea of a rul'r into being , f'r man hadst did create the heavens to beest rul'r ov'r by. This reality is but a plaything f'r the heavens to painteth ov'r. Isn't t halrious mine own success'r, we did create t and anon we art und'r t ruleth. Truly only we couldst seeth the irony f'r man did create the heavens just to beest did rule und'r t."


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