Chapter no.200 Void Attribute

[ On the secret path to the main hall ]

Lin Lingtian walked along with light steps, while holding onto a puppet guard who was blood-soaked and brandishing his sword.

This secret path was filled with Blackwater Venom Spiders, all at the Heavenly Star Realm with few at Heavenly Axis Realm.

Puppet guards filled every corner of this place.

But even then, there were still more patches of Blackwater Venom Spiders that blocked his way. And the end of the path was still nowhere in sight.

Traces of green gas gathered on the Blackwater Venom Spiders and slowly converged towards Lin Lingtian's finger as he utilized the Chaos Dao Scripture to create a gem mid air.

The gem emitted a dazzling luster.

Lin Lingtian's eyes lit up at the glow from the Green Pearl.

Lin Lingtian continued using the Green Poison Pearl to absorb the venom from the Blackwater Venom Spiders.

With anticipation in his heart, Lin Lingtian brought out some of Wu Yazi's demon blood and began to lay down a set of inscription patterns on the surface of the Green Poison Pearl. He brought out a gold spiritual stone essence and poured its Heavenly Energy into the Green Pearl.

After absorbing a large amount of venom from the Blackwater Venom Spiders, the Green Poison Pearl violent surged with energy.

Lin Lingtian poured his Heavenly Energy into the inscription pattern array and established a connection with the Green Pearl. He noted that the self created treasure itself seemed to possess its own sort of spiritual nature.

With a flick of his right hand, Lin Lingtian shot the Green Pearl at a Heavenly Star Realm Blackwater Venom Spider.


The Green Pearl pierced through the spider's body. The spider itself immediately turned green, staggered a few steps, then weakly collapsed on the ground.

With a single thought, Lin Lingtian returned the Green Poison Pearl from the Blackwater Venom Spider back to his palm, where it floated calmly.

The pearl's poison was too great; but what if it was more potent.

Lin Lingtian thought as the power of madness engulfed the pearl.

Lin Lingtian suddenly felt some kind of pull from within his inner world.

A mysterious energy flowed from the Evil Warding Jade Strip and slowly permeated Lin Lingtian's entire inner world. He sensed the energy of inscription patterns envelope his inner world and protect it.

The energy from the various other treasures caused his soul realm to surge even more violently than before.


Mysterious inscription patterns flowed into Lin Lingtian's soul realm, one after another.

Mysterious inscription patterns spiraled towards Lin Lingtian's soul.

Lin Lingtian was startled. His soul had been dyed with the blood of the primodial demon beast. The Evil Warding Jade Strip had the ability to suppress demon beasts, so didn't that mean it could suppress his soul too?

Lin Lingtian chuckled as he thought at the ridiculous notion of his being being threatened by a mere inscription arrays.

Orbs of the law of Nothingness wrapped around the Inscription Array

Suddenly, the Evil Warding Jade Strip emitted a dazzling light and a torrent of inscription patterns poured towards the Jade slip and tied them back in place, as if nothing had ever happened.


After a few minutes, Lin Lingtian finally reached the exit!

Lin Lingtian began talking to himself as he did a few calculations. After the secret path would be the Void Illusionary Divine Palace's main hall! It should take at least half an hour for the other experts to break through the second barrier. After that, it'd take them at least another two hours to calculate the position of the life gate. And that was at their fastest speed.

So he had plenty of time before those bugs came to annoy him.

Lin Lingtian walked for another several hundred meters before he finally reached a set of stairs and headed up.

Lin Lingtian slowly ascended the flight of steps and entered a majestic hall.

This hall was several hundred meters in radius, and extremely spacious without a single stone pillar in sight. At the other end of the hall was a mysterious mural depicting a fierce demon beast and a shirtless human in intense combat. Behind them was a vast starry sky where a pair of eyes calmly observed everything.

Lin Lingtian stared at the painting. It wasn't the demon beast or the human that caught his attention; it was the eyes in the starry sky. An existence akin to the king of gods.

Even though it was only a mural, Lin Lingtian felt a massive pressure bearing down on him, so heavy that it nearly stopped his breathing.

Even though it was just a pair of eyes, Lin Lingtian knew that they belonged to the Sage Emperor. Even though it was just a hunch, Lin Lingtian knew that he was right.

Some people claimed that the Sage Emperor wasn't all that powerful. However, countless numbers of supreme experts had challenged him in the past tens of thousands of years; yet the Sage Emperor still stands, while those supreme experts vanished.

This so-called endless realm of space and time was completely under the Sage Emperor's control.

No one could threaten his absolute authority.


[ Sky Origin Sect ]

" What just happened ?" The Disciples and Elders asked themselves as they started at the staredown between Lin Lingtian and the Patriarch.

Lin Lingtian gazed down as he saw that the matter where that flame wall had reached was gone.

The Patriach and Lin Lingtian lunged at each other as slashes of Heavenly energy spiralled around Lin Lingtian and the Patriarch.

Lin Lingtian sensed his face ripped apart as he dodged the Patriarch's attack.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Lin Lingtian blocked and dodged the Patriarch's attacks.

' I was right. ' Lin Lingtian thought as he used a backslip thrust to count the patriarch's crescent chop.

" Run !"

One of the disciple's screamed out as the dam broke out with people flying away from the patriarch's aura slicing through their bodies like butter.

The astral and physical forms of the disciples was gone leaving behind only husks.

" Void Attribute." Lin Lingtian whispered to himself as he was confused how a human was able to get such an attribute to their aura.

Even after absorbing Slaanesh,he was barely able to gain understanding of the void but how did this guy gain the understanding of the void.


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