Chapter no.191 Sky Origin Sect and Sky Blaze Sect

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Feather Sect - Ying Yueru's house ]

( ~ Thud ~ )

Long Yuyin couldn't help but shudder as she held her right hand with a pained look in her eyes.

Gu Bei snorted as he said," Yuyin, leave or I won't hesitate in killing you. Don't think the Dragonseal family can make me hesitate."

Sensing Gu Bei's aura, Long Yuyin couldn't help but shudder as she imaged her entire body sliced in half from Gu Bei's blade.

Long Yuyin took a step back before stopping as her back hit something.

" Master !"

Gu Bei's eyes widened as he saw his master but for some reason he felt that this man was Lin Lingtian but wasn't his master.

" Lin ..." A blush covered Long Yuyin's face as she gazed upon Lin Lingtian.

She couldn't help but clench her teeth in embarrassment as she felt that Lin Lingtian had seen the weak side of her.

But before she could say anything, everything suddenly seemed to stop.

Gu Bei blinked a few times as he wondered why did his master knock out Long Yuyin ?

Don't tell me, he is going to ....

Gu Bei's line of thought was immediately interrupted by Lin Lingtian throwing Long Yuyin's body at Gu Bei knocking his back.

( ~ Ooof ~ )

Lin Lingtian rolled his eyes before entering into Ying Yueru's house.

The intricate runic array along Ying Yueru's house masked Ying Yueru's ascension as Lin Lingtian added two more shards of the myraid ancestor sword that he had tak...traded with the Heavenly Note Sect and Thousand Flower Sect.

Lin Lingtian's clone vanished as it looked at the shards of the myraid ancestor sword fragments absorbing into one another as the hilt of a blade could be see radiating with a distorted orange aura as if reality was being bleed by the sharpness of the incomplete sword.

Unlike the first two shards from the Divine Feather Sect and Heavenly Note Sect, the thousands flower sect had given him little to no trouble as he had exchanged the fragment for a wood attributed cultivation technique.


Martial Ancestor Realm experts were the pillar power of a Sect!

Facing the Demon God's Sect, as well as the two other Demonic Sects, the Six Divine Sects have always felt great pressure from them, since they were in the disadvantage compared to those three. Without the protection of Martial Ancestor Realm experts, the annihilation of their Sects was a possibility! And in every Sect, there was only three to five that could cultivate their way to Martial Ancestor Realm, at best.

But what lined the cavern walls of the hidden underworld of the Phaseless Sect were hundreds of 1 to 5 stage Martial Ancestor realms that would cause destruction throughout the entire Draconic Ruins Realm so why was such a force hidden ?

Lin Lingtian slashed through the bodies of the human face spiders of the soldier ranks.

Even if hundreds of Dao of Dragons jumped Lin Lingtian he wouldn't even blink as such a powerful force wasn't something Lin Lingtian even considered a threat.

In the center of the cavern lied a strange creature that looked like a titanic aracnid with a faceless head while the abdomen was decorated with a face that was continuously changing.

' How dare you enter into this Queen's domain !'

A wave of sound bellowed out from the vibrating sphincter of the Queen of the human face spiders that acted as a parasite for eons on humans to make a force to such a degree that she could fight against the Sage Emperor unlike the last time when she had lost her most precious item " The temporal demon spirit page " to that monster.

Lin Lingtian's eyes narrowed as he felt space and time bend all around him as portals began to open up all around him as the older human faced parasites walked out to face off against Lin Lingtian who in response just smiled.

Interesting !

Lin Lingtian's eyes flashed as he sensed his second heart shake for a second with reasonance from the temporal vibrations coming towards him.


[ Sky Origin Sect - Outer Sect ]

The Sky Origin Sect was a weird sect that selected disciples based on a seemingly arbitrary test where if you could climb a mountain then you will be accepted but all those that were accepted into the sect never came out.

When the surrounding cultivators saw Lin Lingtian casually walk up stone steps without any kind of equipment or weapon, they couldn't hp but smile as they were about to take pleasure in his misfortune.

"This kid still doesn't know that there's an ambush there."

"Even if a senior Heavenly Fate realm cultivator want to go there, they have to be well-prepared."

The people in groups of two or three whispered to each other, trying to vent their displeasure after being surpassed.

Lin Lingtian stepped over the middle point of the bluestone steps. He had long noticed that something was wrong here.

' This place is very similar to the Saint Spirit Grounds of the Divine Feather Sect but the Heavenly Energy is too potent in this place. Any normal cultivator would find it extremely difficult to even climb up the first few steps let alone a entire mountain of these steps.'

Streams of spiritual energy burst out from the soul vein of the Yin Yang Moutain of the Sky Origin Sect that rushed towards him as Lin Lingtian smiled.

This place really had a different standard from the other 5 Sects.

Let's see how much fun you can give me !


[ Sky Origin Sect - Main Hall ]

A land filled with nothing but an esoteric aura was home to the main hall of the Sky Origin Sect where the patriarch of the Sky Origin Sect gazed upon his twin brother the patraich of the Sky Blaze Sect.

Ever since the creation of the two sects, it had always been a custom of the two sects to give the patraich seat to the greatest talent of each of the sects where the previous patraich would transfer a rune that denotes the position of the sect master but it also served another function which was to stimulate an artificial feeling of brotherhood between the two sects.

Currently one of the elders stood up as he casted an illusionary hologram of the areas that were previously under attack from the Demon God Land and the current situation of the lands which had left everyone in shock as the difference between the two were like night and day.


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